Find Friends: Charge / HR Owners



  • mistersmith1975
    mistersmith1975 Posts: 1 Member
    I just received my fit bit hr for father's day. I'm ready to get started!
  • vespiquenn
    vespiquenn Posts: 1,455 Member
    Just got my Charge HR the other day.

    Feel free to add my profile. More competition, the better!
  • ellemarie231
    ellemarie231 Posts: 14 Member
    Hello all, my name is Elle and I was a lacto-ovo vegetarian with vegan and rawist tendencies for roughly 3 years due to my being diagnosed with off-the-charts Hyperthyroidism (and later Graves'). Now I am re-evaluating my eating habits and my mildly active lifestyle.

    I have gone ahead and included my fitbit info incase you'd like to be friends. (I'm waiting for my fitbit to arrive, so I haven't quite figured it all out yet.)

    Hope to hear from a few of you :)

    Age: 26 Weight: 175 pounds Height: 5'2

    Short term goal weight: 30 pounds
  • GinosaurusRex
    GinosaurusRex Posts: 1 Member
    edited June 2015
    Hi all! I got my Charge HR last Wednesday, and just love it! My fiancé and housemate have the Flex, so I already have a couple of people to compete against - but would love a few more!

    I'm female, 25, 5ft7", and 172.7lbs at the moment.
    Short to Med-Term Goal: Weight loss - about 30lbs

    Please feel free to add me (just let me know you got my profile from here please!) -
  • sherriyoung
    sherriyoung Posts: 8 Member
    I just bought a fitbit HR and it should be here by Thursday. I already set up an account and linked it with MFP so it'll be ready to go. I'm very excited.
  • sherriyoung
    sherriyoung Posts: 8 Member
    Did anyone else get "criticism" when buying one? My MIL asked my husband "why would she want one of those?", My mother asked a similar question. My husband "just to ask, what do you want it for?" I don't think they are trying to be mean, but it hurts a little. I mean I reconnected with MFP, I started going to a gym, I'm paying attention to my food, I just like to "see" constant validation as I go. The last year was very hard on my family so I gained a LOT of weight because I was stress eating. Now things have balanced in my life a little better, so I think I can get back on track.
  • spiritofchaos
    spiritofchaos Posts: 2 Member
    Got my fitbit today, hooked it up with MFP.. Add me :) love sharing ideas and helping others whilst on my journey! :)
  • DLinnell58
    DLinnell58 Posts: 87 Member
    Ive had mine 6 months. Love it!!
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    Did anyone else get "criticism" when buying one? My MIL asked my husband "why would she want one of those?", My mother asked a similar question. My husband "just to ask, what do you want it for?" I don't think they are trying to be mean, but it hurts a little.

    Tell your mother-in-law, mother, and husband that President Obama has a Surge:
  • spellarin
    spellarin Posts: 1 Member
    Mine arrived today - just setting it up.
  • happypenguin13
    happypenguin13 Posts: 19 Member
    Just got my new Charge on Friday. Still finding my way around, but looking for friends here and on fitbit to keep me motivated. User
  • blankvellum
    blankvellum Posts: 1 Member
    Using it for three weeks and in love with the band.
  • Kincar
    Kincar Posts: 601 Member
    I've had my fitbit for a few weeks.
  • reid95
    reid95 Posts: 18 Member
    I have one!
  • JamesMauldin
    JamesMauldin Posts: 14 Member
    edited June 2015
    Upgraded from a Flex to a Charge HR. Here's my profile.
  • crosbylee
    crosbylee Posts: 3,455 Member
    Just purchased mine yesterday. This is me!! //
  • diane1223
    diane1223 Posts: 43 Member
    Started back wearing my fitbit today! Walked early this morning without it, and getting geared up to walk again.
  • Heydew
    Heydew Posts: 54 Member
    Just got mine tonight! So excited to use it! Add me so we can motivate each other!
  • dblair27
    dblair27 Posts: 64 Member
    I got the charge HR this evening :) add me if you'd like!