Just out from surgery

ThinGwen Posts: 174 Member
I had gastric sleeve surgery on August 3, and was discharged yesterday. Boy am I tired. I'm mostly ok, but I'm having a hard time getting my liquids and protein in. Two weird things: I've never had blood pressure issues, but I developed high blood pressure after surgery. In addition, I've had spotting today, so I guess my hormones are thrown off (I'm not on any hormonal birth control). I have a little pain every time I swallow something that's not water.


  • anbrdr
    anbrdr Posts: 621 Member
    Yeah, surgery does all kinds of weird things to people. Hopefully you will level out and and start feeling well soon.
  • Wonderwomanvik
    Wonderwomanvik Posts: 2,932 Member
    Have you tried isopure zerocarb? It's packed with protein and available at gnc! That's what I plan to have when I make it home. Many women bleed after surgery, just a side effect of all the changes. I can't help you with the high BP, but hopefully it levels out! You are amazing ThinGwen!
  • cabennett99
    cabennett99 Posts: 357 Member
    Hang in there. Rest, walk, hydrate...
  • martabeerich
    martabeerich Posts: 195 Member
    My surgery is this Monday (as in August 10). Everyone says, "You'll do great!" But I just want to know what to expect. As how long will I be too tired to do anything? What are some techniques for getting nutrients/protein when I won't be feeling like eating? What pain is normal? So, looks like we're on this journey together!
  • ThinGwen
    ThinGwen Posts: 174 Member
    I'm feeling pretty good today. Still gassy (gas-x is my new best friend), but my energy level is up
  • sinderstorm
    sinderstorm Posts: 225 Member
    Once I got onto full liquids, I could do soups, protein shakes, and water. My tricks for getting my 60g of protein in were 1) using unflavored protein powder in soups- Musclegen (I get on amazon) is my favorite, but Unjury and Isopure also make them. Heat your soup, and mix in a scoop for 20-30g of protein depending on the brand. 2 ) using a protein enhanced skim milk- I use Lucerne (Safeway) Plus Protein skim milk to this day as it has 12g of protein per cup. Cooking revolted me during this time, so I blended the premade deli soups from safeway to smooth them out and just heat up 1/4-1/3 cup at a time.

    One you get to soft foods, it opens up even more. Then additional staples became cottage cheese(12-15g), Dannon Light and Fit greek yogurt (12g), Tuna or egg salad, etc.

    As for energy levels, I started to feel better around the 2 week point post op. I was very glad my mother in law stayed with us for those 2 weeks post op, it would have been rough for me to solo parent my twins in those early days. We could have made it, but she helped make sure that the house wasn't a total disaster, laundry stayed caught up, and the kids were eating more than bowls of cereal and PB&J sandwiches.
  • heathergshea
    heathergshea Posts: 38 Member
    I hadn't had a period in 3 months prior to surgery (PCOS) and I got it in the hospital. Totally because of surgery. Periods are regular now! Don't worry too much do the best you can!
  • kimgravitt3
    kimgravitt3 Posts: 186 Member
    I hope you get through this quickly. I've not had surgery yet, so I can't offer advise. Though I can offer moral support. I'm sure I'll need it with I have my surgery as well. Good luck!
  • klcovington
    klcovington Posts: 381 Member
    Every day will get better and you will feel stronger. Isopure zero carb drinks are nice because they are not too sweet or thick and you don't have to mix them. They also count in my liquid totals. Sip constantly (it will seem like all you do is sip!) but that gets better too so hang in there. :smile:
  • nilklynn
    nilklynn Posts: 61 Member
    Hi there. I'll be 4 weeks out on Monday. I've had a relatively easy time of the liquid and protein, but had a horrible time with pain. My stomach is fine, but the incision where they took my stomach out has had some issues that my surgeon is watching. I usually bounce back quickly from surgeries. 2 csections, gallbladder and 4 shoulder rebuilds. Never took a narcotic. Not this time. I'm still taking them regularly just to function. And I was completely not prepared for it. Everyone's experiences are so different. And I second the hormone thing. I hadn't had it in over a year. Bam. Came during liquid pre op diet. And double bam. Got it again 2 weeks post.
    You'll figure out your own tricks. And we'll help you along the way. Good luck!!
  • ThinGwen
    ThinGwen Posts: 174 Member
    So, one piece of advice: no dancing at all when you are only 6 days out from surgery. I put on some 80s Prince today for some motivation, shook my hips a couple of times and OWW! Ok, I'll keep to walking.