2015 MFP Tour de France Challenge - Ride Logging Thread

TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
edited July 2015 in Social Groups

Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen to the 2015 MyFitnessPal Tour de France Grand Tour Challenge.

This thread is solely for entering ride details into. Please keep all questions, discussions or general banter and inter-team trash talking in the discussion thread ( http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10139694/2015-mfp-grand-tour-challenge-signup-and-discussion-thread#Item_415 )

To attempt to simplify matters, I've created a "template" for ride logging that I really do need you to use:
TdF Challenge Entries for Rider ___ Team Pastana/Pie/Twinkie/Jumbo (delete as appropriate)

Stage Date    Distance     Time   Ascent(m)  Ride Log URL
1 ITT    04/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  ___________________________________
2        05/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  ___________________________________
3        06/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  ___________________________________
4        07/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  ___________________________________ 	
5        08/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  ___________________________________
6        09/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  ___________________________________
7        10/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  ___________________________________
8        11/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  ___________________________________
9 TTT    12/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  ___________________________________
R        13/07
10       14/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  ___________________________________
11       15/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  ___________________________________
12       16/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  ___________________________________
13       17/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  ___________________________________
14       18/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  ___________________________________
15       19/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  ___________________________________
16       20/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  ___________________________________
R        21/07
17       22/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  ___________________________________
18       23/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  ___________________________________
19       24/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  ___________________________________
20       25/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  ___________________________________
21       26/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  ___________________________________

Running Total ____._km

I'd suggest you copy/paste the template above into a .txt file on your machine, and use that text file as your own personal master file. Just edit in the rides as they are logged, when you're happy with everything, just "select all" and paste it into a post in this thread. If you're feeling REALLY helpful, wrap the "code" format around the entry pasted, and it should even come out as a proper table...

RIDES POSTED IN OTHER FORMATS (e.g. cut and paste from excel etc. - unless identical to the above format) WILL BE DELETED AND NOT COUNT UNTIL POSTED CORRECTLY. I WASTED FAR TOO MUCH TIME IN LAST YEARS CHALLENGES TRYING TO MAKE SENSE OF PEOPLES "INTERPRETATIONS" OF THE REQUIRED DATA FORMAT. So - This time, it's "No More Mr. Nice Guy..." IF YOU CAN'T DO THIS, PLEASE SAY, WHILE WE STILL HAVE TIME TO FIND SOMEONE TO TAKE YOUR PLACE. IF YOU'RE NOT 100% SURE HOW IT WORKS, WAIT A FEW DAYS AND SEE THE OTHER PEOPLE'S POSTS AS AN EXAMPLE - AND IF YOU'RE STILL NOT SURE, PM ME AND I'LL TALK YOU THROUGH IT. Oh and the one biggie... EVERYTHING IS IN METRIC - Distances in Km, Ascent in Metres. Switch your Strava to metric settings for the duration folks please (or at least switch it over while collating your post), as neither I nor my Assistants have the time or inclination to check your manual conversions (which ARE invariably different at some point due to rounding errors). And as to why it's all metric. Simple:

1. It's A Continental Race, that's measured in Km's
2. Rule #24
3. I say so. It's my Challenge, don't like it, go start your own!

Also - as a note to the regulars, since MFP have made a complete mess of the "communities" and removed edit permissions for group managers, it's now impossible for me or any of my assistants to actually add in a separate note to each entry as "proof of posting to the master spreadsheet". We're also unable to delete old entries, so the thread WILL become absolutely MAHOOSIVE in a very short time. SO, once again, NO off-topic (i.e. non-ride posting) entries in here please, Keep that to the Discussion thread. Please Try and only add one update per day, and before posting check the last post in the thread... if there's a message saying it's currently being updated to the master spreadsheet, don't post until you've been given the all clear.

So... just a couple of guidelines / disclaimers before we start...

1) You don't have to ride every day that the tour riders do, just ride as often as you can, at a sustainable level - no point in riding 3 back to back centuries and then being restrained to the couch for the next 14 days. IF YOU GET SICK/UNWELL/INJURED STOP RIDING AND SEE A DOCTOR-YOU ARE NOT PROFESSIONAL CYCLIST AND YOU DON'T HAVE TO TOUGH IT OUT

2) If you ride more than once in a day, post the total distance, Time and Altitude, with a series of URL's for the individual logs - with 4 (or more) teams of 9 riders to keep track of, I really don't have the extra time to be adding 6 rides to the shops and back up every day for some people. While it's no big thing for a single person, with 40 or more people potentially doing this, last year I think I spent more time logging things than I actually did riding.

