


  • agawlas
    agawlas Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I just came across the challenge and I feel like it might be just what I need. I am a 33 year old single mom to three boys. I started working out last winter and have kinda plateaued since school let out. I am a teacher and before school let out I was getting up early and working out with my boyfriend before we both went to work. Schedules changed when school let out. I felt like I needed to stay home and make sure my younger two got up for summer enrichment so driving to the boyfriend's house was out.

    Turns out, the routine of getting up, getting going and then going was an important part of my working out at all. Still watching what I eat and doing strength work and walking or jogging, but not as consistently as I was a month ago.

    Goals: Establish a habit of working out at home. If I don't log exercise, ask me about it!
    Drop weight! I'm 5'2" and weigh 170 pounds. I want to aim for 140. I know that it still overweight for my height, but I figure 30 pounds and then assessing where I am is a smart way to go.
    Get Stronger! I hate feeling like a wuss. I want to be able to lope through a 5K without feeling like I am going to die, I want to be able to lift heavy weights and be helpful physically.

    I just signed up for the lose it challenge so I don't have a team yet.
  • MyFitLife15
    MyFitLife15 Posts: 16 Member
    Hello everyone! My name is Mary (snarffle on reddit) and I'm a Red Jaguar. I'm hoping to make it to my goal weight of 120 by my birthday on August 24 when I will turn 48. I'm currently at 131.6. My scale goes in .2 increments and you better believe I will count each increment as I achieve them.

    I'm a calories in/calories out believer. After tracking my eating for 42 days now I'm looking back at what I eat and trying to tweak my diet for better health. I know I don't get enough protein or fiber and I don't drink enough water. Vegetables and fruits have not made much of an appearance. I believe for me awareness is a great start. I downloaded a reminder app that goes off every hour to remind me to drink my water. I've made a consious effort to add vegetables and fruits to my diet, which is going to be much easier now that summer is nearly here. Farmer's market here I come. Yesterday I started making my breakfast a protein smoothie.

    I wish the best for everyone during this challenge. When temptation is looming remember why you are doing this.
  • MyFitLife15
    MyFitLife15 Posts: 16 Member
    Oh, I forgot to say, my diary is public and I love having MFP friends. Feel free to add me.
  • jamiewink47
    jamiewink47 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, my name is Jamie! I've just signed up for the Summer 2015 Challenge so I've not been assigned to a team just yet!

    I'm hoping to reach my goal weight of 140 pounds by my 30th birthday in September 2016. I have about 130 pounds to lose, but I have done it once before so I know I can do it again.

    About 4 years ago I decided to make a complete lifestyle change and went from about 310 lbs to 160lbs in about 2 year's time. Towards the end of that period in my weight loss, I developed an eating disorder, bulimia nervosa, and I struggle with bingeing and purging to this day, though I don't meet the criteria for bulimia nervosa anymore (yay)!

    Two years ago I moved in with my boyfriend when he was relocated two states away. Exploring the new city and its restaurants, happy hours and parties with our new friends, and not being able to purge because I was hiding the bulimia from my boyfriend caused me to start gaining weight again. I became depressed after gaining about 30-40 pounds in 6 months and that's when I stopped caring and gained almost everything I had lost back.

    I'm here to get my life back under control and I'm already down almost 25 pounds! Because of my eating disorders, I am starting out with baby steps in changing my diet, for now just staying under my calorie limit until I don't feel it's a struggle, then altering my diet to eat more whole and non-processed foods. I've tried in the past to go full keto/paleo/juicing right from the beginning and I always failed and cheated within 3 days. So my diary may look like I'm eating some not-the-best-for-you stuff, but it's a huge accomplishment for me to even make my own meals at home and count every calorie and stay under my goal, even if those calories came from a package. I do also try to make my diary as accurate at possible by scanning the barcode of the actual product I'm eating or using the calorie counts from the USDA Nutrient Database and weighing and measuring every singIe thing I eat down to the gram, including oil I use for cooking.

