New & Looking for Friends

300to1derland Posts: 32 Member
I'm not new to MFP but I'm starting over again. I tried last year, lost about 30lbs and then ended up gaining that back and then some. Ouch :(

My name is Bella, and I've recently lost 3lbs using MFP and exercising. I weigh 339 right now, and have a goal weight of 150 . I'm looking for positive, active friends on MFP. I log daily, and I also blog daily on my Wordpress blog. I also deal with panic disorder and agoraphobia so getting outside to exercise or to the gym is nearly impossible, but it's slowly getting better. I'm on disability for my mental illness and my obesity. I'd like that to change so I can go back to work.

Good luck to every one here :)


  • MimiOfTheLusciousLawn
    MimiOfTheLusciousLawn Posts: 2,212 Member
    Hi Bella, welcome back! Boy can I relate to the lose-gain-bring some friends back home with you routine. I always say that I dieted my way up to my highest known of 409. Good luck on your journey!
  • Anna83704
    Anna83704 Posts: 37 Member
    Welcome! I'm starting over again too. Sent you a friend request. :)
  • 300to1derland
    300to1derland Posts: 32 Member
    Hi Bella, welcome back! Boy can I relate to the lose-gain-bring some friends back home with you routine. I always say that I dieted my way up to my highest known of 409. Good luck on your journey!

    Thanks, Mimi! I hope we're both successful this time around :)
  • 300to1derland
    300to1derland Posts: 32 Member
    Anna83704 wrote: »
    Welcome! I'm starting over again too. Sent you a friend request. :)

    Thanks, Anna :) Happy to become friends!
  • Summershowalter
    Summershowalter Posts: 49 Member
    I am where you are in starting over. I had also lost 30 lbs and now I'm attempting to lose it again and keep it off this time. Maybe we cam motivate each other. Sent you a request
  • mjwwes
    mjwwes Posts: 21 Member
    I would love it if you would accept my friend request welcome back
  • AmethystEFC
    AmethystEFC Posts: 140 Member
    Hi Bella. We're starting over together :)
  • violet456
    violet456 Posts: 674 Member
    I'm in, also starting over. Lost all my pregnancy weight, but then gained it all back, hoping to get back to my pre pregnancy weight of 295 which is about 18 pounds away now, then going down from there. Lets keep each other motivated.

    Anyone else can add me too. Cheers.
  • FindingLovely
    FindingLovely Posts: 19 Member
    I'm starting over as well. I got down to 285 back in February but I'm back at 309. Wishing all of us success!
  • SweetDesiderata
    SweetDesiderata Posts: 22 Member
    I too am starting up again. Literally just jumped back on the site yesterday for the first time in a while! I am currently at 307. I have gotten into such a BAD eating habit that I have not only gained all this weight, but I also feel like total crap. No motivation, and am just tired all the time. I am currently a full time student, so that hasn't made things any easier, as I sit a lot in class and while studying. Not to mention it is just easier to grab some really over processed crap to eat when on the run! At some point during the week I have to get to the grocery store so I can get some healthy stuff, but I plan to start tracking again tomorrow even if it isnt the greatest foods! Anyway, enough of my chatter... anyone feel free to add me as a friend :)
  • Miss_Mania
    Miss_Mania Posts: 163 Member
    I started off with intense anxiety which eventually escalated to complete avoidance and agoraphobia. I just want to tell you that any challenge is possible with the right attitude. I am still on my weightloss journey but I am slowly but surely coming through my internal struggles. Good Luck!!