3) Remember, It's not **really** a race - don't go out and ride at stupid dangerous speeds and hurt yourselves. It's not big, or clever, and I can't afford the lawsuits that would ensue :laugh:

4) Post your ride details as soon as you are easily able to do so - while the "intrim results" will be available in the spreadsheet, these are very much "to be confirmed" records, and are subject to scrutiny/amendment at a later date, and will not be finalised until a couple of days after the challenge closes. If however you are off the bike for a couple of days, please add the rides as "DNR" as soon as you can. Also - if you're "on tour" or away from t'internet, don't sweat it (though a PM to me beforehand to let me know so I don't waste time searching for anything from you would be appreciated) - we'll get there eventually. When I've entered your ride, I'll stick an edit in the bottom of the thread to say it's sorted, and add a link to the updated spreadsheet by means of confirmation.

5) Ride logging commences 00:01am (in your own local time zone) on 4th July 2015. Logging ends at 23:59pm (again, local TZ) on 26th July 2015. For night rides that may cross from one day to the next, I reserve the right to log them in whichever day may need the extra mileage :wink:

6) Rides will be logged in a Read-Only Google Spreadsheet available Here...


Go have a look at it, it's rather cool, if I do say so myself...

7) for Team Time Trial Stages, in order for the stage to be considered complete, at least 5 or more riders need to ride this stage - so, not only do each team need to exceed 28.0km for stage 9, but 5 or more riders need to book a ride (7 of you could ride 4km each if you so wanted, or one rider could ride 30km and 4 others could ride 100m up and down the road, BUT at least 5 need to ride on that day.

8) While we try and get the data entered perfectly, it's a big task, and the forum structure at MFP is now very messy and not really optimal, so it's entirely possible that mistakes may be made in entering your logged rides. If you notice a problem, drop me a PM rather than ranting about it in the thread - and please remember that this ISN'T actually how I earn my living, this is a free, fun challenge, and I'm out there riding as well, so please don't expect a 10 minute response 24x7 for the duration as, you'll be very sadly disappointed, and probably asked to leave and never return. I do get a little bit (ahem) forthright with people who are unable to follow the (hopefully clear) instructions, and as veterans of the challenges are well aware, I've had no qualms about throwing people out of the challenge before if needed, and will do again if needed - as I said above, the most important rule is because " I say so. It's my Challenge, don't like it, go start your own!"

9) And after all that..... Ultimately It's all for fun and fitness - so go out there and enjoy it...

ETA: Please don't post in this thread until the Challenge Starts on 4th July 2015 - See you all on the Starting Ramp in Utrecht...

Cinque, Quatre,Trois,Deux, Un, Allez, Allez, ALLEZ!



  • Kupe
    Kupe Posts: 758 Member
    TdF Challenge Entries for Rider 313 Team Pie (delete as appropriate)
    Stage Date    Distance     Time   Ascent(m)  Ride Log URL
    1 ITT    04/07   52.5km  2:01:50  236m https://www.strava.com/activities/338575145 
    2        05/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  ___________________________________
    3        06/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  ___________________________________
    4        07/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  ___________________________________ 	
    5        08/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  ___________________________________
    6        09/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  ___________________________________
    7        10/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  ___________________________________
    8        11/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  ___________________________________
    9 TTT    12/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  ___________________________________
    R        13/07
    10       14/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  ___________________________________
    11       15/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  ___________________________________
    12       16/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  ___________________________________
    13       17/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  ___________________________________
    14       18/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  ___________________________________
    15       19/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  ___________________________________
    16       20/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  ___________________________________
    R        21/07
    17       22/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  ___________________________________
    18       23/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  ___________________________________
    19       24/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  ___________________________________
    20       25/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  ___________________________________
    21       26/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  ___________________________________
    Running Total 52.5km
    Team Pie TDF account is open
  • Jakess1971
    Jakess1971 Posts: 1,208 Member
    TdF Challenge Entries for Rider 311 Team Pie

