Finally understanding how important my health is.

elalivestrong Posts: 19 Member
Hi everyone!
I've been overweight all my life. The youngest I remember starting diets was at 13. Part of the reason I was never successful was because I didn't know what I was doing, I tried to eat less but would eventually starve myself and overeat. Or try and exercise but not knowing what or even how to exercise efficiently. So I would always give up. But the biggest reason (I think) I never really stuck to it was because I didn't realize just how important my health was. Now at 26 years old 5'6 and weighing 388lbs I definitely understand how important my health is, and I've been learning how and what to eat, and also been hitting the gym doing cardio learning all the different machines, and would like to start lifting when I learn proper form and technique.
Anyways, I joined My Fitness Pal for advice, motivation and to make new friends that understand the struggle of being overweight and on a journey of their own to become healthy. Any advice about eating, exercising, strength training or even a friend request so we can motivate one another would be greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance for reading and any advice given.


  • AmandaMcEvoy1
    AmandaMcEvoy1 Posts: 18 Member
    I had the same problem most of my life, i didn't know how or where to start. Now at 32 I'm finally on the right track.

    Something that is really workibg for me right now is aquafit at the rec centre near my house. Because you are floating there isn't stress on the joints and no pain. As an added bonus you don't get a sweaty because you are in a nice cool pool (you do sweat you just don't notice as much). At first I thought it was just for old ladies, but there are people my age there too!

    Stick with it and you can reach any goal you set for yourself....
  • elalivestrong
    elalivestrong Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks Amanda. I've read a lot that water aerobics is a great exercise especially for some one my size. I definitely want to try aquafit, but my gym doesn't have a pool, so I have to do some research and see if there are any rec centers near me that have a pool. Thanks again for the advice, I did kind of forget about that until I read your post. :)
  • AmandaMcEvoy1
    AmandaMcEvoy1 Posts: 18 Member
    Anda always remember.... Regardless of how slow it may seem somedays, you are lapping everyone on the couch! Keep up the good work
  • violet456
    violet456 Posts: 674 Member
  • violet456
    violet456 Posts: 674 Member
    Getting on track and staying there takes a lot, but it's worth it.