I'm a "not-so-heavy" gal too...just older

tootiehas3 Posts: 9 Member
Hi all-
I'm new here and I'm in the "really would love to lose 10-15 lbs." group. I'm a petite 5'1'' and weigh anywhere between 130-135 on any given day. I'm 4 weeks shy of turning 48 and perimenopausal. My struggle is that up until about 4 years ago, I was a fit 120. Then a divorce, 2 moves, a layoff, 2 more job changes, in/out of court; a mentally ill son who has been with me FT for 2.5 years...and here I am. Things are more stable now, but I'm heading towards 50 and 15 lbs heavier than I want to be. I bought an activity tracker last week and have ALWAYS walked for exercise (since my early 20's). I've been tracking my calories (1200/day), and really trying to get those steps in. As I'm a teacher, I have to be conscious about moving. I've starting trying to get at least a 20-25 minute walk in every day (sometimes 2). School will be out next week and I have summers off, so I'll be able to be much more consistent.

Anyone else old like me ? :))


  • gkbanister
    gkbanister Posts: 28 Member
    HI, I'm 47 andMalmost thru menopause. I weigh 136 now and I'm 5'2"...never had any issue until I turned 40 and started wking at a desk job, its just not as easy as it was when i was young. I'm very active I live on a farm I run barrel horses, breed and raise dogs, and everything that goes along w/ it. Started low carb 1 mos ago. I've lost 10#, but its a struggle EVERYDAY!!!
  • tootiehas3
    tootiehas3 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi! Good to know I'm not alone! I know there are lots of women who are in that range, but wasn't sure about our age group!

    By the way, I never had to even step on a scale until about 5 years ago....that's when it changed for me....sucks getting older...:)
  • gkbanister
    gkbanister Posts: 28 Member
    Yes it does, I friend request u!
  • SpeedRacer13
    SpeedRacer13 Posts: 104 Member
    I am in the same boat...a little older, 54, but 5'2" and around 135. Never had to 'diet' until my late 40's and darn it's a culture shock. I was about 120 - 125 forever (I'm curvy) and I'm hoping to get a little closer to that weight. you are not alone.
  • Sherryfood95
    Sherryfood95 Posts: 58 Member
    I'm 50 and more active than ever. I'm a triathlete and started focusing on longer faces last year. It's so hard when we could drop the weight so fast in the past. I want that physique back and now I have to be perfect for weeks on end to get there.
  • vivmom2014
    vivmom2014 Posts: 1,650 Member
    I am 52 and swear by Leslie Sansone walking DVDs. I've recently added strength training with bands, and it feels great. I have a nephew with mental illness, so that jumped out at me from your bio.

    Getting old = ugh. Everything aches. However, as the corny old saying goes, it beats the alternative. The weight is coming off but man is it SLOW.
  • tigerblue
    tigerblue Posts: 1,526 Member
    Wow, so many of us!

    47 yo, 5'2", 133 lbs. Lost down to 112 5 years ago and maintained for a year using MFP, and then suddenly the rules changed! Now all I do is a slow gain while working my butt off and eating reasonably! And there is so little understanding from those who are either younger or male! I've got to believe it is hormones!

    Sending a friend request!
  • tootiehas3
    tootiehas3 Posts: 9 Member
    Awesome to meet all of you, ladies! Honestly, I've loved my 40's, but MAN it's hard when you're petite AND older AND within 10 or so pounds! My goal would be 120 again, but at this point in my life I want more balance. I WON'T starve myself to be 120. I WON'T run an hour a day to be 120. But would I settle for 125 IF I could live by the 90/10 rule? Absolutely! I love pasta but avoid it. I love beer/wine but try to be sensible. I LOVE to walk! I DON'T love strength training but know I must incorporate it twice a week into my routine. SO...those are the things I'm shooting for. 1200 calories seems like enough food for me as long as I eat the right things. I shoot for 10,000 steps/day, but realistically only get between 7000-8000 on work days. Like I said, next Thursday is my last day of teaching until September, so I'll be able to walk as much as I want pretty soon.

