I'm a "not-so-heavy" gal too...just older



  • jguess1
    jguess1 Posts: 2 Member
    Forgot to ask, is there a way to have group comments/discussion "pop up" somewhere or do we have to check it every time?
  • dcresider
    dcresider Posts: 1,272 Member
    Hi all. I'm 45 (feel like 35), 5'1", cw: 138 lbs., gw: 125, non-menopausal (still get that annoying monthly friend every month), married, no kids, lover of fashion and shoes, and a total foodie. I gained weight 6 years ago while going through IVF (didn't work) and finally took control of my life by joining Weight Watchers.

    WW initially helped me lose quite a bit a, but as I got more active (and more hungry), I felt WW didn't take into account hard activity. Last October, I took a break from running, stopped WW, and gained back some of the weight going up to 142 lbs. I felt horrible about the way I looked so I started running again, ran a 10-mile race, and started StrongLifts strength training program in March. I've been more active than I ever have although I haven't seen much of a change. My goal is to keep track of my macros by doing 40g carb, 30g fat, and 30g protein per my my gym instructor/nutritionist.

    I'm hoping to get down to 130 lbs so I'm starting with a smaller goal. Wish me luck!!
  • Aloha4moi
    Aloha4moi Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone! Nice to see so many "shorties" here! (And all youngsters to me! I'm 65 and can't believe it! I think I'm still 35! Ha) I'm 5'1" and weigh 124. Used to do WW but when they changed the program I gained so quit. I like this app but am currently doing Paleo whole 30 (day 17) so haven't been using this much. I know those last 5-10 pounds are STUBBORN! But I'm determined! I try to walk/run on treadmill every other day, do core and strength exercises at home on off days, and one day I baby sit my 1 year old grand daughter which I consider my work out on that day. Hope to have weight down before Hawaii trip mid July. Wish there was a neighbor friend to walk with but neighborhood friends have moved so the dogs are walking with me ( or they walk me I think)
    Wish me luck ... And I wish all of you luck as well! :)
  • ayanalowe
    ayanalowe Posts: 1 Member
    Yikes, everyone weighs less than I do. I weigh 143. and Im 5"2.5. I'm 59 years old. I use to weigh 160 pounds. When I was 52, I started seeing a nutritionist and I lost weight. The lowest I've been is 136 and I have been hovering between 140 and 144 for 6 years. I like my body at 137 to 140. But I am an emotional eater. Im recently single. For 6 months I 've eaten sweets morning, noon and night. I also stopped keeping food records and I lost my Fitbit again andI stopped my weekly weigh ins . Tonight After 6 months I decided to rejoin
    Myfitnesspal. Adding my food intake to the dairy this evening was a wake up call. 400 calories over my goal. Sisters, pray for me. Tomorrow I am going to weigh myself. Glad I can chat with you
  • izabella73
    izabella73 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi everyone :)I`m Polish living in Ireland ( excuse me any language mistakes please:) and I found your group looking for support and friends (my all friends here are young not working moms wich is sometimes depressing for me:D I`m 42, working full time, but I`m petite like you ladies and struggle to loose last 5 kg( I`m 132 pounds) my weight is rather ok but I have something like a tire around my waist:D
    I have two lovely sons :older is 20 years old and little star is 6 and a half (very important "a half")
    as I have two cesarean sections, my poor belly is hard work.

    reading everything about helty eating which start confuse me: eat the nuts or drop the nuts, eat the seeds or forget about them..my problem is I`m eating less then 1200 calories most time of the day because I`m busy, then I`m starving and "loosing my mind"..my husband is not helping either..he loves not healthy food :(but he is
    so..joined again to myfitnesspal and hoping for progress:

    -keep on track with calories
    -walking every day for excesise
    -joined pilates group once a week
    -joined aqua aerobick twice a week

    great to see we girls decided to do something good for ourselves:)
  • starfish235
    starfish235 Posts: 129 Member
    I am 58, 5'2" and at goal. I continue to use MFP daily. From my experience in past it is very important to keep a total value on calories for my eating. In the last 10 years I have found moving is very important. I used Weight Watchers and counted on paper for four years. I kinda kept a count in my head for half of the day and then ate lightly at night. Getting older you lose muscle mass. I am trying to use weights for helping the muscles.So now I dropped 10 lb. my husband is diabetic and I have found low carb is the way to go. Low carb keeps my cholesterol numbers in the good range when before even though I was light weight they were 145.