Still apprehensive :(

pixie_mills Posts: 103 Member
Hello all you lovely people

Here is my story...
I am a chronic dieter and have been on low calorie (1200) diets on and off for what I'm guessing is several years (sad...I know). After coming to terms with my lack of weight loss, patience and attitude of "the scale will move eventually if I just keep eating this low" combined with 30 mins of Zumba every second day and a 30 min Jillian or equivalent DVD every other day...I've done some research and found this method. 2 weeks ago I upped my calorie intake to 1400-1500 and put on a little (as expected and due to TOM) it then started to decrease again and go back to my normal weight pre-increase. I increased again a week ago to 1650 and have actually LOST pounds.

As I think i need a metabolic reset, should I keep upping my calories to my TDEE and stick at that for 8-12 weeks? or longer? if longer, roughly how long? (I know everyone is different and its like asking how long is a piece of string!) I'm apprehensive as I'm small and it seems an awful lot!

Height - 5"2'
SW (Jan 15) - 152lbs
CW - 144lbs
TDEE - (tried various calculators came out between 1950-2250

I'd be very greatful for your help and advice :)


  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    It may seem like an awful lot, but later when time to take a deficit, you'll miss having the extra food likely.

    Since off and on, I'd suggest for body and mind, and since the % deficit really wasn't that great, 8 weeks should be enough.

    See if body responds fast to each time you increase calories.
    Remember that fat is not fast, gain or lost.
    You likely lost water weight from removing diet as a stress - that's a great sign responding fast.

    To confirm the TDEE level - you included daily activity beyond a 45 hr commute/desk job time, like if you have kid or more or pets that gives you extra cleaning/cooking time, you are lightly active just for that.
    And then the exercise is 6 x 30 min for 2 hrs?
    Which is lightly active also.
    Both combined is Moderately Active.
  • pixie_mills
    pixie_mills Posts: 103 Member
    Thanks so much. It was the activity levels outside my 30 min workouts which were confusing me somewhat

    So...I'm a school teacher and on my feet and running around quite a lot of the day up and down stairs and around the classroom. On top of that I do 6 x 30 min workouts which come out about 3 hours per week.

    Therefore I did the right thing by setting my activity levels by setting them as moderate, yes?

  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Ok, so the 30 min doesn't count some stretching or slow moving warmup time - straight to the workout?
    I was figuring in maybe 10 of the 30 min not being the workout level, but low enough it doesn't count the same.

    Yes, that is very increased daily activity.

    Might try this with the daily activity selections and exercise levels.

    And appears Mod Active is pretty close during the school year, if no kids of your own keeping you busy.
  • pixie_mills
    pixie_mills Posts: 103 Member
    Yeah, for my workouts I was just really counting Workout level, i usually do a short 5-10 min warmup and cool down as well :-)