Week 1: How'd it go?

MyFitLife15 Posts: 16 Member
I lost two pounds this week. I know that's not a typical loss for me - I'm more like a one pound a week person, but, hey, I'll take it! :)

I've been better about not going over my calorie goal. I still need to work on getting more protein and drinking more water.

How did this past week go for everyone else?


  • losercon
    losercon Posts: 4 Member
    I can totally understand the drinking more water. I used to only drink about 20oz a day as my only fluid intake. Now I try to get 80oz, which is not exactly where I need to be considering my activity level but its a step in the right direction.

    I've lost 2.6 lbs this week which is completely unheard of for me. I actually feel kind of guilty because I had gained some weight but never logged the weight gain in MFP. I want to start tracking my weight gains (not that I'm planning on gaining any weight but sometimes it happens when you get careless, or don't drink enough water, or blink too slow) because that keeps me honest.

    My week was pretty regular except that I had sushi for the first time ever last weekend and it wasn't completely terrible! I usually have an aversion to seafood so liking the crab rolls was a nice surprise. The SO and I are thinking of going to a Japanese buffet this weekend so I can try out some other ones and hopefully find some favorites!

    I am super excited for this challenge though. I know that its just what I need to keep myself in check as I am looking forward to the weekly weigh ins and chatting with you lovely people!
  • fastertori
    fastertori Posts: 2 Member
    I joined halfway through the week but anyways...

    My family stayed over last weekend and so I didn't track at all and overate. But surprisingly, my definition of overeating is NOT what it used to be! However, still feeling slightly ashamed coming out of the weekend I decreased my calorie goal. Clocked in a 1.6lb loss, so that's awesome!

    Eating has been good this week. Some junky stuff but I'm staying at my goal which is aweeesome. However I feel my appetite starting to ramp up, which means my period is only a couple weeks away. Avoiding cravings will be very "fun", just like it always is.
  • meoller
    meoller Posts: 1 Member
    Was traveling for work, ate out a few times (with portion control!) but all that sodium, I only saw a .2 loss (still happy it was a loss!). The next day it popped down another pound, so I'll call it a win!