Fellow KETOers - how often do you carb/break ketosis?



  • Fvaisey
    Fvaisey Posts: 5,506 Member
    I don't really plan ahead for a higher carb day however I do sometimes indulge. By higher carb, I mean up in the 100g range. I have found that the aftereffects last for a week or so, for me. In the last 6 months, I've got up there 4 or 5 times. Mostly I indulge in old favorites, potato or pasta salad, chinese food. I really don't find myself wanting doughnuts, cake, pie, ice cream or such anymore although I do grab tootsie roll pops or caramel creams now and then.
  • Andee2000
    Andee2000 Posts: 31 Member
    I'm glad you asked this question as I just started this WOE and I have an annual camping trip coming up. I was wondering if I could stay LCHF and somehow incorporate some Michelob Ultra which are 2.6 grams of carbs each. Has anyone incorporated low carb beer while staying within their carb goals? I only intend to do this for camping trips (not often) and skiing trips in the winter.
  • tracy0919
    tracy0919 Posts: 46 Member
    edited August 2015
    I've been at low carbs for 6 weeks - under 20 usually, up to 40 in a few dinners (like 2) out with my husband. I had some chocolate on Wednesday evening, and yesterday I was out of commission. I was head-achy, stomach sick (I couldn't eat), and just physically achy. I threw out the rest of the chocolate because I couldn't even look at it. It was an extreme reaction for me - I've never felt that cruddy from eating carbs and sugars. I haven't checked ketones or anything, but I'm thinking I may be adapted at this point.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Andee2000 wrote: »
    I'm glad you asked this question as I just started this WOE and I have an annual camping trip coming up. I was wondering if I could stay LCHF and somehow incorporate some Michelob Ultra which are 2.6 grams of carbs each. Has anyone incorporated low carb beer while staying within their carb goals? I only intend to do this for camping trips (not often) and skiing trips in the winter.

    Beer doesn't agree with me anymore. And I don't think it is just the carbs, maybe it is the combination of alcohol and carbs or something, I don't know.

  • mooreds
    mooreds Posts: 3 Member
    I indulge in a few michelob ultra from time to time. One party i drank 10 and stayed in ketosis the next day. Im sure it slowed by fat burning down due to the alcohol but i have been eating this way for nearly 3 months and adapted. Not saying i didnt feel the greatest the next day but i was able to get right back into the proper way to keto. You may have a few more problems since you just start this WOE but i believe you should be ok for the most part. You will find out that you are a cheaper drinker thats for sure.
  • Andee2000
    Andee2000 Posts: 31 Member
    mooreds wrote: »
    I indulge in a few michelob ultra from time to time. One party i drank 10 and stayed in ketosis the next day. Im sure it slowed by fat burning down due to the alcohol but i have been eating this way for nearly 3 months and adapted. Not saying i didnt feel the greatest the next day but i was able to get right back into the proper way to keto. You may have a few more problems since you just start this WOE but i believe you should be ok for the most part. You will find out that you are a cheaper drinker thats for sure.

    Good to know. I just want to be able to enjoy a few beers by the campfire while everything else stays low carb for sure.

  • Andee2000
    Andee2000 Posts: 31 Member
    deksgrl wrote: »
    Andee2000 wrote: »
    I'm glad you asked this question as I just started this WOE and I have an annual camping trip coming up. I was wondering if I could stay LCHF and somehow incorporate some Michelob Ultra which are 2.6 grams of carbs each. Has anyone incorporated low carb beer while staying within their carb goals? I only intend to do this for camping trips (not often) and skiing trips in the winter.

    Beer doesn't agree with me anymore. And I don't think it is just the carbs, maybe it is the combination of alcohol and carbs or something, I don't know.

    I hope I don't have any issues. I truly love the taste of beer and like to drink it on occasion; I would be sad not to. We will see then. :smile:
  • Teneko
    Teneko Posts: 314 Member
    I've been doing keto since last October. I went "off diet" and out of ketosis once - unintentionally - on New Year's Day. I was sick with a terrible case of strep throat, flu, who the heck knows what else and ended up in the ER. They put me on a bunch of meds. They were liquid because I couldn't swallow any pills. The liquids had sugars in them, and my keto strips were sadly uncoloured.
    I stressed at first, then figured it was just more important for me to get well. I still ate what I felt were keto-friendly foods like brothy soups with sausage, kale, garlic, sage...but I stopped worrying about whether the strips showed me in ketosis or not.

    I had liver problems a while back and don't drink anyway.
    Gluten sensitivity and celiacs runs in our family, so I am used to avoiding breads and such.
    Fiance is also on keto, and has been for longer than I. We are both enjoying our results far too much to mess up a good thing. :)
    I just had a birthday and went out to a steakhouse. I never would have done that a year ago...
    And I also wouldn't have avoided desserts like they were the plague. Extra butter - there's my dessert! :smiley:

  • lodro
    lodro Posts: 982 Member
    Thanks everyone for the replies. I'm going to relax a little and have my cheat every two weeks or so. I guess the overall key is that my total calorie deficit for the week will reflect and account for this...and I will just not weigh myself for 3 days after the carb day for fear of making myself insane. Pretty sure my past weight gain was from a combo of portion size and carbs, but I have generally pretty strong willpower and self-control so I'm not worried about slipping off the deep end. :smile:

    If you're afraid of falling out of ketosis, you might want to look into exogenous ketones like KetoCaNa: if I really really can't avoid carbs, I take some afterwards and get back into ketosis right away.