Today's WOD



  • Mummyadams
    Mummyadams Posts: 1,125 Member
    This morning:

    W/U: Run #2 - 2km

    Backsquats 3 x 5 plus box jumps = weird combo - legs were jelly

    2 x rounds:
    15 thrusters (used 15kg bar due to shoulder)
    10 Pull ups
    20 Push ups
    30 sit ups
    run 250m with med ball

    it was a good one, enjoyed it
  • Keladelphia
    Keladelphia Posts: 820 Member
    bostonwolf wrote: »
    Jeez that looks rough. Enjoy!
    Thanks, I actually did really enjoy it (and probably would have more so if I wasn't sick).


    Every :30 for 4:00

    1 Hang Cluster (you pick the load)


    8:00 EMOM

    1 Hang Cluster (you pick the load)

    1 Thruster (you pick the load)


    For time:
    5 Clusters, 115/75 lbs
    50 Double Unders
    5 Clusters, 115/75 lbs
    40 Double Unders
    5 Clusters, 115/75 lbs
    30 Double Unders
    5 Clusters, 115/75 lbs
    20 Double Unders
    5 Clusters, 115/75 lbs
    10 Double Unders

  • ascrit
    ascrit Posts: 770 Member
    I think this will be fun...
    20 Min CAP
    Partner WOD-
    100 OH Squats (45/65/95)
    100 Pullups (no bands: kip>jump>ring rows)
    100 Thrusters (45/65/95)
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Hero WOD today for some crazy reason. This should be fun.

    The Seven
    7 rounds for time

    7 HSPU (I'll scale this in some way, maybe regular pushups or wall walks)
    7 Thrusters (will scale weight)\
    7 K2E
    7 Deadlifts (245/165)
    7 Burpees
    7 KB Swings (2/1.5) Might scale, but I think I'm going to start with 2 and see how it goes
    7 Pull ups (Ring Rows)

    Named after the seven CIA officers killed by a suicide bomber in Afghanistan December 30th 2009. It was portrayed in the movie Zero Dark Thirty
  • Keladelphia
    Keladelphia Posts: 820 Member
    bostonwolf wrote: »
    Hero WOD today for some crazy reason. This should be fun.

    The Seven
    7 rounds for time

    7 HSPU (I'll scale this in some way, maybe regular pushups or wall walks)
    7 Thrusters (will scale weight)\
    7 K2E
    7 Deadlifts (245/165)
    7 Burpees
    7 KB Swings (2/1.5) Might scale, but I think I'm going to start with 2 and see how it goes
    7 Pull ups (Ring Rows)

    Named after the seven CIA officers killed by a suicide bomber in Afghanistan December 30th 2009. It was portrayed in the movie Zero Dark Thirty

    I really like the look of this one! What's the weight for women on the thursters if you dont mind me asking, I might want to give this one a shot on Sunday. Have fun!
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    RX is 135/95. I'm probably going to scale to 75. Thrusters are my single biggest weakness, mainly due to lack of mobility.
  • Keladelphia
    Keladelphia Posts: 820 Member
    Find your Turkish Get-Up 1RM


    5 rounds for time:

    10 Pull-ups

    20 Push-ups

    Run 125 meters with Medicine Ball 20/14#


    50 GHD Sit-ups for time
  • Keladelphia
    Keladelphia Posts: 820 Member
    Find your Turkish Get-Up 1RM


    5 rounds for time:

    10 Pull-ups

    20 Push-ups

    Run 125 meters with Medicine Ball 20/14#


    50 GHD Sit-ups for time
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    ^Love this because it's a pretty easy WOD for me to do at the beach. I'll replace the weighted run with going up and over the dune between our house and the beach. Probably will be even harder than the med ball run :)
  • Keladelphia
    Keladelphia Posts: 820 Member
    bostonwolf wrote: »
    ^Love this because it's a pretty easy WOD for me to do at the beach. I'll replace the weighted run with going up and over the dune between our house and the beach. Probably will be even harder than the med ball run :)

    I love WODS that translate out of the gym. Jealous that you have a place at the beach to do it, hope you enjoyed it:)

    Yesterday I did this one and it was deceptively difficult but a great workout; my abs are really feeling it today.

    100 Squats
    100 Sit-ups
    100 Kettlebell Swings (16KG)

    75 Squats
    75 Sit-ups
    75 Kettlebell Swings (16KG)

    50 Jumping Squats
    50 Sit-ups
    50 Kettlebell Swings (16KG)

    25 Jumping Squats
    25 Sit-ups
    25 Kettlebell Swings (16KG)

    Up today

    Establish a 10 RM Back Squat

    20:00 AMRAP
    4 Push Jerks 155/105#
    8 Front Squats 155/105#
    12 Box Jumps 24/20″
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Beach will be end of July. I'll take some photos when I get there to give a better idea of the size.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Today's WOD....all the squats. I'll be doing this one RX. Only real issue should be cardio and I'm sure in the second round I'll have to take a pause or two during the air squats and wall balls

    Back Squat
    Build to a 5 Rep Max for the day

    "Squat City"

    3 Rounds for time:

    20 Air Squats

    15 Wall Balls (20/14)

    10 Back Squats (135/95) (bar taken from the floor)

    --immediately after 3rd round is completed--

    500m Row Buy Out

    Clock stops when row is finished.

