Fall '15 babies



  • poke987
    poke987 Posts: 348 Member
    @Summer8it A huge welcome to the world, little one!!! Congratulations on your amazing new son, and kudos to you for paying attention to your body!! Hope the NICU stay is short and he continues to do so well! How has your older son done with the somewhat dramatic entrance of his new brother?! I can only imagine... thanks for taking up the drama slack. I really do appreciate it!!

  • poke987
    poke987 Posts: 348 Member
    This week seems to have gone somewhat on the slow side. It's funny how some weeks fly, and some weeks drag! Have an exciting opportunity for an additional onto our house, but it's been time consuming and sort of a pain... trying to save a beautiful sunroom from demolition 3 towns away.... if the stars align it will be fantastic, but it's been the major focus for me this week. Should have kept the time ticking I suppose but the tight deadline just stressed me out, and somehow it still felt like a slow week! Like I needed another big house project... sigh!

    We were 31 weeks yesterday. Had my apt earlier in the week. Passed the "depression screening," chatted about kick counts, got my tdap shot, and then talked more about our section day and time... which isn't officially scheduled because 3 ladies want that day and the birthing until only likes 2 scheduled post ops... guess other families didn't want to choose Sept 11th either! They are going to try for extra staffing so we can all still have the day we want, but somebody may have to pick later in the week. I'll be 39 and 6 by the next available apt so she said it wasn't likely they would ask me to be the one. My arm is still slightly sore from the shot, which is annoying. Sleep is getting harder, which also is annoying!

    Got a few baby bins out of the attic. All the newborn and 0-3 month clothes, the boppy and bouncer seat, receiving and swaddle blankets etc. Need to get the cosleeper down, he will be in our room at first so that's really all we need. The car seat will be the last big thing. I'm supposed to borrow one, but if it doesn't come soon I'll have to go buy one as ours expired.

    Talked a bit more about names but nothing for sure yet.

    My parents have the 2 little boys this weekend. I had big hopes of a relaxing, low key weekend with some baby set up. Now we are doing the excavation for the foundation instead. Oh well. Hope you all enjoy whatever you have on tap! @Summer8it, hug that little one! It's so exciting that he's here already!!
  • JustAnotherGirlSuzanne
    JustAnotherGirlSuzanne Posts: 932 Member
    I've never heard of a depression screening before. What do you have to do for that? It sounds like a good idea.

    @poke987 The sun room sounds lovely! I hope you're able to get it! Our laundry room is in an addition on our house with lots of windows and it's just wonderful :) I hope you enjoyed your weekend even though it was ready busy!

    I hit 26 weeks yesterday which just mentally seems so much closer to 30 weeks than 25 weeks did, so I'm starting to feel the crunch of everything I have to get organized. We finally bought another crib mattress but I still have to completely declutter and paint our "spare" room for my daughter to move into. Easier said than done as I'm so nostalgic about EVERYTHING and can't seem to bear the thought of parting with every piece of junk I come across. We are going on vacation in a few weeks though and I was hoping to move my daughter into her new room when we got home while she's already used to sleeping in a different room. We shall see how that goes though, haha..

    As for names, we've picked one but it's really old fashioned and I'm not sure I could do that to a child. I know old names are popular right now though too so it is doable. We are still looking, but if we can't figure anything else out hats the name we will go with.
  • sarieth05
    sarieth05 Posts: 313 Member
    edited July 2015
    I'm almost 25 weeks and have had a few things crop up over the past month or so. I'm hardly sleeping because I'm getting awful leg cramps (not to mention, it's SO HOT!!!) and also have to get up 2-5 times a night for the bathroom. :p I've kind of fallen back into stress eating like before I started my lifestyle change, and it's causing me to worry about my weight gain (and yet, apparently not enough to stop eating everything).

    I have also had the worst round ligament pain ever the past few weeks. Any kind of activity seems to flare it up and leaves me gasping, and I'll probably give the doctors a call just to make sure that isn't something I need to be concerned with, although I did go in last Wednesday and they measured and listened and baby boy's heartbeat was good so they didn't seem concerned.

    Edit cause as soon as I submit, he started kicking the crap out of me. I don't know where he's getting that leg strength from, cause it's certainly not from my weak legs. :D
  • SuperSaiyanGoddess86
    SuperSaiyanGoddess86 Posts: 84 Member
    edited July 2015
    Hello Ladies, I haven't been on here in a while but I am 23 weeks and 5 day having a boy. I am due on 11/11/15, but i am having a repeat C-section on 11-5 if the doc doesn't change his mind about letting me do a VBAC2. Also I have gained 22 lbs.
  • sarieth05
    sarieth05 Posts: 313 Member
    @ladyjaye25 - hi there and congrats on the boy! Seems like a lot of us are having boys. :)
  • JustAnotherGirlSuzanne
    JustAnotherGirlSuzanne Posts: 932 Member
    @ladyjaye25 congratulations on the boy! Mine is a boy too.