    Stage Date Distance Time Ascent(m) Ride Log URL
    1 ITT 04/07 102.9km 3:47:16 890m https://www.strava.com/activities/338683751
    2 05/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    3 06/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    4 07/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    5 08/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    6 09/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    7 10/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    8 11/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    9 TTT 12/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    R 13/07
    10 14/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    11 15/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    12 16/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    13 17/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    14 18/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    15 19/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    16 20/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    R 21/07
    17 22/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    18 23/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    19 24/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    20 25/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    21 26/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________

    Running Total 102.9km
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    TdF Challenge Entries for Rider 306 Team Pastana

    Stage Date Distance Time Ascent(m) Ride Log URL
    1 ITT 04/07 _23.5km _1:04:28 __13m www.strava.com/activities/338751638
    2 05/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    3 06/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    4 07/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    5 08/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    6 09/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    7 10/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    8 11/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    9 TTT 12/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    R 13/07
    10 14/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    11 15/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    12 16/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    13 17/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    14 18/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    15 19/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    16 20/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    R 21/07
    17 22/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    18 23/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    19 24/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    20 25/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    21 26/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________

    Running Total __23.5km
  • BigG59
    BigG59 Posts: 396 Member
    TdF Challenge Entries for Rider 312 Team Pie

    Stage Date Distance Time Ascent(m) Ride Log URL
    1 ITT 04/07 72.2km 02:33:56 409m http://www.strava.com/activities/338789509
    2 05/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    3 06/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    4 07/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    5 08/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    6 09/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    7 10/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    8 11/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    9 TTT 12/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    R 13/07
    10 14/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    11 15/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    12 16/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    13 17/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    14 18/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    15 19/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    16 20/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    R 21/07
    17 22/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    18 23/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    19 24/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    20 25/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    21 26/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________

    Running Total 72.2km
  • hawkeyegal1995
    hawkeyegal1995 Posts: 2,009 Member
    TdF Challenge Entries for Rider 315 TeamPie

    Stage Date Distance Time Ascent(m) Ride Log URL
    1 ITT 04/07 28.4km 1:04:27 83m https://app.strava.com/activities/338805495
    2 05/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    3 06/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    4 07/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    5 08/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    6 09/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    7 10/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    8 11/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    9 TTT 12/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    R 13/07
    10 14/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    11 15/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    12 16/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    13 17/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    14 18/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    15 19/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    16 20/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    R 21/07
    17 22/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    18 23/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    19 24/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    20 25/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    21 26/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________

    Running Total 28.4km
  • lbchilds2001
    lbchilds2001 Posts: 66 Member
    TDF Challenge Entries for Rider 329 Team TwinkieScoff
    Stage Date    Distance     Time   Ascent(m)  Ride Log URL
    1 ITT    04/07   104.7km   3:39:27   831m  https://www.strava.com/activities/338917186
    2        05/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  __________________________________
    3        06/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  __________________________________
    4        07/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  __________________________________ 	
    5        08/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  __________________________________
    6        09/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  __________________________________
    7        10/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  __________________________________
    8        11/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  __________________________________
    9 TTT    12/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  __________________________________
    R        13/07
    10       14/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  __________________________________
    11       15/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  __________________________________
    12       16/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  __________________________________
    13       17/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  __________________________________
    14       18/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  __________________________________
    15       19/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  __________________________________
    16       20/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  __________________________________
    R        21/07
    17       22/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  __________________________________
    18       23/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  __________________________________
    19       24/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  __________________________________
    20       25/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  __________________________________
    21       26/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  __________________________________
    Running Total 104.7km
  • butters1
    butters1 Posts: 1,540 Member
    TdF Challenge Entries for Rider 314 TeamPie

    Stage Date Distance Time Ascent(m) Ride Log URL
    1 ITT 04/07 28.7km 1:12:26 46m https://app.strava.com/activities/338909845
    2 05/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    3 06/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    4 07/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    5 08/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    6 09/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    7 10/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    8 11/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    9 TTT 12/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    R 13/07
    10 14/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    11 15/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    12 16/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    13 17/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    14 18/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    15 19/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    16 20/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    R 21/07
    17 22/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    18 23/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    19 24/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    20 25/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    21 26/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________