    Scale as needed.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    ^OK....that is one of those "this doesn't look so bad" workouts that is just awful. It's quads, quads and more quads all the time. I actually had to stop twice to catch my breath on the row and still got it done in 2 minutes.

    I think my body temperature was elevated for like 2 hours after the workout. Good stuff.
  • Keladelphia
    Keladelphia Posts: 820 Member
    bostonwolf wrote: »
    ^OK....that is one of those "this doesn't look so bad" workouts that is just awful. It's quads, quads and more quads all the time. I actually had to stop twice to catch my breath on the row and still got it done in 2 minutes.

    I think my body temperature was elevated for like 2 hours after the workout. Good stuff.

    I saw this and thought "holy legs batman" I would have been like Jelly by the time the row came up.

    Bench Press
    Establish a 10 rep max


    For time:
    15 L Sit Pull Ups
    1 Handstand Push-up
    13 L Sit Pull Ups
    3 Handstand Push-ups
    11 L Sit Pull Ups
    5 Handstand Push-ups
    9 L Sit Pull Ups
    7 Handstand Push-ups
    7 L Sit Pull Ups
    9 Handstand Push-ups
    5 L Sit Pull Ups
    11 Handstand Push-ups
    3 L Sit Pull Ups
    13 Handstand Push-ups
    1 L Sit Pull Up
    15 Handstand Push-ups
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    I was jelly, believe me. Worst 2 minutes of life in a very long time. I was on the floor so long afterwards the coach referred to me as "the dead body over there." And I am NEVER the guy on the floor after a WOD. I stood up for about 30 seconds and was just like "this will get better faster if I lay down and expend no energy on anything other than breathing.

    Today is mercifully more upper body focused.

    Power Clean Cluster
    Every 2 minutes, for 7 rounds (14 minutes total).

    Perform 3 single Power Cleans, preferably within 20 to 30 seconds.
    Drop to the floor from the front rack position, reset at the bottom and fire away each time until 3 reps completed.
    These reps are not touch and go style, these are 3 individual efforts starting from the floor.

    Weight may increase as you athletes along. Stop increasing if speed or form break down.
    This is more of a stamina/form test, rather than pure strength.

    "Statue of Liberty"
    AMRAP 10
    20 Pull Ups
    20 KB Snatch (10 each arm, divided however) (1.5/1)

    Scale Pull Ups and KB as needed.

    Score = Rounds + Partial Reps.

    Scale Pull Up repetition # if needed, if you want to try Rx pull ups but 20 is going to bog you down.
  • Keladelphia
    Keladelphia Posts: 820 Member
    edited June 2015
    5:00 AMRAP

    5 Wall Balls 20/14#

    5 Power Snatches 115/75#

    5 Burpees


    10:00 AMRAP

    10 Wall Balls 20/14#

    10 Power Snatches 115/75#

    10 Burpees


    20:00 AMRAP

    20 Wall Balls 20/14#

    20 Power Snatches 115/75#

    20 Burpees

    This is going to be a long 35 minutes
  • bethlivi
    bethlivi Posts: 157 Member
    whoowee, KellyAnn. lol

    Ours today:

    10m to hang snatch double

    For time-
    800m run
    -Then 2 rds-
    30 alternating pistols
    20 hang power snatch
    10 muscle ups (2:1 CTB, pu, rr)
    100 double unders
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    I’m in a country that doesn’t have a crossfit box, and the gym is limited. I did bring my jump rope and their is a pool for laps. Looks like I’ll be bodyweight work for the next week.
  • ascrit
    ascrit Posts: 770 Member
    4 Rounds
    7 Power Snatch (45/65/95)
    25 Wall Ball (20/14)
    I got 9:55 RX

    10 min amrap:
    Unbroken Complex-every time bar is put down before complex is over = 5 burpees
    5 Deadlift (45/65/95)
    5 Pw Clean
    5 Push Press
    5 Front Squat
    Rest 2 min:
    Then-2 min ME burpee over bar
    I have a feeling that the front squats at the end of each complex are gonna suck.
  • bettytrhoades
    bettytrhoades Posts: 19 Member
    Helen is going to be our tracking/benchmark workout for our "Summer Slim Down" challenge, so that's what I did today. 3 rounds of 400m run, 21 KB swings (I did Rx2 of 26.5 lbs), and 12 ring rows (I don't have a pull-up yet). Did it in 12:28, which is a bit slower than I was hoping, but I am coming off a week of being sick with the flu. I hope to see big improvement over the course of the challenge!