    Maybe we should start our own discussion thread??
  • tootiehas3
    tootiehas3 Posts: 9 Member
    I meant Message Board....:)
  • petracox
    petracox Posts: 7 Member
    Thank goodness there are others out there with the same struggle. I'm 42, work full time with three small girls and a husband who likes to eat a lot. I used to loose weight easily but now it takes a 6 month project plan to even shift a kilo. I've lost 6kg this year but my weight loss has frozen in the last month and I now need to give myself another push to lose the last 5kg that I hate. Keep strong everyone, I love reading all these posts!
  • earlenenjohngarland
    earlenenjohngarland Posts: 3 Member
    I'm 51 and have been going through perimenopause for 5-6 years and have struggled with an extra 10-15 lbs for 4 years. It becomes much harder to lose weight the older I get. The extra weight also makes me feel much worse the older I get. I've been on bioidentical hormone cream and its been the best for addressing hormone issues, weight gain included.(this is what Susanne Somers' book is about) I believe that the cream is allowing me to gradually slide into menopause with the least amount of affects. I've been able to lose 13.5 lbs and have 1.5 to go and feeling pretty good.
  • CrystalConsults
    CrystalConsults Posts: 67 Member
    Yay, there's a group for us! I'm 53, and 5 5. In my 20's I weighed 120 - 123 and was a very healthy vegan. Loved it! Got married, had 3 kids. Gained up to 133. My business evolved where I'm not standing and moving each day and over the last three years the weight has creeped up. Yikes! It's about 145 now, I'd guess. I'm too frugal and too vain to buy clothes a size larger so something has to change! :smiley: So my strategy now will be to be high quality vegan, log my food and ramp up the movement. So pleased to be connecting with you all! I'll see if I can also figure out how to send friend requests. (Should be easier than dropping weight, right?) Cheers!
  • CrystalConsults
    CrystalConsults Posts: 67 Member
    Tootiehas3 suggested our own message board. That's a great idea! Surely, there are more of us out there. I was so pleased to find this group! If you do start one, Tootiehas3, let me know!
  • snowflakesav
    snowflakesav Posts: 649 Member
    I am 51. I am 5'6" at 134 with 6 or 7 to go. I haven't fully figured out the hormone supplements. Really have trouble losing any weight when I am under stress.

    I think with a summer off you will be successful. No reason to believe that you can't lose the weight in you 40's.
  • yankeedownsouth
    yankeedownsouth Posts: 717 Member
    I'm 46, 5'7" and weigh 146. I really want to lose 10 pounds to get back down to what I consider my attractive weight. I'm looking at 50 here in just a couple short years, and I want to get there in shape!! I could also use some more friends, if anyone is interested. :)
  • vivmom2014
    vivmom2014 Posts: 1,650 Member
    @yankeedownsouth Enjoy your 40's! I want mine back! :'(
  • putzfam4
    putzfam4 Posts: 17 Member
    I am almost 59 and decided to simply BE healthier. The result is that I am slowly losing weight, becoming emotionally and physically stronger. Aging is not easy for most, but health issues can hit harder so we need to learn patience and love for ourself. That has become my hardest goal.
    I struggled with something called root resorption in my teeth. After a 25 yr fight, in an almost rare case, I am going thru an equally rare jaw reconstruction. It requires that the reconstruction drs pulled the top teeth, bone grafted the whole upper jaw. I have a temporary plate that while it looks good, I feel embarrassed. It is also a struggle to eat well. After 14 weeks I will have a bone scan and if it comes out well, I will have 7 implants, another 6 weeks of waiting, then teeth and a semi-permanent bridge to complete the package.
    I am lucky that husband of 32 yrs invested money for this possibility as insurance diesn't cover this. I am blessed that he loves ME, not the process I hate. But as I said at the beginning, we must learn snd maintain love for ourselves, through aging and Iife changing as they come.
  • CrystalConsults
    CrystalConsults Posts: 67 Member
    Wanted to share a success with you ladies. Drove with husband 500 miles to Artesia, NM yesterday to deliver a keynote address this am. Drove 500 miles back. Got home at 9pm, and husband went for a walk with me so I could get my 10K steps in! Was pleased to not use being in the car all day as an excuse to not have exercise. Feeling good! Nice to have all of you to share this with. :smiley:
  • jodes023
    jodes023 Posts: 283 Member
    edited June 2015
    Hi, I'm almost 44.....peri-menopausal or maybe there already! Would love a group started. I've lost 40 lbs since Jan...now 125 ish lbs (5'4") but man is it work as you know and I gain every week and re-lose the same weight. Happy to have and give motivation and support. Everything on my body is moving south! Hormones definitely play havoc with me too. I'm sipping on an awful detox/cleanse smoothie right now. Have a fitbit if anyone wants to connect there to cheer each other on message me.

    All the best!! :)
  • jguess1
    jguess1 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I'm 54 (for another six weeks!) and am eating and working out healthier than ever before, but still had that last 10-15 pounds. I decided after New Years blowout in Key West that I did not want to be 55 and fat. I have lost about 9 pounds since then, tortuously slow but steady. For me the only way to do it is to log my food. Period. And the wine....☺️. I could probably lose more quickly but I know myself, I'm not going to do it if I feel really deprived. Seriously, it is so much more related to what I eat than how often I work out now, didn't used to be that way. I do something active almost every day though, and about 4 months ago got a standing desk for work, as I've been sitting all day for 30 years! It has all come off my middle so I am thrilled. Going to keep going, so glad y'all are here too with me!