Exercise - confused!

kiely32 Posts: 46 Member
As a newbie I am doing a lot of research and I am confused about low carb and exercise. My current routine is as follows,
Sunday - am metafit (high intensity interval training class)
Sinday - pm weights and cardio
Monday - rest
Tuesday - step class
Wednesday - metafit
Thursday - rest
Friday - cardio
Saturday - rest

I have seen on some sites that you shouldn't do high intensity on low carb as it eats into protein stores and stops muscle repair. Has anyone found this to be true? I don't want to eat carbs as I feel do much better without them and I also love my exercise!


  • wabmester
    wabmester Posts: 2,748 Member
    Sinday? Sounds like fun. :)

    As long as you're eating adequate protein, you should be fine. Studies have show that the best way to preserve or increase muscle mass during weight loss is the combination of low-carb, adequate protein, and exercise.

    If you're just starting out with low-carb, it'll take a few weeks to adapt. It's often recommended that you take a break from exercise during that period.
  • kiely32
    kiely32 Posts: 46 Member
    Haha typo! Should definitely be added to the week though!
  • glossbones
    glossbones Posts: 1,064 Member
    edited August 2015
    High intensity / Cardio workouts might make you suffer a bit more due to the electrolytes you'll be struggling to maintain, and other general confusion in your system, through your adaptation period. Just don't get frustrated if you try your usual workout schedule and can't perform as well as expected. It'll come back! :)
  • ceciliaslater
    ceciliaslater Posts: 457 Member
    I have a similar workout regimen and recently started LCHF.

    My workouts are: Su - 60 min run; M - 45min power pump + 30-45 min run; T - Step + Abs; W - Power Hour (strength/cardio); Th - Step + Abs; F - Insanity or Power Hour; Sat - Rest.

    I'm about 2 weeks in, have not made any changes to my exercise routine, and my performance has not suffered. No headaches, no weakness or tiredness--my energy level is higher now than it was previously.

    I've seen several articles (there was a thread posted here recently, even) about endurance athletes eating low carb with no problem. If it works for them, I'm sure it'll work for me.
  • toadqueen
    toadqueen Posts: 592 Member
    I found I was able to do very high intensity training and lift weights for months while eating this way. I usually did cardio 6 days, strength 6 days alternating body parts and only rested one day. I lost an average of 10 lbs per month and gained and toned muscles.

    I did much of my cardio: spin, crossfit, HIIT fasting followed with bacon and eggs for breakfast. Strength training was usually later in the day so I had eaten.

    It can be done. Listen to your body though.
  • bluefish86
    bluefish86 Posts: 842 Member
    You should talk to @KittensMaster... he does a lot of high-intensity cardio.
  • KittensMaster
    KittensMaster Posts: 748 Member
    wabmester wrote: »
    Sinday? Sounds like fun. :)

    As long as you're eating adequate protein, you should be fine. Studies have show that the best way to preserve or increase muscle mass during weight loss is the combination of low-carb, adequate protein, and exercise.

    If you're just starting out with low-carb, it'll take a few weeks to adapt. It's often recommended that you take a break from exercise during that period.

    Hello @kiely32

    What Wab mentioned is very true.

    The first couple weeks are about getting used to lower carb

    After that you can start conditioning your body to burn fat as fuel

    Google Mitochondria and endurance exercise

    Your body tissues will physically adapt. Not a diet thing but a biology thing. Your mitochondria will grow and adapt to burn a higher percentage of fat along with glycogen

    I have been doing a long term experiment to just see how hard I can push my body in
    That regard.

    So far I have been able to ride 30 miles at 17+ mph on my bike and do it fasted and on low carb with no real exercise hangover.

    I did crank out 43 miles one day that was way too hot... Like 98 out. I had two packs of electrolytes in 100 calories each pack.

    It was about 2700 calories of burn off with 200 calories of carbs in, and the rest from fat.

    I do eat serious protein. As Wab mentioned it also can let you add muscle

    Just have to get enough protein.

