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OT Daily Check-In

SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
For those of us who still want to be active in the group but not currently doing 21 Day Fix, I figured I'd create this discussion thread. Of course, those of you doing 21 Day Fix are welcome to come here and cheer us on or ask questions about the programs we're using now or whatever.

Here's what I'm doing now, to keep my body guessing in my ongoing attempt to keep it guessing:
  • Jillian Michaels' Body Revolution (first time)
  • PiYo (second time)

So for those of you who are not currently doing 21 Day Fix, what are you doing?


  • venuila
    venuila Posts: 190 Member
    Yay! Love this :)
    Welcome back @SatiaRenee !

    I am currently doing a t25 and Piyo hybrid. Yesterday was Piyo drench.....my god, I can see why they call it that! Haha. I got a little discouraged with it at times because it is so fast paced and I kept losing my balance a lot and spent most of a rep figuring out what they were doing, but it was definitely a good workout regardless.
    Not sure what t25 is in the agenda today but going out all day so will have to get it in when the kids are in bed tonight.
  • rumijs
    rumijs Posts: 218 Member
    I've added body combat 75% of the time with some 21DFX upper and lower body routines
  • vicki8seekers
    vicki8seekers Posts: 28 Member
    Hi! I finish 21DF today! lol...well, today was the last day, I'm doing final weigh/measure tomorrow morning. Although, I am not doing the yoga workout today, I might switch it out w/ pilates or just a walk. I hate yoga. lol

    I just ordered T25...I'm going to take a day or two off (I have to travel this week for work anyway), then either do 21DF 1 more time, or jump into T25. I'm excited!
  • venuila
    venuila Posts: 190 Member
    So, yesterdays T25 workout was Total Body Cardio...phew. I'm finding t25 pretty intense cause there's no break...ever in the 25 minutes but it's doable...even though I do still take a quick 10 sec break here and there. I'm sure one day I won't need them but for now, I do.
    Today was PiYo Drench again!! Love the calorie burn but not so much some of the moves.

    I really want an elliptical machine....like...now, right meow. Anyone have one? Recommendations?
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    @venuila I warned my son about PiYo Sweat, living up to its name. And I know he'll be smart enough to know that Drench is going to live up to its name too. I surprised myself today by being able to do more of the moves than I had done during round 1. So I ended the workout feeling very accomplished! (Still needed to use the chair for some of it, though, as I expect I will have to do forever.)

    As for elliptical machines, do you have a Play It Again Sports in your area? That's a great way to get used but working exercise equipment for less than you would if you were buying new. Otherwise, I would swear by Schwinn:


    You can get something for less and you can certainly spend a lot more but mid-range equipment usually meets my needs and Schwinn makes good, reliable purposes. Amazon allows people to ask questions. You might consider skimming the questions asked and seeing what the answers are to ensure that the individual item will meet your needs, then see if you can find it cheaper locally.

    @rumijs Are there modifications for Les Mills' Combat? I've definitely been considering it but I was more interested in getting Brazil Butt Lift. With my genetically endowed derriere, I need to preemptively take action before it's down to my knees!

    @vicki8seekers I have T25 and plan on starting it sometime in October or early November, depending on where I am. I may want to finish up JMBR which means 2 more weeks in October before moving onto T25. I'm pretty excited. :)
  • germany03
    germany03 Posts: 348 Member
    @SatiaRenee I am going on a 2 week VAC myself in a week (can't believe it's so close) and I know you said before that when you and your mom get together there is some awesome breakfast and other food going on...(i have one of those moms too ..lol ) so my question is- how much " damage" would you say you did to your weight loss on your vacation ? I'm a little on the fence of what to do since my time with my family is so limited but I don't want to loose all I have just accomplished :/
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    @germany03 I gained 5 lbs in 12 days. So much wine and desserts practically every day. And pasta. A lot of pasta.
  • venuila
    venuila Posts: 190 Member
    T25 ab intervals today. Then spent a good hour and a bit shoveling dirt. Yay. I was curious how many calories that would burn so wore my heart rate monitor. It was just over 150 calories for a little over an hour of shoveling and pushing a wheel barrow. Had a short shift at work tonight too so I am pooched. :)

    Thanks for the info @SatiaRenee. I have been researching them religiously the last couple days. I have been looking at a few of the Schwinn ones. I've been debating getting used but I don't want something potentially broken...although we bought our exercise bike used on got an a-ma-zing deal on it and it's great. I think all the play it again sports are gone in our area now. >.<
    I saw a Horizon one that inclines too that looks pretty good, (used) but it might be gone already. Hoping it isn't and I can pick it up tomorrow! Otherwise, I might order a Schwinn or wait a little longer. I'm bad at waiting though...once I decide I want something, it's pretty much mine, lol.

