Working out on your menstrual cycle

NicoleK31 Posts: 26 Member
We're all moms here so I figured this would be an appropriate place to post this one.

How do you workout (or do you workout) during your menstrual cycle?

I'm doing Jillian Michaels 30 day Shred and really want to do 30 days straight through but day 1 & 2 of my cycle has me curled up in the fetal position in bed with a heating pad every month.

I find that each time I get a good workout rhythm going, Aunt "Flow" comes and totally ruins my momentum :(

Do you have any tips that help you get through this time without totally falling off track?


  • supersocks117
    supersocks117 Posts: 169 Member
    Ugh. No advice. This is my first period since making changes - I've been eating less and just not really exercising. I walked a bit, yesterday I did 10 minutes on the stationary bike. My periods are awful, though, so I am focusing on not curling up in a ball ;)
  • jbirdy76
    jbirdy76 Posts: 161 Member
    My 20 year old daughter has the same issue with her cycle. She is literally curled in the fetal position and sick enough to throw up, but she insists that if she drags her self to a workout those days it is the only thing that really helps her feel better. For her while she is working out is the only relief she gets. She usually runs with some strength training. So maybe a walk before the workout video would get you feeling good enough to bust it out. Good luck I am sorry you suffer with that as we'll. :(
  • NicoleK31
    NicoleK31 Posts: 26 Member
    Thanks @supersocks117 & @jbirdy76 I will try walking next month and see if that warmup does me good. :)
  • vazquezmom7
    vazquezmom7 Posts: 935 Member
    I'm doing Jillian Michaels video also. The first day of TOM I did 30 min walk then the video. The second I did 30 min run then attempted to do the video and I just couldn't do it. I was too weak. So just see what happens and how you feel. Your body will tell you.
  • jbirdy76
    jbirdy76 Posts: 161 Member
    It is easy for us to become anemic during that time, our bodies are quite something and you are so right vasquezmom7 we do have to listen to them. I struggled with painful menstrual cycles till I got pregnant which was at 18 :neutral: after that I have never really struggled except with the emotions part ( to the point my mom insisted I take vitamin b supplements which did help) so I feel so much for you ladies still fighting this.