New Here - Started August 1st

Andee2000 Posts: 31 Member
I've been reading the boards for a while and am generally a reader and don't post often. I started LCHF on August 1st. I have been pleasantly surprised that this first 5 days haven't been hard for me at all.

I tried Whole30 and it was difficult for me and I think that was because the lack of dairy. My husband did well on that.

Anyway, I wanted to say hello. I'm excited about this WOE and to see if it is what finally will work for me. I also wanted to say KetoKarma is a huge inspiration to me, her youtube videos and instragram account made me take the plunge.


  • mlinton_mesapark
    mlinton_mesapark Posts: 517 Member
    Hello and welcome, Andee! You've probably seen this if you've been lurking for a while, but I have to say, this is a wonderfully supportive group, as much in the ups as in the downs. I've been doing this since late May, and can attest that it works.

    Check out the NSVs and before/after threads when you get a chance.

    Thank you for the video rec! I hadn't heard of her, and will check her out.

    All the best!

  • DarlingNikki2011
    DarlingNikki2011 Posts: 287 Member
    Nice to have you Andee! This group is a wealth of information and support, so don't be afraid to ask question.
  • KittensMaster
    KittensMaster Posts: 748 Member

    Lots of kewl kids here

    You will fit right in

  • Andee2000
    Andee2000 Posts: 31 Member
    Thanks for the warm welcome. :)