What changes have you noticed since Low Carb



  • soldiergrl_101
    soldiergrl_101 Posts: 2,205 Member
    [Everyone has had such great successes from this its very motivating :)
  • FaithMathias
    FaithMathias Posts: 56 Member
    I notice less night sweats but I am also taking St. John Wort to stabilize my mood.
  • DrawnToScale
    DrawnToScale Posts: 126 Member
    Here's a link about GERD and underproduction of stomach acid: http://chriskresser.com/what-everybody-ought-to-know-but-doesnt-about-heartburn-gerd/

    Thank you very much for this link!

  • Teneko
    Teneko Posts: 314 Member
    These are amazing benefits!!! What are y'all taking for electrolytes?

    @SkinnyKerinny : I have a BCAA powder I take pre (and during) workout that has some electrolytes. I use Gaspari Nutrition Aminolast. I also take Natural Calm brand magnesium powder at night.
    If I find I need extra electrolytes, I have one of the following:
    Oxylent electrolyte packets (like Emergen-C but without carbs)
    A mug of chicken broth warmed up.

    Main differences I've noticed since going on the keto diet:
    1) Eating out's surprisingly a lot easier. Fiance is a carnivore and I was a super strict lactose intolerant seafood vegetarian for a very long time. Now we can go to a steakhouse or BBQ place and eat together.
    2) I don't get as many "low blood sugar" headaches and shaky feelings.
    3) My wardrobe is severely deficient. I need more flattering skinny clothes now. ;)

  • mlinton_mesapark
    mlinton_mesapark Posts: 517 Member
    edited June 2015
    These are amazing benefits!!! What are y'all taking for electrolytes?

    Sodium My new favorite sodium beverage is a bottle of Topo Chico with added salt and lemon juice. You have to add the salt very gradually, or else it will fizz over.
    Otherwise, chicken or beef broth with about 1/2 tsp salt added.
    Magnesium Natural Calm (Magnesium Citrate) drink, orange flavor, I'm up to 1 tsp per day and will try 1-1/2 tsp today. I have tried it in the past and had loose bowels from 1/2 tsp, but on LCHF I haven't had that problem. I also take a prenatal vitamin that has some magnesium oxide in it, but I understand that kind is hard for the body to absorb.
    Potassium Nature's Bounty Potassium Gluconate, 595mg, 99mg as potassium. I'm going to try doubling this dose, as I got mild foot cramps last night.
  • Raynne413
    Raynne413 Posts: 1,527 Member
    I've just been eating pickles and using no sugar sports drinks. I do take 400mg of Magnesium and 99mg of pottassium before bed at night.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    These are amazing benefits!!! What are y'all taking for electrolytes?

    Sodium My new favorite sodium beverage is a bottle of Topo Chico with added salt and lemon juice. You have to add the salt very gradually, or else it will fizz over.
    Otherwise, chicken or beef broth with about 1/2 tsp salt added.
    Magnesium Natural Calm (Magnesium Citrate) drink, orange flavor, I'm up to 1 tsp per day and will try 1-1/2 tsp today. I have tried it in the past and had loose bowels from 1/2 tsp, but on LCHF I haven't had that problem. I also take a prenatal vitamin that has some magnesium oxide in it, but I understand that kind is hard for the body to absorb.
    Potassium Nature's Bounty Potassium Gluconate, 595mg, 99mg as potassium. I'm going to try doubling this dose, as I got mild foot cramps last night.

    I get the foot/other cramps from the magnesium deficiency, not potassium. And adding in potassium makes my body dump the magnesium instead of absorbing it, so just FYI in case you encounter weirdness like me.
  • mlinton_mesapark
    mlinton_mesapark Posts: 517 Member
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »
    These are amazing benefits!!! What are y'all taking for electrolytes?

    Sodium My new favorite sodium beverage is a bottle of Topo Chico with added salt and lemon juice. You have to add the salt very gradually, or else it will fizz over.
    Otherwise, chicken or beef broth with about 1/2 tsp salt added.
    Magnesium Natural Calm (Magnesium Citrate) drink, orange flavor, I'm up to 1 tsp per day and will try 1-1/2 tsp today. I have tried it in the past and had loose bowels from 1/2 tsp, but on LCHF I haven't had that problem. I also take a prenatal vitamin that has some magnesium oxide in it, but I understand that kind is hard for the body to absorb.
    Potassium Nature's Bounty Potassium Gluconate, 595mg, 99mg as potassium. I'm going to try doubling this dose, as I got mild foot cramps last night.

    I get the foot/other cramps from the magnesium deficiency, not potassium. And adding in potassium makes my body dump the magnesium instead of absorbing it, so just FYI in case you encounter weirdness like me.

    Thanks for the tip, KnitOrMiss! I'm starting to loathe the taste of Natural Calm, as I've been increasing my dose up to the full 2 tsp, so I'll be shopping for a different form of Mg soon.