    @sarieth05 whenever I get leg cramps I try to get some extra few glasses of water a day into me and it works perfectly. My husband says milk is the cure, but personally I think that's just because milk is and liquid. He grew up on a dairy farm and so he has to say milk is the cure for everything haha :tongue: I hope they go away for you!!

    My ankles are turning into cankles at the end of every day again! I'm trying to drink my water, keep sodium down,and feet elevated as much as possible. I'm now getting up once a night for the washroom and I'm using the washroom at least three times before I fall asleep. I could probably ignore it in the night, but baby boy has a pretty good kick and he likes to hit my bladder a LOT!
  • JustAnotherGirlSuzanne
    JustAnotherGirlSuzanne Posts: 932 Member
    Is anyone else still waiting for this magical glow people keep talking about? Like, amazing skin, hair, and nails? I had heard that if your carrying a girl you miss out on these things (the girl steals your beauty) but if you're carrying a boy then you get all these things (wives tale, I know, but hormones are different for a boy versus a girl) this time I have a boy and I'm still missing out! Lol
  • sarieth05
    sarieth05 Posts: 313 Member
    @JustAnotherGirlSuzanne Haha, I'm in the same boat. I don't think I have any glow. Everyone keeps saying, "Oh, I bet none of your hair is falling out!" and I'm like nope, still losing hair. And my face is growing noticeable hair in weird places. Thanks, baby! :D

  • RosieRaz
    RosieRaz Posts: 282 Member
    Ahhh you guys make me laugh. :smile: Re: glow & hair.

    Summer - Congrats on the new arrival! How exciting and scary. 4lbs seems so small, I'm glad he is doing ok and hope he comes home soon. Just goes to show, you can plan all you want, but you never know how it will go - even if it's not your first child. I have no idea what it is like (harder or easier) since I will have C-section for both children. I'm sure that each has their pros and cons. I don't remember being in much pain the first time. I know I only took the meds for 2 days. I still have the bottle of pain meds from 2 years ago.

    Welcome Lady Jaye. Yes, a lot of boys here. It must be the season or something.

    Sarieth - I get weird numbness/thingly in my thighs. The Dr says its pressure on the nerves. I have gotten a few comments on having a glow, so I'll take it! lol.
  • poke987
    poke987 Posts: 348 Member
    Yeah. No glow here. I'm pretty sure I'm the opposite of glowing! I feel like I look pretty awful most of the time... um I'm not that beautiful pregnant lady. Not by a long shot!

    Yes, does seem an odd proportion of boys amongst us! I get the weird tingle nerve pain in my hands/wrist/forearm. Hasn't happened to my legs yet, but there is still time! All of a sudden my feet are swelling. The sometimes hurt at night if i lay down, then have to get up again for something.

    @JustAnotherGirlSuzanne the screening is a series of leading questions they ask apparently to get some sense of your mood and coping skills/support. I think it is a good idea, I'm not sure if you wanted to, that you couldn't fake your way thru... but I'm sure they are trained to pick up on all these things! It's also a good gateway to talk about depression in general and to make reminders about those issues!

    @Summer8it hope llyr continues to do well!
  • KristenE83
    KristenE83 Posts: 187 Member
    I've missed so much since I've been a slacker on here!!!! Congrats (again) @summer8it I just read the story and am really happy everyone is healthy after that ordeal!

    So I think I may have a glow lol I can't see it but people are telling me how fantastic I look ( always mentally question "compared to what?!?" lol). I think it's mainly because I've seriously increased my fruit/veg/water intake since my last appointment. The doctor was all concerned about my gain (I'm much less concerned) so I've decided to really focus on my wellness to basically shut them up... I think it's going to work :)

    I have my diabetes test in an hour.... this is part 1 of me shutting them up (when I pass)... wish me luck!
  • KristenE83
    KristenE83 Posts: 187 Member
    .....and I passed!!!!!
  • poke987
    poke987 Posts: 348 Member
    Woot! @KristenE83! I tried to fit bit friend you. But. Admittedly I'm no good at these things. Try me: poke987@aol.com
  • JustAnotherGirlSuzanne
    JustAnotherGirlSuzanne Posts: 932 Member
    I won a pedicure from a contest at my chiropractors office but I've been scared to book it since my nails are so brittle that they keep breaking. I already have funny tiny toenails and I really don't want to deal with any comments. Lol when I'm not pregnant my hair and nails are so much stronger. (I do eat prenatals and I get enough calcium :smile:)

    The Chinese gender predictor must have favored boys to be born in the fall :wink: ever tried this gender predictor? It's been right both times for me!

