Joined today

biccielover Posts: 15 Member
Need to lose over 2st just joined today , keep losing and gaining same 2st am 55 years old and
feel i should just accept it but its all round my middle , will give it my best shot x


  • hippytee
    hippytee Posts: 249 Member
    Welcome that's my goal too, feel free to add me up B
  • leeejordan
    leeejordan Posts: 13 Member
    Hi, been here before and now got to start all over.. Keep losing and gaining and it's the turn of losing again.. So tomorrow is the start of a losing chapter. Would be glad of some company on the way... Let's do this
  • jpearsonjenkins
    jpearsonjenkins Posts: 8 Member
    Hi All, I'm four days in and loving the feeling of being in control of eating and fitness again. This is a lifestyle change for me, as I've lost weight before, but want to make it stick this time. About to order a Fitbit Surge. My goal, a significant loss for a chance at promotion this summer: I want to look good in a suit!