Misc. Chat Thread - June / July 2015



  • MalineVD
    MalineVD Posts: 649 Member
    Took some time off last two weeks and totally unplugged. No laptop, barely touching my phone and I've spend days and days on just being by myself and reading. I finally feel like I'm coming at rest now. Clearing my head en not having to do anything was a hard choice, since I'm always pushing myself to do MORE. But now I can feel how much I needed it and I'm really enjoying the peace and quietness :)
    Went to lift this morning and the app suggested a serious deload. Normally I would feel pretty bad about that, but I couldn't care less today. I'll get there eventually. As long as I keep on going. :)
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Ugh, it's way too hot. I didn't go jog this morning because heat, headache and a bout of laziness combined, which led to me sleeping in until after 10 am. It's my day off from work but still. This schedule is a bit of a challenge since I'm not a morning person but it's way too hot to jog any other time.

    Also, this is lifting related but I'm going to grumble about it in here. Picking a program is proving more of a challenge than I expected. I liked the simplicity of SL but like doing more than 3 lifts per session too. I also am not fond of reps above 20 but they have been interesting in NROLFW. I have gotten to try some different lifts, which is nice in a way and there are others I'd like to try in the future though physiology might create some struggles. I'm not the best program follower though, since I added accessories to NROLFW and took out a few of them cause got bored with crunches. Now I'm looking over the beginner programs along with the ones in the sticky about after 5x5 and so far, not sure what to do next.

    I have a minimum of 5 workouts left for NROLFW. Do want something that can help increase on the main lifts for things like my goal to deadlift 225. I like the idea of power cleans but can't hold the bar that way, unless elbows don't have to be up at that angle cause I just can't get it there. I almost posted in Eat, Train, Progress group to ask about that lift but haven't gotten the wording figured out, or the courage yet.

    So yeah, ramble aside. Not sure what to do next. Just definitely something not all over 10 reps per set that includes things like squat, bench, deadlift, etc. :confused:
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    ^^ i've been curious about your nrl experience and wondering what you think of it in other senses as well. it seems like you're getting so much coverage. do you feel stronger, or strong in different ways/areas? i.e. than you would have been just doing sl. what's your opinion?

    i doubt if i'd ever have the focus to do so many different things with so much turnover in routines, but i've admired you for doing it.

    subject shift . . . . i had a quickie massage today. this practicum-student-massage-for-ten-bucks thing they do at this job to get people to show up on fridays instead of just calling in 'sick'. the kid i'm seeing this time around is really likeable - she's even more disorganized than i am, but so enthusiastic and so willing to try and fix stuff i find her kind of touching. she's also BIG. and her project for today was to de-rotate my pelvis and get my hips a little better seated in their sockets. ow ow but also pretty neat and maybe helpful. also, glad i had one pair of respectable underpants left when i packed this morning, because tomorrow is laundry day, in that do-or-die kind of sense.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    It has been an interesting program. It hasn't helped me in the sense of getting numbers up on certain lifts, like deadlift, and other than incline dumbbell and now incline barbell there was no bench pressing, which bugged me a little. I found a number of lifts that I actually liked though. I like lat pull down, though I'm stalled at 80 right now cause it doesn't really have a de-load process, but in stage 7 I have to go way less anyways due to the rep range. I also like romanian deadlift just not on one foot or with a combined row since I can deadlift way more than I can row. It did a good job in getting me out of my comfort zone and I did increase my weights on most of the lifts throughout. After all of the goofy one leg lifts, it's hard to be self conscious on the other lifts. But I probably would be higher on squat and deadlift, or at least deadlift for sure, and bench if I'd stuck with something more like SL.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    renewed my rec centre membership card today. that means i've been a weightlifting person for a whole year (blows smoke from muzzle of gun).
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Nice. My year will be at the end of October but I'm looking for a new gym. The move made my gym a little too far away.

    Oh goodness glaciers, it's freakin' hot. No AC in apartment, just some fans, so my days off are spent sweating while doing nothing. ugh
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    My hubby has decided he wants to lose a bit of weight (he's got about 30 lbs to lose) and aside from the fact he gets soooo much more food in a day, it is really nice to have him working towards being more healthy and now understanding the work that I put into tracking, weighing, building recipes etc.
  • indianarose2
    indianarose2 Posts: 469 Member
    That's great! My husband is working out and watching what he eats butcwon't have any of the MFP kool-aid lol!
  • andylllI
    andylllI Posts: 379 Member
    My province is on fire and now everything smells like a giant campfire. Can barely see for the haze. I wish it would rain.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    andylllI wrote: »
    My province is on fire and now everything smells like a giant campfire.

    can't even bring marshmallows without borking the calorie count.

    how much protein in marshmallows?

  • MommysLittleMeatball
    MommysLittleMeatball Posts: 2,064 Member

    I saw this today and laughed really hard. I hope you all get a kick out of it!
  • symba1130
    symba1130 Posts: 248 Member
    Just wanted to check in and say HI! Remember that awesome back injury from February?!? Well...I am still nursing it. I cant put a barbell on my back at the moment so I am doing other stuff to keep me moving. These last few weeks have been at home DVD's with light dumbells, Barre classes, LONG walks and Spin classes. Still working on strengthening that core so someday I can be back in this group with all you amazing ladies!
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    symba1130 wrote: »
    Just wanted to check in and say HI! Remember that awesome back injury from February?!? Well...I am still nursing it. I cant put a barbell on my back at the moment so I am doing other stuff to keep me moving. These last few weeks have been at home DVD's with light dumbells, Barre classes, LONG walks and Spin classes. Still working on strengthening that core so someday I can be back in this group with all you amazing ladies!

    i was thinking about you the day before you posted and wondering if you'd get in touch. how's it going? i'm not sure from your post if you're still recovering from the injury itself, or if that has mostly cleared up and you're now trying to work around the underlying conditions that set you up for getting it.

