Today's WOD



  • bettytrhoades
    bettytrhoades Posts: 19 Member
    Yesterday was supposed to be 12:00 AMRAP of 7 power snatches, 200m run, and 12 handstand push-ups. I was already going to have to modify the workout because I don't have a handstand push-up, but when I was doing skill work, I tweaked my neck. So, coach had me doing the same 12:00 AMRAP, but with 7 KB swings (40 lbs), 200m run, and 24 air squats. I got through 3 full rounds and 21 reps. Hopefully the neck will be feeling better for tomorrow, since I think snatches are on the menu again.
  • Keladelphia
    Keladelphia Posts: 820 Member
    Yesterday I did this fun one- you keep increasing front squats by 5 each round and double that for the number of double unders until 25:00 . 110# got suprisingly heavy by the round of 25 front squats.

    25:00 AMRAP of:
    5 Front Squats 155/110#

    Run 125 meters

    10 Double Unders

    Run 125 meters

    10 Front Squats 155/110#

    Run 125 meters

    20 Double Unders

    Run 125 meters

    15 Front Squats 155/110#

    Run 125 meters

    30 Double Unders

    Run 125 meters

    20 Front Squats 155/110#

    Run 125 meters

    40 Double Unders

    Run 125 meters

    GHR – 5 sets of 10



    20:00 AMRAP of:

    Run 400 meters

    Max set of pull-ups

    *Score will be total number of pull-ups
  • bettytrhoades
    bettytrhoades Posts: 19 Member
    This morning was 3 rounds of 3:00 AMRAP (with 1:00 rest in between each) of 10 wall balls, 10 med ball cleans, and 10 med ball sit ups. I did Rx (14 lbs)!
  • Keladelphia
    Keladelphia Posts: 820 Member
    Dumbbell Rows – 5 sets of max reps going up in weight for each set


    4 sets of Tabata:

    1. Half Burpees

    2. Burpees

    3. Burpee Box Jumps

    4. Half Burpee – Burpee Box Jumps

    20 seconds of work then 10 seconds of rest for 8 cycles per movement

    Rest 1:00 between each
  • noel2fit
    noel2fit Posts: 235 Member
    For time:
    200m run,
    15 ball slams (20# F),
    15 push ups,
    15 butterfly situps,
    400m run,
    9 ball slams (20# F),
    9 push ups,
    9 butterfly situps,
    800m run,
    6 ball slams (20# F),
    6 push ups,
    6 butterfly situps

    I'm a newb and wasn't getting through the push-ups so modified 15 to 9 for first round, then did 9, then 6.
    My coaches modify a lot. I'm wondering if I should push myself harder and be more sore the next day or continue at this pace and just show up consistently 5 days a week... I assume the mods are to keep you motivated to keep coming regularly rather than have you need more rest days.
  • bettytrhoades
    bettytrhoades Posts: 19 Member
    Today was terrible. After a bunch of pulling strength work (dumbell rows, vertical ring rows, etc), the WOD was 100 pull ups for time. Eek. I don't have anything close to a pull up, so we did "jumping pull ups" - but I still think I was mostly jumping and not really pulling up. I also only got to 75. Oh, did I mention every minute on the minute we had to do 4 burpees? Blech!
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Dumbbell Rows – 5 sets of max reps going up in weight for each set


    4 sets of Tabata:

    1. Half Burpees

    2. Burpees

    3. Burpee Box Jumps

    4. Half Burpee – Burpee Box Jumps

    20 seconds of work then 10 seconds of rest for 8 cycles per movement

    Rest 1:00 between each

    Dumbbells? :)

  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Really wanted to go yesterday for a nice conditioning workout (3x 800m run + 15 T2B, each round starts on the 8 minutes looking for consistency)

    Tonight is Front squats, 4 rounds of 4. 2 second pause in the hole.

    Then we play around with the atlas balls
  • Keladelphia
    Keladelphia Posts: 820 Member
    bostonwolf wrote: »
    Dumbbell Rows – 5 sets of max reps going up in weight for each set


    4 sets of Tabata:

    1. Half Burpees

    2. Burpees

    3. Burpee Box Jumps

    4. Half Burpee – Burpee Box Jumps

    20 seconds of work then 10 seconds of rest for 8 cycles per movement

    Rest 1:00 between each

    Dumbbells? :)

    Ha-Ha Right? Ohh Atlas balls, nice! My coach just made a few. The smallest weighs 130#; what the hell am I supossed to do with that though?

    I was going to rest today but this looks light and fun.


    4 Rounds for time:

    – 100 feet Overhead Walking Lunge (25/45)

    – 30 Box Jumps (20/24)

    – 20 Wall Balls (14/20)

    – 10 HSPUs
  • Keladelphia
    Keladelphia Posts: 820 Member
    Today was terrible. After a bunch of pulling strength work (dumbell rows, vertical ring rows, etc), the WOD was 100 pull ups for time. Eek. I don't have anything close to a pull up, so we did "jumping pull ups" - but I still think I was mostly jumping and not really pulling up. I also only got to 75. Oh, did I mention every minute on the minute we had to do 4 burpees? Blech!