  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    PiYo rest day today so I only did Jillian Michaels' Body Revolution and was very sweaty at the end.
    BTW, not sure if I mentioned this but, while I was out of town, my husband finally graduated from P90-A to P90-B. He's still planning on taking things sloooooowly. I did explain to him the necessity of my mixing things up because a woman's body is so very different from a man's. He actually understood and even appreciated why I keep pushing to add new programs to our quickly expanding library.

    In the meantime, my mother is going to receive 21 Day Fix today. Super excited for her!
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    Hit the ground running yesterday after oversleeping after not getting a good night's sleep. Ugh.

    Yesterday I did both JMBR and PiYo Define Lower Body. As always, worked up a sweat. Had to hurry to take a shower so I could get out the door in time to meet a friend. Didn't eat until nearly 12:30 but managed to get nearly all of my containers eaten by day's end.

    Weekly Weigh-In

    No surprise, I managed to drop 3.8 lbs. I'm assuming some (most) of that is water weight. But it definitely puts me close to my pre-vacation weight and back on track for ongoing weight loss. That's the goal for now. If I could lose enough before the end of September, my travel wardrobe will be a piece of cake. Otherwise, I may have to buy a few pieces because I am too small for the things I wore last year and too large for the outfits I've had stored for when I've finally lost enough.

    Morning Workout

    Today is JMBR Rest day so I did PiYo Define: Upper Body. I know Chalene Johnson keeps saying that one day I'll be able to do a triceps push-up but at this point I just don't see it ever happening.

    I'm off to see my daughter do a presentation at Barnes & Noble today with my daughter-in-law and granddaughter. We're going to pick up some more school supplies for my granddaughter who starts school in a couple of weeks. It's going to be a fun day. Yay!
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    Morning Workout

    JMBR: Phase 1/Week 2/Workout 1

    Used heavier weights for the chest press but still using 5 lbs for the triceps and lateral raises.

    PiYo: W2/D1/Sweat
    I talked with Rob today about getting some of those grippy yoga gloves because I was really struggling with my hands slipping in some of the downward dogs. And with my balance already being a mess, slipping is not fun. I had to drop out of several poses. That said, I amazed myself by going through part of the workout without using the chair for balance. Can't wait to tell my son about that! :)
  • vicki8seekers
    vicki8seekers Posts: 28 Member
    Did my 1st T25 workout today!! So excited for this program. Am keeping to the 21DF eating plan though!
  • venuila
    venuila Posts: 190 Member
    edited July 2015
    Way to go @SatiaRenee ! I slip sometimes in downward dog too, it's annoying. I didn't know they had yoga gloves, my birthday is coming up, maybe I'll ask hubby for some, lol.

    Yesterday was rest day and I think it's the second time in 95 days I did just that. I did have a short shift at work so got quite a bit of walking in but other than that I didn't do anything.

    Today was T25 Core Cardio. It was kind of brutal...wasn't really into it today, I know I didn't give it my all but I still got a good burn out of it and did 5 minutes on the elliptical afterwards. Yup! I got one! haha. Haven't really had time to use it much yet, my darling daughter has been rather cranky (teething) lately. Looking forward to PiYo tomorrow! I'm actually enjoying the hybrid (switching from piyo/t25 everyday). Keeps it interesting. I've been itching to throw a 21 DF workout in there so can hopefully do that sometime this week or at the latest, my next rest day. :)
    I've been seeing amazing results doing the hybrid too, I started July 5 and lost 4lbs so far!

    Hope everyone is having a happy Monday!
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    edited July 2015
    @vicki8seekers I am still following the 21DF plan as well. Too easy to follow to give it up.

    @venuila I'm planning on doing some hybrid workouts when I've worked through all of the workouts I already have (and with more programs being released, at this rate I may never do a hybrid).

    I've been using heavier weights with JMBR for some of the exercises. I don't want to push myself too much because next week I'll be moving onto the next part of Phase 1 and I expect the workouts will be a little harder. My real challenge will come when she starts doing things more high impact and I have to modify accordingly.

