First week and getting acne

LittleMamaVas Posts: 35 Member
Hi again everyone. On day 6 here and noticing that i'm getting acne on my face/uppper back. Is this common during the "transition"? I've been reading how acne has improved for many people since on LCHF so I'm dissapointed.


  • GSD_Mama
    GSD_Mama Posts: 629 Member
    Have you introduced a new food into your diet that you have not eat before? Sometime that might cause your face to break out, coconut oil could be one of them.
  • LittleMamaVas
    LittleMamaVas Posts: 35 Member
    No, I don't think so GSD_Mama, I'm no stranger to coconut oil. The only thing thats changed for now is the huge influx of fat I'm consuming. In my mind it makes sense - you hear all the time, especially in women, that they often get acne when they eat oily things or sweets. So that's why I thought it might be that, and my body adjusting to it. Anyone else experience this at the beginning?
  • GSD_Mama
    GSD_Mama Posts: 629 Member
    I Found this discussion, not sure if it helps you but might help you figure out things
  • bernadettemariev
    bernadettemariev Posts: 23 Member
    The same thing happened to me when I first started. I felt like I was 15 all over again, and not in a good way.
    It was pretty annoying, but it all cleared up a week or so later. I just get the hormonal zit here and there now. One thing I have noticed lately is my skin feels so supple now. I think it's the higher fat intake. Even my husband commented on it, and he rarely comments on anything!
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    My doctor told me the fat I was burning was releasing toxins and it was causing my skin to break out but that it would all level out. Essentially "gets worse before it gets better." She told me that this would come in waves as I continued burning the massive amounts of fat I have to go... I don't know if she's correct or not, but the other hormonal issues I have related to burning the amounts of fat do seem to support the general theory.