Weigh in Week #2 July 12th - July 18th

kayjosh2422 Posts: 864 Member
Best of Luck!!!


  • ssingley13
    ssingley13 Posts: 112 Member
    Starting weight: 223 pounds
    CW: 220 pounds
    CGW: 200 pounds
    UGW: 123/130 pounds

    Lost 3 pounds this past week! :smiley:
  • shar_de
    shar_de Posts: 3 Member
    Starting This Week:
    Starting Weight: 230
  • kellycasey5
    kellycasey5 Posts: 486 Member
    Well holy heck I had I think the best week in many many many months (go figure)!
    SW (DEC): 192 pounds
    Week 1(challenge start): 156.9
    Week 2: 154.4

    LOST 2.5 pounds! So happy about the warm weather...keeps my coffee/cream down as I love iced tea with lemon! I can thank grandma for that :) Between that and the salads it is easier to stay on goal. And I am dog sitting a bit, so I think even the bits of going out to take dog out or to the park are helping me out.

    Doctor says she will be happy when my weight hits a target of 150 pounds....But honestly I am so happy this far. I think I am finally getting used to not seeing the scale INCREASE each time I weigh.

    Happy weigh in week everybody :)
  • Mspmpayne
    Mspmpayne Posts: 267 Member
    Managed to lose a pound.....157.75 I put it on the spreadsheet. Good luck for week 2 everyone!! =)
  • mdelynn01
    mdelynn01 Posts: 176 Member
  • lindadprice
    lindadprice Posts: 150 Member
    Week 1:172
    Week 2:172
  • ACSL3
    ACSL3 Posts: 623 Member
    Hi. I'm starting a week late so this is my starting weight for the challenge
    MFP start weight: 178
    Challenge start weight: 171.6

    Have a great week everyone! :)
  • barbecuesauce
    barbecuesauce Posts: 1,771 Member
    SW: 200
    CSW: 136
    CW: 135

    UGW: 130
  • joshuapowell1989
    joshuapowell1989 Posts: 163 Member
    edited July 2015
    Challenge Start Weight: 159lb
    Challenge Goal Weight: 145lb
    Week 1: 158.2 (-0.8lb)

    Total Challenge Change: -0.8lb

    Not amazing but think my pizza has made me retain water! but my first pepperoni pizza in a while, and it was worth it lol
  • Zumba_Luvah
    Zumba_Luvah Posts: 420 Member
    MFP SW- 188
    CW- 164

    Just before this challenge started, I lost 2.6 pounds. So staying the same was expected lol
  • runningsahm
    runningsahm Posts: 208 Member
    MFP SW: 174
    Challenge GW: 155
    UGW: 145

    Week 0: 173.8
    Week 1: 169.0 (-4.8 lbs)

    Finally started logging food again and I think last's week weight was a bit of water weight and a result of excessive eating over the holiday, but either way feeling good this week.
  • LMDlove230
    LMDlove230 Posts: 63 Member
    Week 1 : 193.2
    Week 2 : 190.2 (-3.0lbs)

    I was down to 189.0, but some pizza this weekend set me back... Oh well, back to it this week!!
  • makrogurl
    makrogurl Posts: 19 Member
    Only lost .4 lbs. My fault, though. I didn't try very hard. Will do better this week!!!
  • 1crvygrl
    1crvygrl Posts: 491 Member
    MFP SW 215
    7/6 212.4
    7/13 212.2

    Not much of a loss, but at least not a gain. I wasn't really with it last week, hoping to be more motivated this week. Going to try to make myself post my weight every week, lose or gain, as some motivation.
  • SunshineLisa1968
    SunshineLisa1968 Posts: 36 Member
    MFP Start: 229
    CW: 224
    Challenge GW: 209
    UGW: 180
  • lozinit
    lozinit Posts: 29 Member
    MFP starting weight 260
    7/5/15 238.4
    7/12/15 235.1
    CGW 223.4
  • mdelynn01
    mdelynn01 Posts: 176 Member
    mdelynn01 wrote: »

    Could someone please add this? My phone doesn't let me add. I even have the sheets app. Sorry. :#:'(
  • Shortontime
    Shortontime Posts: 25 Member
    challenge start weight: 206.8lbs
    challenge goal weight: 191.8lbs

    starting today
  • LadyScorpio67
    LadyScorpio67 Posts: 247 Member
    MFP Start: 264.4
    UG: 155

    7/5: 250.0
    7/14: 252.6

    This week: +2.6
    So far: +2.6
    To go: 17.6

    Tuesday's are my usual weigh-in day here and I debated entering today because I just got back last night from being gone a week. It's the wrong direction, but I know I have some water retention going on and don't feel it's too awful bad considering. Back on track today and looking to get that gain and then some gone for a good weigh-in next week!
  • princess7955
    princess7955 Posts: 1,277 Member
    no loss this week, but no gain either. I think I've updated the spreadsheet for myself :)