My Story - 90 pounds gone

TXMary2 Posts: 25 Member
I have been doing LCHF/Keto since 3/3/14 and am down 90 pounds. My goal is 100, but I already feel amazingly better and I look better now without all the toxic carbs and sugar, at 170 with lean muscle, than I did many years ago at 140 with no lean muscle. My story is featured at the Ketovangelist blog and just today my podcast interview was published.

At the time this article posted, I was only down 83.*kitten*/

I am still striving to get to 160 and reach my goal of 100 pounds lost, but I am also embarking on a new goal to reach 20-22% body fat. I am currently about 31%. Keto-ing on to my goals!!


  • slimzandra
    slimzandra Posts: 955 Member
    Congratulations of your success! Hoot!
  • KetoGirl83
    KetoGirl83 Posts: 546 Member
    Congrats! You look amazing! And you're so right, the battle of the mind is, by far, the greatest we face.

  • mackie_purple
    mackie_purple Posts: 5 Member
    AWESOME. Thanks for sharing your weight loss story with those of us struggling to do the same. :-)
    KETOGENICGURL Posts: 687 Member
    can you share the loss over time? was it steady, more in the first 6 mo, even all the time?

    I set a one year goal, and am not focused on weighing at all..too depressing to see ups and downs when NO added calories consumed..LCHF should mean at least 60 pounds off for me..but I wonder if you did any added 'fasts' etc to keep things going?