100 Days of Fitness and Nutrition Challenge! (7/19-10/27)

Hello everyone ! Welcome to the 100 days of Fitness & Nutrition Challenge Cycle 1!
This is a challenge where for 100 days you complete a Exercise Challenge and a food portion of the challenge! Everyday there will be a new challenge posted in the morning by 7:00 a.m EST here on the thread that I will post ! I will also create a group!

ALL ARE WELCOME! If you have to maintain , lose, gain, or tone you are welcome! :) This group is solely to challenge ourselves and motivate each other! We will have 4 weigh-ins.

Initial weigh in - 7/19/2015
2nd Weigh in - 8/13/2015
3rd Weigh in -10/2/2015
Final Weigh in - 10/27/2015
Owner: meaghan2008Leaders: meaghan2008Created on July 19, 201512 membersPrivacy: Public


Important stuff will go here one day.


Upcoming Events

Aw snap, no events are coming up.
