6/17/15, Day 9

KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
Hi gang,
Hello sunshine! Looks like a good day to get in the lake, finally. I am still lazy in bed--the flexeril I'm taking for my back just knocks me out for about 12 hours. I hate losing so much of the day! My biggest excitement this week has been getting a new nightgown by mail order that is three sizes smaller than the one I've been wearing. When I pulled it out of the package yesterday, I didn't think it would fit. But even after washing and drying (it shrank--100% cotton), it DID fit. Woohooo!

Nancy, if you plan to keep in treadmilling, PLEASE get out a tape measure and measure your waist, hips, thighs, and calves! You really should have an accounting of your progress that has nothing to do with how you see yourself. I promise to do the same.

So I am up for another mini challenge--any suggestions?


  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    I might give myself a crazy challenge--10 days of following a meal plan and swimming every day.
  • ronercat
    ronercat Posts: 273 Member
    Hello all!

    Basketball last night was quite enjoyable. I played better that the week before and you had better believe I worked up to a good sweat. The post basketball shower is one of the greatest things known to man. I am up for another 10 day mini challenge. For me I would have to say log everything I eat, which'll be a challenge with the large group camping trip I have this weekend, but I figure a challenge isn't supposed to be easy. Attainable yes, but not easy.

    Karen, congrats on the new tiny nightgown! It is always a wonderful feeling to be putting things on that are newer and smaller.
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    Just a quick check in before I jump into the lake. All was well with my bariatric appointment this afternoon. The doctor said what you said, Nancy--"good job!" And she reminded me that no one is perfect, that no one expects me to "do this" perfectly (which means what, exactly?), and that I should congratulate myself for losing a hundred pounds. Everyone's journey is different.

    We did strategize a bit for the next hundred, and I know I need to limit my snacking, especially on nuts and cheese (yes, I'm a squirrel).

    Zac, I'll take you up on the logging challenge. I need to get back on that and be more accountable! I'd rather run away and go on a group camping trip, though. JEALOUS!!!

    hugs to you all,
  • catladyksa
    catladyksa Posts: 1,269 Member
    edited June 2015
    Awww shucks...just typed a whole bunch and my damn cat sat on the keyboard and wiped it out and I am in a hurry!!

    I am up for the next 10 day challenge and here are my goals:
    1. Stop eating after 6 pm
    2. Treadmill 9 out of 10 days
    3. Log in my food...and this is really going to be tough ...same as it is for you two!!

    Need to get on my treadmill now and watch GRIMM for day 10...which starts today!!

    We can do this!!
  • catladyksa
    catladyksa Posts: 1,269 Member
    Lol...so I am sitting here at work, hooking up to the MFP website and going to see if anyone has posted anything...and lo' and behold...there is an ad on MFP...now I am not sure what kind of 'ads' you guys see when you open MFP...but this one is for the IHOP in the middle east and the food that is piled high up on the plates with pancakes, waffles, eggs, meat etc, etc!! OMG.....what are they thinking!! I know...it is all about buying advertisements to cover the costs of the website...but really!! why not advertise for gym equipment, etc...not high calorie food!! LOL Just had to share!
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    Oh, Nancy, I actually wrote a letter to the MFP administrators last year when I was constantly bombarded with ads for cookies and chocolate! Yeah... thanks a lot!