Today's WOD



  • Mummyadams
    Mummyadams Posts: 1,125 Member

    Our WOD was a squatting Annie, 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 for time:
    - Double Unders (times 2 for singles)
    - Situps
    - Squats

    Oooh - this is a good one, never heard of this before - may try on weekend.
  • noel2fit
    noel2fit Posts: 235 Member
    edited July 2015
    Today's WOD (it was a light day, I think...)

    Warm up 400m run and 3 sets 3 clean squats up to WOD weight.

    3 rounds:
    10 clean squats (#95 RX girls)
    400m run

    I modified to just cleans for my hip.
  • bettytrhoades
    bettytrhoades Posts: 19 Member
    Wednesday was front squats, then: 3:00 max effort burpee plate jumps (UGH), 2:00 rest, 3:00 max effort wall balls (14 lbs for ladies), 2:00 rest, and 3:00 max effort sit-ups. I asked my coach what other types of effort there is for burpees besides max effort - seriously, there isn't a relaxed way to do them!

    Today was deadlifts (4x8 at moderate weight, so I did 95 lbs), then Helen: 3 rounds of 400m run, 21 KB swings (25.6 lbs), and 12 ring rows. We are using Helen as our benchmark for our slim down challenge, so when we did it at the beginning, I completed it in 12:28. Today? 10:55!!!
  • bethlivi
    bethlivi Posts: 157 Member
    Today was an EOMOM complex of 1 clean pull, 1 high-hang squat clean and 1 hang squat clean, ascending in weight. I hit 125 and failed the 130 high hang. My back is still irritated, so I'm blaming that. haha

    The WOD was a 9min AMRAP of 5 squat cleans (155/105), 10 burpees, and 15 box jumps. I did Rx and hit 3 rounds even. But eek...the squat cleans got nasty. haha
  • bettytrhoades
    bettytrhoades Posts: 19 Member
    Today was power cleans (from the floor), 5x3 at moderate weight (I did 70 lbs) - I'm slowly improving my technique. The WOD was 6 rounds for time, 12 hang power cleans (I did Rx2 of 55 lbs) and 15 hand release push-ups. Did it in just over 10:00 - 6 rounds is a lot, but I didn't have to start breaking up the cleans until round 4, so I felt good about that.
  • Mummyadams
    Mummyadams Posts: 1,125 Member
    Loved today!
    Deadlifts & TTB (3 x 7 ea)
    250m row, 6 ring dips, 1 tyre flip & 15 burpees x 4 rounds
    Didn't much love the burpees but sure got a sweat on :-)
  • staciscotty
    staciscotty Posts: 8 Member
    Partner workout today:
    15-12-9-6-3 (P1does 15 snatches, then P2 follows, P1 does 15 hang clusters, then P2 follows...)

    Hang snatch @ 45/30kg
    Dumbbell hang clusters @ 15/12.5kg
    Deficit HSPUs
    Row 200m/150m

    Was actually harder than I anticipated!
  • Keladelphia
    Keladelphia Posts: 820 Member


    35:00 AMRAP:

    3 Handstand Push-ups

    6 Deadlifts 315/225#

    9 Ring Dips

    12 Box Jumps 24/20″

    Run 400 meters
  • noel2fit
    noel2fit Posts: 235 Member
    400m run, stretching, 5 rounds working up to 3 rep max straight presses

    Russian deadlifts
    Hand release pushups
    between each round run 200m

    It was a fun endurance one for us- we don't usually run this much, also enjoyable for me in particular because no squats so didn't have any hip issues.
  • Mummyadams
    Mummyadams Posts: 1,125 Member


    35:00 AMRAP:

    3 Handstand Push-ups

    6 Deadlifts 315/225#

    9 Ring Dips

    12 Box Jumps 24/20″

    Run 400 meters
    Like the sound of this one!
  • noel2fit
    noel2fit Posts: 235 Member
    Warm up:
    50 double unders or 150 singles, 100 mountain climbers, stretching
    10min EMOM 3x (#55) split jerks

    70 double unders (I did 210 singles)
    60 air squats
    50 situps
    40 push ups
    30 (#20) ball slams
    20 box jumps
    10 hspu (I did #30 seated presses)
  • Keladelphia
    Keladelphia Posts: 820 Member
    Ugh Wednesday Wods are always brutal


    5 rounds, for time, of:

    Run 800 meters

    30 Kettlebell Swings 2/1.5 pood

    30 Pull-ups
  • Mummyadams
    Mummyadams Posts: 1,125 Member
    edited August 2015
    70 double unders (I did 210 singles)
    60 air squats
    50 situps
    40 push ups
    30 (#20) ball slams
    20 box jumps
    10 hspu (I did #30 seated presses)[/quote]

    Sounds killer!
  • noel2fit
    noel2fit Posts: 235 Member
    Today's WOD was epic- took me 43 mins 12 secs to complete.