    Ugh we did the same recently but with 3 burpees every 30 seconds, it was brutal. Nice work getting to 75 :)
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    Ten Minute EMOM
    - 3 deadlifts starting at 65% of 1RM and adding weight throughout (I ended up at about 80%).

    WOD For Time
    - 200 Meter Run
    - 15 HSPU (I modified by using a box)
    - 400 Meter Run
    - 20 Toes to Bar (I modified doing knees to chest)
    - 800 Meter Run
    - 30 Weighted sit-ups with 45lbs plate (I modified doing 35lbs).

    For some reason, whenever I try to run after deadlifts, it is like running in deep, loose sand. I’m going at about half the pace I do when I haven’t lifted before. My glutes hurt.
  • bethlivi
    bethlivi Posts: 157 Member
    EMOM style: 40s work, 20s rest each minute

    0-Row for calories
    1-Box jumps
    2-V ups

    (For 18 minutes)

    I rowed better than I ever have today. Found my groove finally! But I got floor burns from the V ups and suffered through them. Lol
  • Mummyadams
    Mummyadams Posts: 1,125 Member
    Friday's is always a long chipper WOD for us:
    1,000-meter run
    25 cleans
    25 box jump-overs
    25 pull-ups
    50 wall-ball shots
    25 pull-ups
    25 box jump-overs
    25 cleans
    500m run

    Looks suspiciously like the Wednesday chipper Masters WOD on the just released Wednesday workout:
  • noel2fit
    noel2fit Posts: 235 Member
    Tabata Day!

    Warm up:
    400m run,
    3 squat cleans, 2 clean and jerk 60%
    3 squat cleans, 2 clean and jerk 65%
    3 squat cleans, 2 clean and jerk 75%

    Row- 4 mins 20s on 10s off
    Ring Pull Ups (from ground)- 4 mins 20s on 10s off
    Squat Jumps- 4 mins 20s on 10s off
    Push Ups- 4 mins 20s on 10s off
  • bethlivi
    bethlivi Posts: 157 Member

    7m amrap
    5 front squat (rx is 225/135--I did 95 bc of a hurt back)
    10 bar over burpees

    I completed 4+6.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    bostonwolf wrote: »
    Dumbbell Rows – 5 sets of max reps going up in weight for each set


    4 sets of Tabata:

    1. Half Burpees

    2. Burpees

    3. Burpee Box Jumps

    4. Half Burpee – Burpee Box Jumps

    20 seconds of work then 10 seconds of rest for 8 cycles per movement

    Rest 1:00 between each

    Dumbbells? :)

    Ha-Ha Right? Ohh Atlas balls, nice! My coach just made a few. The smallest weighs 130#; what the hell am I supossed to do with that though?

    I was going to rest today but this looks light and fun.


    4 Rounds for time:

    – 100 feet Overhead Walking Lunge (25/45)

    – 30 Box Jumps (20/24)

    – 20 Wall Balls (14/20)

    – 10 HSPUs

    We have a decent range. Low of 30 lbs, high of 225 or so. I can get the 145 one pretty easily, don't know about 175

  • Keladelphia
    Keladelphia Posts: 820 Member
    Front Squat – Find 10 rep max


    7 rounds for time:

    7 Push Jerks 155/105#

    7 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups

    7 Burpees
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Deadlifts, find a heavy 2 RM (touch and go)

    Then Diane.

    Deadlifts (225/155)

    Will probably go at 185 and do wall walks. I can handle the DL weight, but probably not 45 times.
  • bettytrhoades
    bettytrhoades Posts: 19 Member
    Last Friday was a good workout - we did squat snatches, which I FINALLY managed to do for real, and then we did the following for time:

    25 KB swings (I did Rx2, 26.5 lbs)
    12 knees to chest
    12 shoulder to overhead (Rx2, 55 lbs)
    25 KB swings
    9 knees to chest
    9 shoulder to overhead
    25 KB swings
    6 knees to chest
    6 shoulder to overhead

    Then on Monday, we did strict presses (I got up to 50 lbs) and a really hard 8:00 EMOM: 8 KB swings (40 lbs!!!), 5 burpees, and 3 box jumps. It doesn't sound like a lot, but holy hell, burpees just kill me every time. I wound up with pretty much no rest in between minutes once we got about 4 minutes in.
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    Funny thing about today, our strength session was 2 strict presses super-setted with 4 push presses on a 10 minute EMOM (starting at 50% of 1RM). I misread the board and was doing 4 and 2. The coach came by after minute 7 and told me it was 2 and 4, not 4 and 2.

    Our WOD was a squatting Annie, 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 for time:
    - Double Unders (times 2 for singles)
    - Situps
    - Squats