Hi folks! Wondering if anyone else has Graves and has experienced weight gain.

Pascale505 Posts: 3 Member
Although I've been battling being hyperthyroid I continue to gain weight. My endo says it due to increased appetite and that I just need to eat less. I don't eat badly and my weight just keeps increasing.


  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    Your diary is private. Do you log everything you eat & drink accurately & honestly?

    I ask because I, too thought I was gaining for no good reason—but learning to log was quite a wake-up call. YMMV.
  • Pascale505
    Pascale505 Posts: 3 Member
    editorgrrl - I do log everything but admittedly not consistently. I agree it can be eye opening.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    Pascale505 wrote: »
    I do log everything but admittedly not consistently.

    Hands down, the single best piece of weight-loss advice I ever received was to read the Sexypants post. I've lost the weight & have maintained for 11 months, and I give a lot of the credit for my success to reading (and periodically rereading) that post: https://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/1080242/a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-sexypants/p1
  • Katsville
    Katsville Posts: 28 Member
    Hi there,
    I have gained loads of weight with Graves. Wasn't logging then and am quite sure I was eating way over my calories due to constant hunger. I am now on meds, logging and losing weight. Feel free to add me.
  • Pascale505
    Pascale505 Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks Ladies!
  • samjoy
    samjoy Posts: 119 Member
    I have gained weight on meds with Graves disease. During this time I was diligently tracking my eating (on Weight Watchers). Yes in some people Graves and then the treatment of the graves makes one gain weight!
  • klmnumbers
    klmnumbers Posts: 213 Member
    Just echoing the cries of - yes people with hyperthyroidism/Grave's can gain. My major symptoms leading to diagnosis were weight gain and palpitations. I'm post ablated now and still struggle with loss. I can maintain like a champion but kickstarting weight loss remains difficult even with regulated levels via medication. It's a long road for us thyroid disease sufferers, but you can and will lose weight.
  • cats121
    cats121 Posts: 21 Member
    I will echo others that yes, you can definitely gain with Graves! I had the iodine therapy a few years ago and am now hypothyroid. You can lose weight with thyroid disease but it can be harder until your levels are stabilized. And, even then, it can still be hard but have patience with yourself as conventional advice may not apply, i.e., caloric intake, amount of exercise.
  • yellowantphil
    yellowantphil Posts: 787 Member
    I only gain weight when I’m on way too much methimazole, which hasn’t happened in a couple years.
  • hbpslo
    hbpslo Posts: 6 Member
    I had RAI therapy 13 years ago to combat my advanced Graves. Once my thyroid died and I was put on Synthroid I gained a significant amount of weight even after the correct dose was settled on.

    A month ago I decided enough is enough and religiously started back with daily exercise & logging in what I eat. I'm finally loosing weight. There's a lot to be said for logging it in. I also just got a FitBit. It's really been motivating me to keep moving & active.
  • Dietcise
    Dietcise Posts: 10 Member
    I have Graves which came on strong after pregnancy and I eventually under went radiation twice to kill the thyroid. Now, I am labelled as chronic hypothyroidism. My body rejected Synthroid so I take Armour (thyroid from a pig....really). I need a very high dose of it according to my Endocrinologist. I have had to see my doctor at a minimum twice a year for the past 10 years! I often wish I had just kept my god given thyroid and lived with it. The treatment, weight gains, and expensive doctors' visits have depressed the heck out of me. My Graves symptoms were tremors, high anxiety level, excessive sweating, hair loss and heart palpitations so concerning my doctor thought I might have a heart attack. I was so young and out of breath just climbing two or three small flights of stairs. Sorry to write so much, it is my life...Graves disease stinks!
  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,301 Member
    Hugs, Dietcise. We all took what doctors told us as "gospel" in our youth. Thyroid patients of all hews know the trials and tribulations of not being heard and not being treated as an individual, being treated by the outdated book. There is so much more to any thyroid situation which is far from a simple subject. Please read up on your original condition which, I think, created antibodies, might your body still be creating some, I do not know. Then set out to understand the effects of the treatment you were subjected to. With this knowledge you can try to understand where you are and why. Like so many of us, you may find this knowledge gives you confidence to question if not challenge intelligently what you are being told now, to make the best decisions for your future health.

    Your country will have a thyroid support site which will be helpful. Additionally the US, Stop the thyroid Madness site is very good too. If you are US based there is a section with doctors who are known to understand thyroid problems. Finding someone with a commitment to achieving health for those with thyroid problems could be a good place to start. Then there are many books by people who have trodden this road before which may be available from a library.

    Take care. Do what you feel is right for you.
  • sssnell
    sssnell Posts: 3 Member
    Diagnosed with graves, zapped thyroid with radiation. Struggled with weight gain. Doctors put me on synthroid but I never felt like it was enough even when they said numbers perfect . If I had it to do again I wouldn't have had the radiation and kept my thyroid. Just recently started Armour . Female doctor increased Armour bc she respected how I felt. We will see.