  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    edited July 2015
    i may have located a trainer. made myself late enough pursuing fitness and health yesterday morning (i.e. hand-crafting an intro email) that i ended up driving to work. heh. point being that his gym seems to be 'underground' . . . at least in the sense that the website gives no street address and the only way of getting in touch is basically through the guy who owns it. i got his name from the starting strength forum archives where someone else was asking for ss-conscious recommendations within my city.

    got an auto-reply saying that he's out of town and will respond when he's back, and so anti-climax. anyway, i guess i'll just have to wait until then and see what happens.

    fingers crossed anyway. he's actually a little bit cheaper than physio for one-on-on one, so unless he's a total loss i can't see how this could be all that bad of a thing.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    I saw this today and laughed really hard. I hope you all get a kick out of it!

    lol . . . yeah, i was actually crafting a post a few days ago that went, basically, 'i get the pec doms of doom every time that i bench - and yes, i KNOW it's not boobs.'

  • symba1130
    symba1130 Posts: 248 Member
    symba1130 wrote: »
    Just wanted to check in and say HI! Remember that awesome back injury from February?!? Well...I am still nursing it. I cant put a barbell on my back at the moment so I am doing other stuff to keep me moving. These last few weeks have been at home DVD's with light dumbells, Barre classes, LONG walks and Spin classes. Still working on strengthening that core so someday I can be back in this group with all you amazing ladies!

    i was thinking about you the day before you posted and wondering if you'd get in touch. how's it going? i'm not sure from your post if you're still recovering from the injury itself, or if that has mostly cleared up and you're now trying to work around the underlying conditions that set you up for getting it.

    @canadianlbs - Well, I guess its a little of both. I have mostly recovered but I struggle with my low back daily. I am beyond fearful of really hurting myself again so I am taking it slow and really trying to strengthen my back so I can prevent further injury.
    Here I am part of a "heavy lifting" group and this morning I took a barre class and held onto little 1lb weights. After 60sec of the same motion (up an inch, down an inch) my shoulders were on fire!
    I am seeing physical changes to my body and my weight is going down, so I guess I am still getting to my original goal, just on a slightly different path at the moment.
    I am happy to see the previous 6mths weren't wasted! I feel like I have better form because of 5x5 and my arms/back/legs are looking pretty good even using "Barbie weights"...LOL
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Had an interesting session with a trainer at my gym this morning. We set up the appointment on Thursday as I'd asked for a body fat assessment, she did the calipers unlike the others who just did the hand held device, and she'd wanted to meet up again to talk about my goals and such. Plus the body fat check had been right after I'd done my lifting session, so it was good to get it done under different conditions than that.

    Spent time discussing goals, which are the priority and some of the reasons behind them. She's into both running and lifting, even mentioned adding some mass might help with the extra skin on arms issue, so not afraid of bulking or anything either. She was nice and encouraging. Did the body fat test with the calipers (which came out .3 less than thursday's) and then had looked at some mobility issues. Couple things came up.

    1. Quads are tight. I can feel it so not surprised as I've been bad about the foam rolling, as in I do it maybe once every three weeks. I need to work on that with all the stuff I do.

    2. Back and core need strengthened. While I know my lower back is a minor issue due to the arthritis, I guess I didn't think it was a big issue since I haven't had much pain at all or felt like it was hindering. However, the assessment was I go a little too forward in squats and my body tries to compensate instead of activating the lower back muscles. I did kind of skip out on some of the core work in NROLFW cause the crunches were blah. She also mentioned rounding at the bottom of the squat along with my knees tracking over my toes. I need to try filming some time and get a squat assessment online cause part of that varies on what type of squat I'm doing as I know I lean a little more for low bar than high bar. The trainers at this one do often comment on the knees tracking over the toes being a problem, yet it doesn't feel like I'm going that far over so seeing it myself would probably help.

    3. Upper back/shoulders. This needs a little bit as the hunching over when using computers and such has caused some minor issues. I know I don't feel the lift in the upper back for any of the rows.

    Obviously, since it's their job, she discussed training plans and how much it would cost to set up a set of 5. I still can't afford it but not unexpected that it'd come up at the end. She did show me a few things on the ground to work on the lower back along with some TRX work. I will probably incorporate them into every session and find a few others as well. I know the compound lifts work the core and such but guess I need to dedicate a little more time to just core and back to work on the imbalances.
  • indianarose2
    indianarose2 Posts: 469 Member
    So good to get an assessment like that before an injury can occur! I'm just kind of crossing my fingers and generally just stop or deload Imif something doesn't feel right at this point. Glad she didn't sound like a hard sell! ;-)
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    symba1130 wrote: »
    Here I am part of a "heavy lifting" group and this morning I took a barre class and held onto little 1lb weights. After 60sec of the same motion (up an inch, down an inch) my shoulders were on fire!

    i'll tell you. dancers are STRONG. on all the rest of it . . . :)

  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    So good to get an assessment like that before an injury can occur! I'm just kind of crossing my fingers and generally just stop or deload Imif something doesn't feel right at this point. Glad she didn't sound like a hard sell! ;-)

    Indeed. In SL, when my back bothered me a little I did a de-load to give it a little break and worked slowly back up. It was good to get the assessment, just have to figure out how to work on those issues on my own now.