Nervously new to the group

crochetpaws Posts: 30 Member
Hi all im Courtney. 31 years old and lots of weight to lose.
I am 14 days straight at logging my foods. Once i saw that i was 350 lbs i couldnt believe it! I am totally ashamed for allowing myself to get that much over weight.
So far as of this morning i have lost 5 lbs. Its amazing how much it really helps to log calories, it really opened my eyes to my eating habits.
I am using contrave to also help lose weight. Anyone else trying this? i am only on day 2, but my doctor suggested i try it and see if it helps.
I've never been comfortable talking about my weight. I really just try to ignore it, but deep inside it hurts me to see myself so big. I am hoping to be able to make some friends and to be able to help each other get to a healthier weight.

Good luck everyone! :)


  • SweetDesiderata
    SweetDesiderata Posts: 22 Member
    Welcome to the group!
    Congrats on logging for 14 days in a row! I am just finishing up my first week, and have already lost 6 pounds so far. Of course, most of that is water weight I am sure, but it's still 6 pounds none the less! And yes, I agree that logging does make you realize just how much you could actually eat in a day if you didn't log... yikes.
    I have not heard of contrave, what is it? Since it is a suggestion of your doctor, I am guessing it is a medication? If that's the case, I have not tried it. I am not big on taking any kind of medication that isnt absolutely necessary. Just one of my quirks, I guess. Maybe some others can chime in on that for you.
    I saw that you added me as a friend, so welcome to my support group! We can do this!!
  • Miss_Mania
    Miss_Mania Posts: 163 Member
    Welcome to the group Courtney!! This group is full of wonderful and supportive people. You will make some good friends in here. FR sent :)
  • HLaR79
    HLaR79 Posts: 1,519 Member
    Hey welcome to the group!!! :smile:

  • AH_rhymes_with_FLY
    AH_rhymes_with_FLY Posts: 93 Member
    Hey Courtney! I'm newly back to MFP. I have done it before but it's been a bit. I weighed on Saturday morning and I weigh 345
  • crochetpaws
    crochetpaws Posts: 30 Member
    Thanks guys!!
    I have not heard of contrave, what is it? Since it is a suggestion of your doctor, I am guessing it is a medication? If that's the case, I have not tried it.

    It's a new prescription medication that combines naloxone and bupropion. It's supposed to help with your brain not feel "happy" when eating and not associating happiness with food.
    And actually after day 2 I can see that part working. When I ate lunch today it didn't seem to make me as happy as eating usually does. More like I was hungry I ate and that's it. Which I found helpful.
  • crochetpaws
    crochetpaws Posts: 30 Member
    Hey Courtney! I'm newly back to MFP. I have done it before but it's been a bit. I weighed on Saturday morning and I weigh 345

    Hi! We are the same weight! Hopefully we both can get down to a weight we are happy with
  • crochetpaws
    crochetpaws Posts: 30 Member
    Miss_Mania wrote: »
    Welcome to the group Courtney!! This group is full of wonderful and supportive people. You will make some good friends in here. FR sent :)

    Thanks! Everyone seems nice so far so I'm glad to be apart of this supportive group
  • crochetpaws
    crochetpaws Posts: 30 Member
    HLaR79 wrote: »
    Hey welcome to the group!!! :smile:

  • Summershowalter
    Summershowalter Posts: 49 Member
    Welcome courtney! You have no reason to be afraid or nervous. We are all on here for a common goal and that is to be healthier and feel good in our own skin. I think you have already faced the hardest part of this journey and that is taking the first step. Good job on consistent logging! Keep it up and when it feels impossible lean on the people here. That's what we are all here for.
  • crochetpaws
    crochetpaws Posts: 30 Member
    Welcome courtney! You have no reason to be afraid or nervous. We are all on here for a common goal and that is to be healthier and feel good in our own skin. I think you have already faced the hardest part of this journey and that is taking the first step. Good job on consistent logging! Keep it up and when it feels impossible lean on the people here. That's what we are all here for.

  • jltheis7
    jltheis7 Posts: 496 Member
    Welcome! congrats on the great start to a healthier you!
  • AmandaMcEvoy1
    AmandaMcEvoy1 Posts: 18 Member
    I'm in the same boat as you are.... I tried to ignore what was happening but soom I was 344 and had high blood pressure and needed meds for it. I have been logging for 40 days straight and have seen a great improvement. Keep up the good work and you can do anything!!!

    Can't wait to see how far you go!
  • leesamahree
    leesamahree Posts: 27 Member
    My dr prescribed Conrave for me as well. It seemed to work well for me for the first 2 wks (no nervousness or jitters) but it was incredibly expensive so I had to stop. My highest was 317...and I'm 5'3".

    It's a loooong journey for us. But we're here and we're doing it. Keep checking in...this is an awesome bunch of folks on this board.
  • broekte
    broekte Posts: 102 Member
    edited July 2015
    I find not looking at the big overall number helps when you are really struggling. Make small goal to break it down such as maybe losing 10 pounds by the end of a certain month. It will not seem so daunting that way and more achievable. If you keep knocking down the small goals you will eventually get to your overall one. The monthly challenges for this group are very helpful with this.