Plateau on Phase 2

chesica1 Posts: 3 Member
Hi everyone,

I started SBD back in March and so far I've lost 18pounds. However, I've hit a plateau for the past three weeks I've fluctuated between 184-185. Has anyone experienced this? My goal weight is 150, in 5'3. Any suggestions on what I could be doing wrong? I do have one cheat meal a week.



  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Have you reviewed your eating? maybe tracking for a few days is worth it, if you aren't already. if you are, considering weighing foods for a few days. Things like nuts can really add up, and "carb creep" is a real issue.
  • chesica1
    chesica1 Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks! I am going to give that a try. It may be a carb creep for sure. :)