Rant, Blow off Steam, Rant

KenSmith108 Posts: 1,966 Member
I wanted lunch meat roll ups this week, so I bought Boar's Head. 3.25 pounds for $18.50
What I didn't expect from a top brand was all the carbs :s
2 oz ham 2g, 2 oz porvolone 2g and 2.5 oz salami 3g
That's damn near 1/2 my carbs for the day, I save my carbs for vegges at dinner.

I should have looked before I leaped.


  • htecky76
    htecky76 Posts: 32 Member
    I hear you there!!! Now boars head is good for sourcraut...and it's the cold one so i think it's the one that holds the nutrients.
  • JessicaLCHF
    JessicaLCHF Posts: 1,265 Member
    My husband is trying to "feed me" because we got some very bad news a couple days ago and I'm a bit depressed as I process it. Ugh. I know he means well. He is even trying to keep it low carb but the "surprise" dessert he made for me today - 17 carbs!!! Seventeen carbs for one dessert!?! I can't even. Oh, I love him so, but. I'm afraid even time he goes to the store of what he's going to bring home. He finds all these recipes online and he tries. I really do appreciate him which makes venting all the harder! Oh you made this for me? Can't say: I hate it! Bad wife. Right there.
  • DietPrada
    DietPrada Posts: 1,171 Member
    I hear you. I wish they would stop adding crap to perfectly good meat. My OH bought some chicken sausages the other day, knowing I like chicken sausages. Imagine his disappointment when I told him I wasn't going to eat them. They had 7g of carbs PER SAUSAGE.
  • sweetteadrinker2
    sweetteadrinker2 Posts: 1,026 Member
    I hear you, it can be so frustrating to try to find deli meats that aren't loaded down with sugar. All I want them to do is slice up a roast/turkey/ham into really thin slices! I don't want anything added to it, not salt, sugar, water, none of that.