    I'm also in college now to become a registered dietitian, I am committed to making my life healthy! I do well when I have people holding me accountable, so please add me as a friend!

    I also have PCOS with insulin resistance, so if anyone else out there wants to chat about that and/or eating disorders, feel free to message me!
  • MyFitLife15
    MyFitLife15 Posts: 16 Member
    So my diary may look like I'm eating some not-the-best-for-you stuff, but it's a huge accomplishment for me to even make my own meals at home and count every calorie and stay under my goal, even if those calories came from a package.

    Jamie, that's exactly what I've been doing. I'm working on staying under my calorie goal and getting some exercise in. After about 6 weeks of that I'm now starting to look at making healthier food choices within my calorie goals. Small steps add up to big changes.

  • therationalpi
    therationalpi Posts: 20 Member
    Keeping a food diary of any sort changes the way you eat, even if you aren't setting any specific goals. When you think about what you eat, you eat better.
    Towards the end of that period in my weight loss, I developed an eating disorder, bulimia nervosa, and I struggle with bingeing and purging to this day, though I don't meet the criteria for bulimia nervosa anymore (yay)!

    I really appreciate you bringing this up. Eating disorders are always something to watch out for, and I know that I'm always at risk of jumping off into anorexia land.
  • korra91
    korra91 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! 24/F 5'8 SW:215 CW:184.8 GW:130. It feels really good to not be in this alone. Yep. I run or walk almost everyday and count my calories. Pizza makes me weak in the knees and not eating it is the hardest part of this challenge. I DESTROY pizza! That's pretty much it. Teal team! Good luck everyone!
  • TheNamelessOnesWife
    TheNamelessOnesWife Posts: 48 Member
    Hello everyone. Team Orange Igauna recruit here.
    30F 5'11" sw 279lbs cw 229.2lbs competition gw 219lbs ultimate gw 165lbs

    Near the beginning of last year was when I began to lose weight. Shortly after starting college, the worst year of my life, I gained almost all the extra weight I have. Then it just stayed around. I didn't know how to cook. I didn't know how to exercise when not on a school sports team. I was stressed and pretty much gave up on trying in life. If not for my best friend, now husband, I don't know where I would be right now.

    But like I said, I started losing weight last year with calorie counting. I joined MFP earlier than that, my profile is public for all to view, but last year is when I finally got the hang of it. This year I added Keto to my eating plan. You'll see I totally cheat now and then, but I really do enjoy keto. It was very hard, insanity inducing hard the first month, but then it got way easier. The only thing I don't track often is water, it is beyond annoying to always track water as I drink water all day long. Anyway, I really have a plan that is working well for me now. Losing around 1lb+ a week on average. I'm happy with that.
  • technicolorparadise
    technicolorparadise Posts: 1 Member
    Heya! Teal Tapir, checking in.
    25F/5'7"/SW: 187.5 GW: 140? No idea what I look like under 160.

    I've hovered around this weight my entire adult life (except for the year I got up to 210, and I was not happy there). I actually feel just fine at this weight. I like the way I look, I like my active job (massage therapist), I like my active hobbies like hiking and snowshoeing. I have a weakness for sweets, but otherwise do really enjoy eating healthy, whole foods.
    But I'm doing this for two reasons: to encourage my father to eat right and work out so that he'll still be around in 10-20 years. To that end, he and I are in a competition to the end of the year to see who can lose the highest weight percentage.
    And the second reason is because I need a breast reduction, but want to make sure insurance will cover it (which they're less likely to do if you're considered overweight). So, even if this bet doesn't encourage my father to be healthy, I'm still also doing this for me.

    Right now, I'm just focusing on proper meal planning. It's a HUGE problem for me and my work schedule, and I often find myself forgetting/not having time to eat until late at night, when I'm just so starving I gorge myself on whatever's around.
    So the first order of business is just to figure out how I can plan and make ahead easy, healthy meals that fit into my schedule. That way I don't get home at 10, too tired and starving to cook, and hit up the 7-Eleven behind my house instead.