Introduce Yourself Here !

meaghan2008 Posts: 401 Member
Hello everyone ! My name is Meg and i'm super excited to create this challenge!
I'm 25 and a school teacher and soon to be full time graduate student. I am currently 260 lbs and by the end of this challenge I would love to be 25-50 lbs lighter and reduce my body fat percentage! I love the beach, zumba, and anything high energy! I'm a dare-devil and will try anything once. I have a huge passion for helping others lose weight and maintain because I am on the same journey with you! I have my Bachelors in elementary education and currently pursuing my Masters in Elementary ed as well.

Im very social and love to meet new people. Once again welcome!!!


  • heathereh2015
    heathereh2015 Posts: 76 Member
    Hi, my name is Heather! I'm a mother/wife/homeschool teacher. I have 2 kids, a husband and a dog! We redide on Long Island, NY. This will be my 3rd challenge! I really find that I like the accountability! I am currently 204 (already lost 22 pounds) and by the end of this I'd like to weigh in around 175-180! I need to start toning as well so that as the fat starts to melt away I'm already going towards a healthier look ;) I am a sweet adict though and although I try to control that sometimes it controls me! I have been leaving myself enough calories daily to add in 1 sweet treat per day! That has been helping! I'm trying to lose the weight healthy as I have tried crash diets, pills, smoothie only diets and so many more! I have found that I can never stick with all of that! Just changing my activity level and what I eat (grilled chicken with salsa in place of chicken parm) I've been doing well and can see myself keeping this up! I never could see myself doing that before! I'm so, so excited to be in the 100's soon, it's been forever! Okay, enough rambling from me! Nice to meet you Meg!
  • drhelibhatt
    drhelibhatt Posts: 31 Member
    Hi everyone! I am Heli, originally from India, now living in Arizona with my hubby and doing residency in Pediatrics. I am having my marriage ceremony in Dec and need to shed some pounds to look good in the sarees. I have tried using MFP, my problem is binge eating during and after work with extremely variable work hours. Need to stop binge eating on super high cal Indian sweets and snacks.. Am so excited to join this group (this is my 1st group experience!!)...Nice to meet you Meg and Heather!!
    CLAUDIAND Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I'm Claudia! I'm a wife, mother to 2 kids and own a small company. I have issues with emotional eating (when stressed, tired, etc) and eating all the wrong foods. I lost 80 lbs on weight watchers but gained it all back. So I'm starting at square one again. Excited to join this group to try to motivate me and hold me accountable to getting back on track. Nice to meet you all!
    CLAUDIAND Posts: 3 Member current weight is 228lbs.
  • successfull247
    successfull247 Posts: 9 Member
    Hello would like to join your group please?
  • successfull247
    successfull247 Posts: 9 Member
    U can call me chen, in the England. Currently weighs 297 pounds. Want to lose 140 pounds
  • jthill04
    jthill04 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone! I am Toni and I am looking for challenges and a group to keep me motivated on my weight loss journey. I have a husband of 14 years and a 17 year old son. Over the last four years, I have lost (and maintained) 55 lbs (through weight watchers) and am currently stuck around the 200 lb mark. My goal is to lose another 50 lbs. Tomorrow I will start week 2 of Shred (Dr. Ian Smith, creator of the 50 million pound challenge). I completely agree with you Meg--it is the lifestyle change that will make the difference. My biggest challenge is exercise...I HATE it. I look forward to seeing your challenges and look forward to our group interactions.
  • jennifergthompson1
    jennifergthompson1 Posts: 1 Member
    edited July 2015
    Hi, my name is Jennifer. I am an art teacher in Texas and I'm moving to a new city in a little over a week. I'm excited to join the group.
  • meaghan2008
    meaghan2008 Posts: 401 Member
    Welcome ladies !!!! :)
  • ashleighs148
    ashleighs148 Posts: 335 Member
    Hi, I hope you don't mind if I join! I'm 19 and going into 3rd year studying immunology. I have gained a bit of weight since starting uni and I'm now around 162 pounds. I want to get back down to around 130 but I am lacking the motivation.
  • meaghan2008
    meaghan2008 Posts: 401 Member
    No of course I dont mind!
  • keishkeish
    keishkeish Posts: 270 Member
    Hi ladies, I'm Keisha. I'm a mother and a Park Ranger weighing 291lbs. My biggest challenge is my eating. I hope to change that 1step at a time. There are certain food (bread, butter, chocolate chip cookies) that triggers me to binge, and I'm hope to StaY away from them until I have control.
    Being accountable helps and motivates more. Iadies I know this will help us get to our goals.
    P.S not sure how to post pictures from my LG phone to the board :( I'll take suggestion if anyone know?
  • meaghan2008
    meaghan2008 Posts: 401 Member
    keishkeish wrote: »
    Hi ladies, I'm Keisha. I'm a mother and a Park Ranger weighing 291lbs. My biggest challenge is my eating. I hope to change that 1step at a time. There are certain food (bread, butter, chocolate chip cookies) that triggers me to binge, and I'm hope to StaY away from them until I have control.
    Being accountable helps and motivates more. Iadies I know this will help us get to our goals.
    P.S not sure how to post pictures from my LG phone to the board :( I'll take suggestion if anyone know?
    welcome Keisha!!!! you got this girl and we have your back!

  • JuniperT
    JuniperT Posts: 394 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm Juniper, and I'm late starting and I'm sorry about that. I have a 14 year old son, and a 3 & 5 year old daughters. I'm 37, and weigh 309 pounds. I'm a stay at home mom, and don't know what I'll do once all the kids are in school. My weight has yo-yo'd over the last few years. Going from losing 50 pounds to gaining almost all of it back. I am a binge eater, and an emotional eater and I need to deal with those issues. I've recently started weight watchers and have lost some weight but it's becoming loose belly flab so I'd really like to work on that. And I'm pretty excited because this is my first group experience. Thanks for having me