  • mlinton_mesapark
    mlinton_mesapark Posts: 517 Member
    Raynne413 wrote: »
    I've just been eating pickles and using no sugar sports drinks. I do take 400mg of Magnesium and 99mg of pottassium before bed at night.

    I eat olives a lot, because I love them, and pickles when I remember. I like pickles, but not as much as olives.

  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    I started back up taking my Inositol (B8) at night, and it seems to help the magnesium absorb better for my wacky chemistry...
  • SkinnyKerinny
    SkinnyKerinny Posts: 147 Member
    Up until today I didn't have anything to contribute to this thread but OMG I noticed in the mirror that my tummy and butt have shrunk a bit. Today I'm wearing a T shirt that fit so tight around my tummy it was horrible even though it was supposedly the right size (ordered it online). My tummy isn't flat but the T shirt is looser so it covers it up OK. It's kind of hard to wrap my head around this-- so I just texted my sister to send me the BEFORE pics she took last week to compare just to make sure I'm not hallucinating. LOL

    I'm taking 9 CLA a day and that is supposed to shrink your belly fat. The pills also aren't the best form of CLA since it's derived from oils instead of naturally occurring in foods. Just to be on the safe side I'm taking a lot of extra Milk Thistle to support my liver (which isn't in the best shape). I'm hoping that it's healthier and better for me to lose the belly fat than to take the CLA pills. I'm keeping a close watch on that situation. That CLA might be a factor also for the tummy shrinkage just FYI. But I definitely think the LC is working for me. It's not just my tummy since my butt is also smaller.

    I lost 5 pounds the first couple of days and it's been 2 weeks and haven't gained anything back (but didn't lose any more though). As far as I'm concerned that's a win!

    I still have some feelings of not enough energy to keep going when I'm walking. I take 3 horse pills of Magnesium Malate and some salt and that doesn't seem to help. My sister told me to take Potassium so that's on order and will be here tonight. Hopefully that will get my energy higher so I don't feel like I'm dragging (it's an overall low energy feeling). It could be my thyroid also.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    Some folks don't get their energy back until they adapt. That being said, I don't know about all those supplements, but LCHF naturally burns visceral fat first, then the other fats. It naturally restores liver balance. I can't imagine all the excess supplements make nature's process better, but I could be wrong. Congrats on the achievements, regardless.
  • AlexEtheridge1996
    AlexEtheridge1996 Posts: 65 Member
    edited July 2015
    Has anyone else noticed that they feel more aware of their surrounding environment, and that their eyes are easily kept wide open with a constant energy. I prefer the energy i have during a fast vs a fed state
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    Has anyone else noticed that they feel more aware of their surrounding environment, and that their eyes are easily kept wide open with a constant energy. I prefer the energy i have during a fast vs a fed state

    I was just commenting on that to my best friend earlier. When I fast through lunch instead of eat, I get what feels like an extra burst of mental clarity. Maybe that's the extra burning ketones fueling our brains more effectively?
  • AlexEtheridge1996
    AlexEtheridge1996 Posts: 65 Member
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »
    Has anyone else noticed that they feel more aware of their surrounding environment, and that their eyes are easily kept wide open with a constant energy. I prefer the energy i have during a fast vs a fed state

    I was just commenting on that to my best friend earlier. When I fast through lunch instead of eat, I get what feels like an extra burst of mental clarity. Maybe that's the extra burning ketones fueling our brains more effectively?
    yes! Its so hard to explain but it feels amazing. I first noticed it when i tried fasting

  • MelodySmith511
    MelodySmith511 Posts: 25 Member
    Good info! I need to re-read this thread for motivation. I'm experiencing Keto flu right now, so I'm looking forward to positive effects once I get past it :)
  • professionalHobbyist
    professionalHobbyist Posts: 1,316 Member
    Today I had my double scoop of Ripped Fuel no carb protein drink and went about my day. I had a 10 mile quick bike ride for fun. I grabbed a 2 boiled egg snack and was off again

    It was 7:00 in the evening and I started to know it was feeding time.

    It has been a week on low carb, as in 30 or so.

    The bit about burning off body fat more easily as fuel seems to be happening. I just stuffed down 5 tacos on low carb flax seed pita bread.

    I still have 800 calories to go. That ain't gonna happen.

    Been waiting for this phase to hit again. Hopefully I can ride the phase for a month and drop 5-7 pounds of straight fat!
  • DietPrada
    DietPrada Posts: 1,171 Member
    Oily skin and hair. Terrible itching all over my body (definitely keto related).

    I've been keto for months, I take magnesium, potassium etc, I drink water, I stick to my macros, but I still suffer from the above.
  • jeannehamby9
    jeannehamby9 Posts: 4 Member
    use the Keto calculator
  • DittoDan
    DittoDan Posts: 1,850 Member
    Has anyone else noticed that they feel more aware of their surrounding environment, and that their eyes are easily kept wide open with a constant energy. I prefer the energy i have during a fast vs a fed state

    Exactly this ^^^^^^

    Dan the Man from Michigan
    Keto / IF / Sedentary