Weekly Check In

ChristyParadee Posts: 32 Member
Here we go....check in once a week on how you are doing. Share weight loss, gain lbs to go or just whatever you are comfortable sharing!


  • ChristyParadee
    ChristyParadee Posts: 32 Member
    Day 1 checking in.......215 lbs is my start weight. Had a great first day....I will post pics from time to time if I can figure out how to do it.
  • ChristyParadee
    ChristyParadee Posts: 32 Member
  • 1SlickNik
    1SlickNik Posts: 1 Member
    I'm currently 215 lbs and my ultimate goal is 150 lbs. In the past 3 weeks I've lost 10 lbs so 50 more by October is perfect. I'm in!
  • ChristyParadee
    ChristyParadee Posts: 32 Member
    Awesome 1SlickNik!!!! Congrats on the 10lb loss!!!!
  • JMC3Terp
    JMC3Terp Posts: 2,803 Member
    Hi! My weight on the 26th was 271.8 lbs
  • ChristyParadee
    ChristyParadee Posts: 32 Member
    Weighted at the Doc yesterday afternoon....212 that is a 3 lb loss =) Will weigh in again on July 15th
  • Jad31te
    Jad31te Posts: 73 Member
    Hello, My name is jodi and I currently weight 235.4 :) do we all come back on the 15th then?

  • JMC3Terp
    JMC3Terp Posts: 2,803 Member
    Jad31te wrote: »
    Hello, My name is jodi and I currently weight 235.4 :) do we all come back on the 15th then?

    I'm just doing mine once a week. So since this posted on the 26th, Ill post my next weight on the 3rd.
  • Jad31te
    Jad31te Posts: 73 Member
    JMC3Terp wrote: »
    Jad31te wrote: »
    Hello, My name is jodi and I currently weight 235.4 :) do we all come back on the 15th then?

    I'm just doing mine once a week. So since this posted on the 26th, Ill post my next weight on the 3rd.

    Ahh, ok... I guess I will be back in a week then :)
  • catladyksa
    catladyksa Posts: 1,269 Member
    This is getting a bit confusing...not sure when and where to post on the weekly weigh-ins?? Help!
  • ChristyParadee
    ChristyParadee Posts: 32 Member
    You guys check in here.....You can check in as often as you like. I normally only weigh when I go to my doc visits and that is about once every other week, but feel free to check in weekly if you like.
  • catladyksa
    catladyksa Posts: 1,269 Member
    Ok, here goes my first posting, first week since I started on June 27.
    SW: 215 pds
    Current: 208 pds
  • justrollme
    justrollme Posts: 802 Member
    When I joined MFP on June 16, I weighed 185. This morning I was at 172.4. So far so good, the only tough times I have are some late evenings, when my hubby gets home from work and eats something--I really don't feel hungry until he heats something up and the smell is just everywheeeeere.
  • ChristyParadee
    ChristyParadee Posts: 32 Member
    Awesome Catlady and justrollme!!!!!!
  • ChristyParadee
    ChristyParadee Posts: 32 Member
    Me ocl1j2t36zim8.jpg
    taking a break at the 4 mile mark!
  • Jad31te
    Jad31te Posts: 73 Member
    On the 30th I weighed 235.4 and today on the 6th I weigh 233.0
    3lb loss :D
  • ChristyParadee
    ChristyParadee Posts: 32 Member
    AWESOME Jad31te!!!!!!
  • justrollme
    justrollme Posts: 802 Member
    Congrats, Jad31te! And looking great, Christy! What a beautiful trail for hiking, too!
  • justrollme
    justrollme Posts: 802 Member
    Weekly check-in, I'm at 170.0. Was happy about this, but I won't lie, I was reeeeally hoping to be out of the 70s. SO CLOSE.
  • Jad31te
    Jad31te Posts: 73 Member
    170 is still a 2 pound loss right? That's great :D Congrats to you guys!!

    Today on the 13th I weight 230.6 PW: 233.0 :)