    I would not push it too hard too soon though

    I only do 3 hard rides a week. If trying to cycle in lifting I cut back to twice

    Hang in there and get the first three weeks down. Then push yourself twice a week to see what you can do when fasted

    It will amaze you in a month how different you can feel

    Best of luck
  • kiely32
    kiely32 Posts: 46 Member
    Thanks for the response guys. Really helpful. I have a metafit class in the morning so I will have a pretty good idea after that how it is affecting me. I will take it easy if need be. I can't wait to get out of this fat suit as I am sure there is some serious muscle under there! I am a little concerned I am eating too much protein... My diary is open to friends so if you add me, or are my friend and you want to take a look you can. All I know for sure is that I can't remember ever feeling this good! :-) Thanks again for the advice and support.
  • kiely32
    kiely32 Posts: 46 Member
    Well I did it and I felt strong! I enjoyed it even more than usual. I think it may be knowing that I will soon be able to see results!
  • KittensMaster
    KittensMaster Posts: 748 Member
    Getting out of the fat suit.

    Ah yes the way it feels! I can relate to those days quite well.

    My morning ride yesterday with a few energy packs. 31 miles at 18.8 mph and 1550 calories

    This morning will be slower and probably 25 miles but it will be with zero calories take. In since dinner last night. Guessing 1250 calories but lots of fat used as fuel.

    Gotta work that fat adapted goal!
  • randiewilliams72
    randiewilliams72 Posts: 119 Member
    Not sure if you read Reddit, but I came across a group called Ketogains. And it's all about people on Keto who are building mad muscle. I would recommend checking them out.
  • kiely32
    kiely32 Posts: 46 Member
    Not sure if you read Reddit, but I came across a group called Ketogains. And it's all about people on Keto who are building mad muscle. I would recommend checking them out.

    Will hop over there now. Thanks!
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    kiely32 wrote: »
    Thanks for the response guys. Really helpful. I have a metafit class in the morning so I will have a pretty good idea after that how it is affecting me. I will take it easy if need be. I can't wait to get out of this fat suit as I am sure there is some serious muscle under there! I am a little concerned I am eating too much protein... My diary is open to friends so if you add me, or are my friend and you want to take a look you can. All I know for sure is that I can't remember ever feeling this good! :-) Thanks again for the advice and support.

    From what I've learned from the group here, you don't need to worry about going over on protein. I had previously read that it can effect ketosis, but after doing more research and getting info from our more experienced members, apparently it's not anything to worry about. Especially if you're working your body as you do. You need a good amount of protein.
  • kiely32
    kiely32 Posts: 46 Member
    kiely32 wrote: »
    Thanks for the response guys. Really helpful. I have a metafit class in the morning so I will have a pretty good idea after that how it is affecting me. I will take it easy if need be. I can't wait to get out of this fat suit as I am sure there is some serious muscle under there! I am a little concerned I am eating too much protein... My diary is open to friends so if you add me, or are my friend and you want to take a look you can. All I know for sure is that I can't remember ever feeling this good! :-) Thanks again for the advice and support.

    From what I've learned from the group here, you don't need to worry about going over on protein. I had previously read that it can effect ketosis, but after doing more research and getting info from our more experienced members, apparently it's not anything to worry about. Especially if you're working your body as you do. You need a good amount of protein.

    Good to know, thanks.
  • slimzandra
    slimzandra Posts: 955 Member
    @KittensMaster... As a fellow 50ish cyclist, I just wanted to note that 31 miles at 18.8 mph - Now, that's pretty cool. :)
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    I'm impressed with @KittensMaster too! The husband and I have recently started adding cycling to our weekends, and we are far far from those speeds...

    I do run 4-5 days per week, lift weights 4 days/week and bike usually only one day on the weekends.
    When I first started this WOE, my running performance suffered and I slowed down. That passed after the first few weeks, and I've never felt better.
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    I haven't ridden my bike all summer. I have a nice 16 mile loop that I like to do. I usually finish it right around the hour mark. I wonder if I could do that pace right now.