    Warm-up: stretching

    12 days of Christmas

    1 snatch
    2 russian sit-ups (#12)
    3 burpee over bars
    4 pull ups (3 bands)
    5 toes to bar (knees up)
    6 box jumps
    7 ball slams (#20)
    8 wall balls
    9 hand release push-ups
    10 weighted sit ups (#12)
    11 bar jumps
    12 calorie row

    Start with 1, then do 2+1, then 3+2+1, then 4+3+2+1, etc until you get through all 12.
    It was insane, but just what I needed today!
  • Keladelphia
    Keladelphia Posts: 820 Member
    Yesterday we did the Crossfit total (Backsquat, press, Deadlift 1RM's) it was my first time doing it and even though it sucks to test 1RMS a bit injured it was super fun!


    Walking Lunges for max distance 135/95#


    5 rounds, for time, of:

    10 Knees-to-Elbows

    15 Burpees

    20 Kettlebell Clean and Press (10 each arm) 1.5/1 pood
  • jbuck93
    jbuck93 Posts: 89 Member
    edited August 2015
    noel2fit wrote: »
    Today's WOD was epic- took me 43 mins 12 secs to complete.

    Warm-up: stretching

    12 days of Christmas

    1 snatch
    2 russian sit-ups (#12)
    3 burpee over bars
    4 pull ups (3 bands)
    5 toes to bar (knees up)
    6 box jumps
    7 ball slams (#20)
    8 wall balls
    9 hand release push-ups
    10 weighted sit ups (#12)
    11 bar jumps
    12 calorie row

    Start with 1, then do 2+1, then 3+2+1, then 4+3+2+1, etc until you get through all 12.
    It was insane, but just what I needed today!

    We did 10 days of Summer today, similar idea. It is amazing how fast it gets brutal.
    "10 Days of Summer"

    1 rep of thruster at 135/95 lb
    2 reps of front squat at 135/95 lb
    3 reps of push press at 135/95 lb
    4 reps of power clean at 135/95 lb
    5 reps of deadlift at 135/95 lb
    6 reps of pull-up
    7 reps of kettlebell sumo deadlift high-pull at 53/35 lb
    8 reps of kettlebell swing at 53/35 lb
    9 reps of 24/20 in box jump
    10 reps of barbell lunge at 135/95 lb
  • bettytrhoades
    bettytrhoades Posts: 19 Member
    Haven't posted in a while - today was front squats (4x5), got to a personal best of 95 lbs. Was hoping for 100, but the 95 slowed me down plenty and I decided not to push my luck. WOD was 4 rounds of 12 sumo deadlift high pulls (I did Rx2 at 55 lbs) and 25 lateral bar hops. I really don't like either of those movements, so I was dead last at 7:30 (then again, some newer folks were doing the deadlift high pulls with kettlebells, so I suspect that was part of their speed).
  • noel2fit
    noel2fit Posts: 235 Member
    Back to back (rookie comp) WODs:

    1) 7min- alt box jumps (24")/ #45 snatch (1 box, 1 snatch, 2 box 2 snatch, 3...) for reps

    2) 15cal row
    20 kb swings (blue weight)
    25 weighted sit-ups (#15)
    30 goblet squats
    25 weighted sit-ups
    20kb swings
    15cal row

    Goals were 7 rounds and 10 mins.
    I got 7 rounds (+0) and 10:12.

    If you're a rookie I highly recommend these ones! A lot of fun and the rookie RX weights were attainable :)
  • efokken
    efokken Posts: 138 Member
    Crossfit Comp this Saturday... First WOD I tried in Open gym last night.. For time: 500m Row, 30 burbee/box jumps 6 min time cap.... I did it in 4:22!! :)
  • jbuck93
    jbuck93 Posts: 89 Member
    My gym is moving to a new bigger building so in honor of the last work out in our old space Couch came up with this:
    Menage a trois

    21-15-9 reps of:
    thruster at 95/65 lb
    rest for 2 min
    21-15-9 reps of:
    power clean at 135/95 lb
    ring dip
    rest for 2 min
    150 reps of wall ball at 20/14 lb

    10 Minute time cap on each girl. Brutal, but good workout. I didn't finish.