July 2015 Challenge ~~ Jul 20th - Jul 26th



  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,263 Member
    Good morning. I'm headed to a Pilates class with 2 of my tennis teammates. I'm going to try something different. And I'm thinking about joining this gym so I'm checking it out. Maybe it's the motivation I need.

    My sister is home and doing well. I'm going to take her for a walk later this evening if she's up for it.

    Happy Saturday!
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,407 Member
    Shelley - sounds like you are killer busy!! I love SEAHORSES!!!!! I need pictures!!!!

    Kathy - hope your sister is doing okay. And I hope you like the Pilates class. It makes a huge difference for me working out with our DDD. I don't like doing it by myself. She suggested we get back to walking in the morning. We'll walk tomorrow morning!! We have two more weeks before she starts teaching again then we will have to go back to evening walks. Walking I can do by myself but I love walking with someone else.

    Paula - I never yawn on the weekends. I yawn every evening Monday thru Friday, though!!!

    Hit the gym w/DDD this morning. Going to jump on the recumbent for an episode of GRIMM!! Depending on how hot it is outside, I might just go out there for a walk.

    I'll be back later to see how everyone is. Have a fun Saturday!!

  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,263 Member
    I absolutely loved the Pilates class. It was an hour class with a really good instructor who really worked us. Definitely different from anything I've done before. Will go back again. It's a small gym with small classes. I like that and I'm considering joining because there is no contract required. But I waiting to make sure it's a good move for me. I want to be committed.

    This evening after the sun went down my friend and I walked for an hour. We are pushing each other to get our mojos back. Maybe today was the first baby step. :)

    Thank you all for your prayers and words of encouragement. My sister is doing very well.

    Good night,
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,407 Member
    Kathy - glad Pilates is working out and that your sis is doing very well.

    We got the gym done, got my walk in then got on the recumbent bike and watched Grimm! I'm about 1/2 way through my new book and set for the evening.

    I managed 50 minutes at the gym, 6.72 miles for 12,892 steps, and 11.0 miles on the recumbent. Not a bad day at all.

    Hope everyone is doing great!

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,698 Member
    edited July 2015
    Chris, Do you have Grimm tapes, or is it broadcasting right now? It was great to watch back-to-back during recuperation - now it'll require waiting a week between episodes :sad:

    Kathy, Glad your sister's better. Pilates sounds like a great way to get in shape. A girlfriend challenged me to BodyFlow, so we had to attend for each other. Then her shoulder and my knee ended it. Was great while it lasted though. Hope yours works well too.

    Shelley, Hope Timmy is okay. ((hugs)) Did I promise you birthday burpees? I remember mentioning something but must have been delusional. :noway: Don't want to lose my "0 hundred burpees" membership! Help me folks!!

    Off to see if I can do a b@#$%^& - let's see, that's bend over, put hands on ground, walk feet backward, bend elbows, straighten elbows, walk feet forward, standup, hip-hop, clap - repeat - right?

    Slowly and methodically yours,
    :flowerforyou: Paula
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,407 Member
    edited July 2015
    PAULA!!!!! What is this talk about birthday b@#$%^&-s? There are no b@#$%^&-s allowed in July!! DON'T DO IT!!!! :#

    DH downloaded Season 4 for me. I hadn't seen any of it. I just watched episode 5...I have a whole bunch to go!! Season 5 doesn't start until Oct 30th. Season 3 didn't interest me too much, but Season 4 has started our killer!!!

    I hope your knee is okay.

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,407 Member
    Walked with DDD this morning then got on the recumbent. It was a good Sunday!!

    I managed 5.08 miles for 11,095 steps and 12.0 miles on the recumbent.

    Challenging DDD to a 1 1/2 pound weight lose this week. She hasn't answered my text, but I'm pretty sure she'll take me up on it.

    So NO Junk Food...NO Ritz...NO peppermint...for me.

    Hope everyone is doing great!

  • lcarls71
    lcarls71 Posts: 320 Member
    Paula and Chris I tend to not stress over things I have no control over too time consuming and mentally taxing for me. Pretty much unless someone loses a limb or life we'll get through it.

    Kathy glad to hear your sister is OK.

    Oh Shelley I LOVE SEAHORSES!!!!! very cool idea.
