Just Started

niklong Posts: 49 Member
I just started CF! Yesterday was my 2nd class. I need to lose around 50 lbs and am very out of shape. I feel like I'm gonna die...but like it at the same time...sounds crazy! I would never push myself that much on my own and I love seeing what I can accomplish...that I never thought I could. I still HATE Burpees...but I can do them without dying ;-)


  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Prepare to be very, very sore. Foam roll and mobilize as much as possible. take a look at the pinned thread at the top of the page, lots of good tips there for people getting started.

    My 3rd or 4th CF workout was 100 burpees for time. I thought I was going to die. Took me about 22 minutes.

    Second time I did it was in a class. I finished last, in about 14 minutes, and at no point did I ever think I wouldn't finish. It was just a matter of banging a few out, catching my breath and repeating.

    Also, don't expect a lot of weight drop unless you manage your diet as well. You'll be adding a ton of muscle and your clothing will fit better, but on its own CF isn't going to make you lose much weight after an initial drop.
  • niklong
    niklong Posts: 49 Member
    Thanks. Last week was my first class and I thought I could do 3x/week. I only did that one on Wed because I was SO sore!! I've been sore before, but never like that!! I have an appointment with one of the trainers that also does nutrition counseling. I think they encourage Paleo....trying to get used to the idea :-)
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Hmm....that didn't happen to me. I was fine after my first class.

    If you consider "thought I was going to die" as being "fine" :)
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    niklong wrote: »
    Thanks. Last week was my first class and I thought I could do 3x/week. I only did that one on Wed because I was SO sore!! I've been sore before, but never like that!! I have an appointment with one of the trainers that also does nutrition counseling. I think they encourage Paleo....trying to get used to the idea :-)

    It's pretty common. I think of it more like an easy way to moderate calories. I really do feel better when i leave out grains. I have better energy, I don't get tired after eating, etc.

    I tolerate dairy well, but I usually stick to Greek yogurt there just because it's tough for me to hit my daily protein goals.
  • princessxmeow
    princessxmeow Posts: 15 Member
    niklong wrote: »
    I just started CF! Yesterday was my 2nd class. I need to lose around 50 lbs and am very out of shape. I feel like I'm gonna die...but like it at the same time...sounds crazy! I would never push myself that much on my own and I love seeing what I can accomplish...that I never thought I could. I still HATE Burpees...but I can do them without dying ;-)

    WELCOME TO THE CRAZY CLUB! I've found the BEST way to get involved is to show up even when you're so sore you feel like getting out of bed is work. In my experience a coach can do more for you if you show up sore than if you stay home and rest (3x a week is a great starting place!) also foam roll foam roll foam roll and if your box offers a mobility specialty class hit it up AT LEAST once a week. I'm finishing my third full cycle (month) and have done things I never dreamed I could! Best of luck! And I've found no matter how many burpees I can do in a row...they still suck just as much...especially when it's your birthday and you have to do a burpee box jump for every year of your life.
  • kellystuart11
    kellystuart11 Posts: 11 Member
    Congrats on starting crossfit! I've been doing it for about a year and 4 months now and have had my ups and downs with it, but it's the only thing that gets me excited to go to the gym. Burpees are always going to be one of the worst things, but I feel like there's that common bond when burpees end up on the white board and everyone groans that brings your class together.

    I will also recommend instead of jumping into Paleo to check out IIFYM instead. I tried Paleo several times and ended up binging on food I shouldn't and when I did eat strict I didn't have the energy I needed for my workout unless I ate like 10 sweet potatoes. IIFYM has kept me fueled for workouts and I've lost 15 lbs since January when I started. I've increased a lot of muscle (now can C&J 95 lbs in a WOD instead of the 35 I was doing before). I also find it's easier to maintain the "diet" and you can do paleo 80% of the time and 20% of the time not while still hitting your macros. I didn't last more than 6 weeks on paleo.

    Just keep it up! The soreness it hard to take at the beginning, but seeing how much your strength changes is so motivating!
  • niklong
    niklong Posts: 49 Member
    What is IIFYM?
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    If It Fits Your Macros