    @KristenE83 yay for passing! I've got my appointment next week.

    @poke987 that's a great idea to open the floor for discussion for sure! The prenatal class I took had a really good section on post partum depression and other relates issues. And as an added bonus, my husband was there too so he got to learn what to watch out for since I might not realize it if I was depressed or i would maybe be too depressed to seek help. Depression runs in my family so we really absorbed and appreciated that section of training.

    if I lie down or sit down for a while and then get up again, my back will ache so terribly that I can barely walk straight for a few minutes. Around 3:30/4 my calves start to ache also and they feel like they are going to cramp up at any moment. So thats frustrating and I don't really get anything done any later in the day. I have a chiropractor appointment tomorrow so hopefully that will ease the back trouble at least.

  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    Morning all

    Well done Kirsten on diabetes test. Its not standard practise to do one here unless measuring big or in immediate family so I havent had to do one as of yet.

    Im having lots of mixed reviews from people a few have said I look massive, others say I look small! (everyone has to comment though! lol). Im measuring with tape measure about right, in the average but at the top of the range. Midwife not concerned at all at the mo though.

    Nothing to report here, weather still tat! Dont think Ive sat out in the garden once so far this year as its rainy or windy or cool! We are planning an outside party for Isaac 3rd birthday in August so hoping we get an ok day! Suppose this what happens when you live in the North of England! x

  • OriginalKatie
    OriginalKatie Posts: 119 Member
    Hello ladies,
    I'm Kate, I'm from Melbourne, Australia. My baby boy is due October 23, so currently I'm 26 weeks and 6 days :). Had my GTT today. I actually fell asleep while waiting - probably from the sugar crash lol. Hope the results are ok! My husband's nephew was born today - makes me even more clucky! Can't wait to cuddle our bubba!
  • RosieRaz
    RosieRaz Posts: 282 Member
    I have the diabetes testing on the 5th so it's still 1.5 weeks away and the solution is chilling in the fridge. Will have to read the directions...but are you supposed to fast? I know you take it 30 min before the appointment, but you're not supposed to eat that morning -is that right? I don't remember.

    Welcome Katie. We have the same due date! :)

    Helen - Absolutely everybody has a comment!! Mine are usually "Any day now huh?" (no, 12 more weeks but thanks) and "Are you sure it's not twins?" (Yes, very sure.)

    I don't know if they do a depression screen at my Dr's office. I'll ask when I go in. My dad sent me a beautiful bouquet of roses after having my first child. I loved it until he told me he only gave it to me because he and his wife thought I was depressed (and if they thought it, obviously it must be true *being snarky*). I just wished he had a conversation with me before deciding and acting on their thoughts. Maybe I over-reacted but I couldn't look at the beautiful flowers without them having tainted with their drama so I threw them away. I wish they hadn't told me why they'd gotten them for me and I would have enjoyed them more as a thoughtful gesture vs we think something is wrong with you.
  • KristenE83
    KristenE83 Posts: 187 Member
    @poke987 I just tried to add you..... wish me luck lol

    I keep getting the whole "you must be due any day now!!" thing too... my reply "I have just under 3 months left" lol... and "yes... there ARE two in there". Some people say "oh you are so tiny" uuuhhhh no, no i'm not. To them I think "glasses may be a good option" lol Everyone has an opinion... good thing my *kitten* face is strong!

    Welcome @OriginalKatie !!! The nurse did tell me I might feel really tired... I didn't actually fall asleep though lol At least you got a nice nap!

    So I just entered my third trimester and so far it is delightful. I'm not STARVING all the time like I used to be (that was really getting annoying) but I am starting to really carry a lot of water weight. I found that staying active really helps... quite the incentive to keep on working out and walking!
  • JustAnotherGirlSuzanne
    JustAnotherGirlSuzanne Posts: 932 Member
    @RosieRaz my midwife suggested not eating a couple hours before the appointment just because if I ate a pop tart on my way in obviously my sugars would be high. Worked last time. Diabetes tests go differently here. Here I go in and they give me the liquid. I drink it and I get to hang out there for an hour. Not allowed to leave either. Its really so time consuming.

    No comments on my bump size yet. Not looking forward to them either. Haha

    @KristenE83 I'm one week out from my third trimester and I can feel the water weight beginning to cling to my ankles... I will keep exercise in mind! I wonder if the exercise I'm doing is what is holding it off so far... hmm. A couple vericoae vein patches are popping up on my ankles too. I bought better shoes but I'm not sure how to combat those. Suggestions?