    Running Total 28.7km
  • cloggsy71
    cloggsy71 Posts: 2,208 Member
    TdF Challenge Entries for Rider 303 Team Pastana

    Stage Date Distance Time Ascent(m) Ride Log URL
    1 ITT 04/07 23.6km 00:41:15 202m https://www.strava.com/activities/338957735
    2 05/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    3 06/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    4 07/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    5 08/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    6 09/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    7 10/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    8 11/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    9 TTT 12/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    R 13/07
    10 14/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    11 15/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    12 16/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    13 17/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    14 18/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    15 19/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    16 20/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    R 21/07
    17 22/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    18 23/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    19 24/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    20 25/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    21 26/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________

    Running Total 23.6km
  • ntnunk
    ntnunk Posts: 936 Member
    TdF Challenge Entries for Rider 308 Team Pastana
    Stage Date    Distance     Time   Ascent(m)  Ride Log URL
    1 ITT    04/07    57.2km   1:57:56   558m  https://www.strava.com/activities/338882013
    2        05/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  ___________________________________
    3        06/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  ___________________________________
    4        07/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  ___________________________________ 	
    5        08/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  ___________________________________
    6        09/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  ___________________________________
    7        10/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  ___________________________________
    8        11/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  ___________________________________
    9 TTT    12/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  ___________________________________
    R        13/07
    10       14/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  ___________________________________
    11       15/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  ___________________________________
    12       16/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  ___________________________________
    13       17/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  ___________________________________
    14       18/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  ___________________________________
    15       19/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  ___________________________________
    16       20/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  ___________________________________
    R        21/07
    17       22/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  ___________________________________
    18       23/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  ___________________________________
    19       24/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  ___________________________________
    20       25/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  ___________________________________
    21       26/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  ___________________________________
    Running Total  57.2km
  • JediCounsil
    JediCounsil Posts: 49 Member
    TdF Challenge Entries for Rider 316

    Stage Date Distance Time Ascent(m) Ride Log URL
    1 ITT 04/07 38.6km 1:20:00 94m https://www.strava.com/activities/339037465
  • jillyian
    jillyian Posts: 423 Member
    TdF Challenge Entries for Rider 325 Team Twinkie Scoff
    Stage Date Distance Time Ascent(m) Ride Log URL
    1 ITT 04/07 _70.7km 02:45:31 960m https://www.strava.com/activities/339055181
    2 05/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    3 06/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    4 07/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    5 08/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    6 09/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    7 10/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    8 11/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    9 TTT 12/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    R 13/07
    10 14/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    11 15/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    12 16/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    13 17/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    14 18/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    15 19/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    16 20/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    R 21/07
    17 22/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    18 23/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    19 24/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    20 25/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________
    21 26/07 ___._km __:__:__ ____m ___________________________________

    Running Total _70.7km
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
    TdF Challenge Entries for Rider 309 Team Pastana
    Stage Date    Distance     Time   Ascent(m)  Ride Log URL
    1 ITT    04/07   _16.3km  _0:44:58  _160m  https://www.strava.com/activities/339095615
    2        05/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  ___________________________________
    3        06/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  ___________________________________
    4        07/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  ___________________________________ 	
    5        08/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  ___________________________________
    6        09/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  ___________________________________
    7        10/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  ___________________________________
    8        11/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  ___________________________________
    9 TTT    12/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  ___________________________________
    R        13/07
    10       14/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  ___________________________________
    11       15/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  ___________________________________
    12       16/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  ___________________________________
    13       17/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  ___________________________________
    14       18/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  ___________________________________
    15       19/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  ___________________________________
    16       20/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  ___________________________________
    R        21/07
    17       22/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  ___________________________________
    18       23/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  ___________________________________
    19       24/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  ___________________________________
    20       25/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  ___________________________________
    21       26/07   ___._km  __:__:__  ____m  ___________________________________
    Running Total __16.3km
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
    TdF Challenge Entries for Rider 316

    Stage Date Distance Time Ascent(m) Ride Log URL
    1 ITT 04/07 38.6km 1:20:00 94m https://www.strava.com/activities/339037465

    Sorry - no gps track, no entry.

This discussion has been closed.