    PiYo was good and I was able to get through without dropping into child's pose. I ordered some gloves to help me with my slipping (along with my daughter's birthday gifts) so I'm hoping those will help me feel more stable, even when I'm dripping sweat as I was today.
  • haleymiller0707
    haleymiller0707 Posts: 74 Member
    Hi! Just checking in. My workout was 21DF Upper (3rd round) and T25 speed 1.0 (first round). OH MY! T25 is so intense. I had trouble working and bending down today. I can't imagine what tomorrow will feel like.
  • codycsweet
    codycsweet Posts: 1,019 Member
    I'm doing a mix of t25, 21 day fix, and piyo. Yesterday I did T25 cardio core. Today was 21 day fix total body circuit and I threw in piyo lower. I haven't done piyo in awhile and forgot how good I feel after all the poses, stretching, and flexibility.
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    I sent my son a text this morning asking him how PiYo Core was for him today. He replied: It was brutal!

    I love that my 30 year old son is doing this with me. I love that he's doing it with me and I especially love that he's not finding it easy, especially given that I am doing Jillian Michaels' Body Revolution before I do PiYo.

    JMBR: P1/W2/D3: Cardio 1
    Nothing new to add. I'm still making everything low impact and I know I'm not getting quite the aerobic burn that everyone else is getting but I'm also doing another workout after this so I am not feeling the least bit lazy about my workout.

    PiYo: W2/D3: Core
    I was able to do some things I hadn't done before but I also had to not attempt some things because my mat was so wet it was slippery and I'm not going to try to do a sideplank to a hip drop to a PiYo Pike, not when the hand on the mat is not stable. No way. Hopefully the grippy gloves I ordered will work and help me power through the entire workout.

    Another great day!
  • venuila
    venuila Posts: 190 Member
    @haleymiller0707 t25 is way more intense than 21df. It's just go go go. Lol.

    @codycsweet nice:) I am really starting to love PiYo as well. PiYO for me tomorrow, yay!

    @SatiaRenee that's so awesome that your son is doing it now :) and your mom will be doing 21df right? I'm trying to convince my bff to do 21df. I convinced a coworker to do it she started on Sunday and said it was brutal, lol. I think she's in tonight so I'll have to see how she's doing now, hehe.

    Today was t25 ab intervals. Phew. My abs hurt!! I did 10 min abs yesterday too so yeah .... They're sore. :neutral: I work tonight and tomorrow night so won't have time to double up. Work is good cardio though so that's a plus.
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    @venuila Talked with my mother yesterday. Here's how that went:

    Mom: Guess what I'm doing to prepare myself for 21 Day Fix.
    Me: Eating ice cream every day!
    Mom: Yes! I had a pint and a half yesterday and am going to have another pint today.
    Me: Ha! Do I know my mother or what?
    Mom: I'm going to start it on Sunday.
    Me: Well, if you look at the calendar, you can wait to start it on Monday.
    Mom: More ice cream for me!
    Me: Absolutely!

    Today I'm going to make up a Tips and Tricks for 21 Day Fix sheet to give to her and my walking buddy who surprised me by buying the program. And my other friend is going to come by Friday to borrow my set. Crossing my fingers she makes the commitment and buys them as well.

    NSV from Yesterday

    My husband challenged me to do a full body push-up. FYI, I've never been able to do even one. I won't lie. It was a struggle to actually push up but he officially declared it a full body push-up.

    Then he announced he needed to increase his weights. Uh oh! We use adjustable weights, so this is not a problem. But I was trying to decide if I felt ready to go from 5 & 7.5 lbs to 7.5 and 10 lbs. I figured I'd give it a shot.

    Morning Workout

    Jillian Michaels' Body Revolution
    P1/W2/D4: Workout 1

    Used the 7.5 lbs throughout. Ugh. Today was chest (I was already using 7.5 for that), triceps (uh oh!), shoulders (eep!), and quads. Oh and a bit of abs too because JM mixes abs in with the rest. And . . . I kept up, didn't miss a rep, and was sweating like a pig. I am pretty sure I will be sore tomorrow. (And tomorrow's workout uses two sets of weights so I'll be breaking out those 10 lbs for the first time.)

    W2/D4: Define: Upper Body

    I am still not doing the push-ups during the PiYo push-ups but my plank is becoming so much stronger. Side Plank with the PiYo Pike was challenging but not impossible. (First time through, I couldn't even really do it with one knee on the floor.) During the Crouching Crow, however, I decided to be kind to my ankle and didn't do it on one foot at all.

    Seeing the doctor on Monday.

    I haven't stopped exercising because of the ankle pain. There are days, however, when it feels more uncomfortable than others. Today is not a good day for me. But it didn't stop me from doing my best. Truth is, even holding myself back from certain things (like push-ups and such), I still feel amazingly powerful. And I've gone my eyes on the goal weight prize. Nothing's gonna stop me.
  • vicki8seekers
    vicki8seekers Posts: 28 Member
    Ok, piyo. What's this all about? Is it like yoga? Did T25 Full Cardio yesterday. Was DYING afterwards! Phew!