Runner's Poll: Thoughts on Cross-training?



  • SKME2013
    SKME2013 Posts: 704 Member
    B. I cross train on my rest day.
  • torituma4
    torituma4 Posts: 10 Member
    C - because i m really bad at cycling. and i dont know how to swim. trying to learn but motivation wise i rather run
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    I guess I'd be B if I did cardio cross-training. I do strength training 2 days a week (non-run days). I want to add cardio to those days, and will probably add cycling. Increasing my mileage is bringing out some nagging little issues and I suspect I can't handle running 6 days a week, so would rather pickup another cardio to improve my endurance. I'd already be doing it if I trusted cars more.
  • Wendy98
    Wendy98 Posts: 72 Member
    I used to be a "C", but now I am more "A" with a little "B". Running will always be my first love, but I am learning to really like cycling. Husband got me a beautiful carbon fiber bike for my milestone birthday last year and I am spending more and more time on it. I had to embrace swimming this past winter while I recovered from a stress fracture in my femur. As much as I try, I just don't love swimming (although I do it in hopes of taking the step to triathlon). I also am an elliptical junkie since it is close to running, but doesn't aggravate my new stress fractures (ftr, I have some bone issues).

    With all that being said, my last marathon was 2.5 minutes off my PR and I ran the least I ever have in a training cycle. I don't believe in running a bunch of junk miles just for the sake of getting numbers in. I'd rather save my joints and have a hard elliptical session.
  • jtdominion
    jtdominion Posts: 5 Member
    C (if excluding strength training). But I have always think of strength training as a type of cross-training. For some reasons, I never do enjoy strength training all that much. And I find that I am always too tired to run the next few days. Maybe that's why. Anything that takes away running, I tend to avoid.
  • snowflakesav
    snowflakesav Posts: 649 Member
    I run 5 or 6 days a week and cross train 6. My current mileage is pretty moderate at about 40 miles a week. When I start training for realz again in my next training cycle I will drop the cross training down to 2 or 3 days. Cross training for me is an at home DVD program like PIYO or Jillian michaels and a weekly yoga class.
  • pobalita
    pobalita Posts: 741 Member
    C - unless trail running counts as cross-training (I know it probably doesn't, but it does use the muscles a lot differently than road running.

    I do core workouts about 5 days per week, strength training 2 - 3 days per week, and yoga 1 - 2 days per week in addition to running.
  • valentine4
    valentine4 Posts: 233 Member
    Jillian Michaels is fantastic, my circumstances have changed I can't get out running as much as I would like so am having to improvise. Lots of runs with kids on bikes/ flickers and JM in the kitchen with me pushing the dogs off me with my kids laughing at me.

    One of my neighbours runs alot of marathons, she has just completed her 350th. She was saying she dropped some running days and started doing Jillian Michaels and she saw a big improvement in her running! can't get better than that.

  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    valentine4 wrote: »
    Jillian Michaels is fantastic, my circumstances have changed I can't get out running as much as I would like so am having to improvise. Lots of runs with kids on bikes/ flickers and JM in the kitchen with me pushing the dogs off me with my kids laughing at me.

    One of my neighbours runs alot of marathons, she has just completed her 350th. She was saying she dropped some running days and started doing Jillian Michaels and she saw a big improvement in her running! can't get better than that.

    Which JM are you doing? I have 30 Day Shred. I thought it was actually pretty hard.
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    lporter229 wrote: »
    Runners: How do you approach cross-training 1-2 days per week? (Note: By cross-training, I am referring to other forms of cardio exercise, not strength training).

    A. I appreciate the break from running
    B. It's a necessary evil, but I do it to minimize the risk of injury
    C. No thank you...I'd rather just run

    Sort of A and sort of C. I get really into cross-training when I've got mild injuries. It's nice to do something else and feel myself getting stronger in a different activity. I'd rather run, though. But I am scheduling some cross-training this summer -- probably mostly biking, maybe a bit of rowing -- just to give my legs a break once a week.