


  • Cheesy567
    Cheesy567 Posts: 1,186 Member
    Hmmm... I don't know if coconut oil will ferment. It's stable at room temperatures for years, seems pretty bacteriostatic if not bacteriocidal to me...
  • minties82
    minties82 Posts: 907 Member
    edited July 2015
    I'll see if I can find where I saw it. Might have veen a different fermented coconut product.

    Edited to add the link. Not sure exactly how you ferment an oil out? I gather it isn't pressed out. I usually buy my coconut oil from these guys.
  • robert65ferguson
    robert65ferguson Posts: 390 Member
    I'm a Type 2 living in the UK and use Bioglan Biotic Balance which has 4 live species Lactobacillus Acidophilus, Lactobacillus Rhamnosus, Bifidobacterium Longum, Saccharomyces Boulardii. It has the advantage that it does not need refridgeration. I also try to eat fermented foods such as sauerkraut. For me the downside of LCHF has been a slowing down of the digestive process and probiotics and fermented foods have been a big help.
  • minties82
    minties82 Posts: 907 Member
    Are probiotics something that you continue to take for life? Or does the bacteria manage to maintain it's colony fairly well after a certain period of time?

    There are already so many things I have to buy all the time on keto, not sure about adding another expense that will carry on for years and years.
  • toadqueen
    toadqueen Posts: 592 Member
    I take PB8, a gluten-free (soy, egg, dairy, nut free too) probiotic that does not require refrigerator 2xs per day. A monthly supply costs me $16.49. I have not checked online. They started me on it in the hospital last fall. I do not eat fermented foods. I just cannot tolerate the taste of any of them. I think it helps with digestive health and weight loss because I now can move things along daily as opposed to about once or twice per week. I intend to take these for the rest of my life, but my intestines are compromised.
  • GSD_Mama
    GSD_Mama Posts: 629 Member
    I used to take VSL3 probiotics, they ship them in an ice pack within 24 hours as it should be refrigerated. You can probably find a better price if you google it.
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,060 Member
    fortunebc wrote: »
    How do you make kombucha?

  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,060 Member
    Kitnthecat wrote: »
    fortunebc wrote: »
    How do you make kombucha?

    oops, forgot to post my message. Just google how to make it and you'll get a sense of how it's done. I see in my local health food store that the price of my favorite GT's Kombucha is now $4.69 CAN or some outrageous price.

    All you need is some green or black tea bags, some sugar ( yes I know sugar is bad, but the fermentation process eats it up ) and a SCOBY- symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast to start the fermentation, and a glass container for brewing, like a big jar.

    Brew some tea, add sugar, let it cool and pour it in your big glass jar, add the scoby and some of the fermentation liquid from the last batch, cover it with a cloth that allows it to breathe, and leave it at room temperature until it ferments, looks bubbly, and you like the taste of it...not too sweet because it's not done, yet not too vinegary since you've let it go too far.

    I used to brew it, but my scoby suffered an untimely death, so I stopped. I was just given a new scoby by a friend, so will start brewing after my vacation next month. You can keep a scoby in a holding pattern in a jar in the fridge. When I'm ready to brew, I will remove it and let it do it's thing with some tea and sugar and the end result will be magic !
  • fortunebc
    fortunebc Posts: 24 Member
    m_puppy wrote: »
    Any recommendations/plugs for the best probiotic? I've only taken a pill once and the stomach ache I was suffering from for 2 days went away. This was in June and I had decided that eating french fries was a perfectly acceptable thing to do before getting on a plane before vacation. (This is where I fail at planned cheats!)
    Kitnthecat wrote: »
    Kitnthecat wrote: »
    fortunebc wrote: »
    How do you make kombucha?

    oops, forgot to post my message. Just google how to make it and you'll get a sense of how it's done. I see in my local health food store that the price of my favorite GT's Kombucha is now $4.69 CAN or some outrageous price.

    All you need is some green or black tea bags, some sugar ( yes I know sugar is bad, but the fermentation process eats it up ) and a SCOBY- symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast to start the fermentation, and a glass container for brewing, like a big jar.

    Brew some tea, add sugar, let it cool and pour it in your big glass jar, add the scoby and some of the fermentation liquid from the last batch, cover it with a cloth that allows it to breathe, and leave it at room temperature until it ferments, looks bubbly, and you like the taste of it...not too sweet because it's not done, yet not too vinegary since you've let it go too far.

    I used to brew it, but my scoby suffered an untimely death, so I stopped. I was just given a new scoby by a friend, so will start brewing after my vacation next month. You can keep a scoby in a holding pattern in a jar in the fridge. When I'm ready to brew, I will remove it and let it do it's thing with some tea and sugar and the end result will be magic !

  • fortunebc
    fortunebc Posts: 24 Member
    Thanks for the kombucha directions, I'll give it a try. Hope it's magic for me!
  • Cheesy567
    Cheesy567 Posts: 1,186 Member
    minties82 wrote: »
    I'll see if I can find where I saw it. Might have veen a different fermented coconut product.

    Edited to add the link. Not sure exactly how you ferment an oil out? I gather it isn't pressed out. I usually buy my coconut oil from these guys.

    That's coconut oil, but it's not fermented.
    minties82 wrote: »
    Are probiotics something that you continue to take for life? Or does the bacteria manage to maintain it's colony fairly well after a certain period of time?

    There are already so many things I have to buy all the time on keto, not sure about adding another expense that will carry on for years and years.

    The life cycle of the probiotics only lasts a short while, so it can take awhile to build up a sustaining colony. In modern cultures, it's probably good to take them periodically throughout life-- we're too clean and don't eat enough dirt day to day to keep a healthy gut biome.
  • Cheesy567
    Cheesy567 Posts: 1,186 Member
    And it doesn't have to be an expensive endeavor-- fermentation happens for free, if you garden or have a friend who does then the cost of the veggies is minimal.
  • LynnSullivan1
    LynnSullivan1 Posts: 24 Member
    A second vote for PB8 - I used it when my kids were little and on antibiotics periodically. It made a huge difference. It has less dairy than some of the other products, if that is an issue.
  • sweetteadrinker2
    sweetteadrinker2 Posts: 1,026 Member
    I sprinkle some probios into a dab of applesauce if I'm on antibiotics. Can't remember the stains, but it really seems to help. Unless taken daily then it does odd things to my gut. Doc says I eat too much dirt to take it daily. Lol
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,060 Member
    I like dirt too....don't wash your veggies too seriously when picking them from the garden, since you can improve your gut flora by eating a little dirt, that's for sure. Later in the summer, I'll be pulling carrots out of the garden and just wiping them on the grass before eating them right on the spot !
  • minties82
    minties82 Posts: 907 Member
    I do grow veggies but don't often eat them.
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,060 Member
    No, I know, neither do I very often now....but when they are ready, I will have some in small quantities.
  • totaloblivia
    totaloblivia Posts: 1,164 Member
    Thanks for all this helpful information folks
  • inspirationstation
    inspirationstation Posts: 209 Member
    Bubbe's Sauerkraut and Pickles products are naturally fermented and have probiotics. I seem to notice a positive effect on my BS too.

    Plus, it is the tastiest sauerkraut that I have tasted aside from homemade. :smile:
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    So how does nutritional yeast factor into this equation? Or apple cider vinegar with the mother? Aren't these both supposed to be fermented products? I'm having heavy difficulties finding anything to work fermented items into my life, because I'm in small town with ridiculously limited store options and no way to currently purchase anything online. I was also told a number of times to never buy the pill form of a probiotic because we need live cultures and anything not refrigerated is already dead.