Ladies... PMS insanity on Keto?

Thurley160 Posts: 21 Member
I officially completed 30 days on keto today!!! Hooray!!! This weekend was my first PMS since Keto and the sugar cravings were better than usual but my moods... I didn't even wAnt to be around myself let alone subject my loved ones to my craziness! I expected my moods would be smoother on Keto. LOL! Instead this is what my BF got ..... uc5oswgdafnt.jpg
Should I plan on locking myself up for 3+ days each month so I don't harm the innocent or will it get better as my body continues to adjust?!?


  • tinap180
    tinap180 Posts: 1 Member
    3 1/2 months in, mine has improved greatly. Seems to get better each month. Hang in there!
  • VCanadapt
    VCanadapt Posts: 142 Member
    umm, I don't remember those kind of issues on Keto and I've been doing Keto for almost 2 years. I will say that the water gain / fatigue has been my issues so I take Midol, Pamprin, something like that for a few days. But hey don't be too hard on yourself. Everyone is different and (for me) each TOM is different. Maybe next month won't be so vampire-ish :D .
  • Thurley160
    Thurley160 Posts: 21 Member
    LOL thanks! I'm hopeful it will go better, everything else has improved fantastically!
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    I up my fats and don't count the calories, because due to hormonal fluctuations, I'm always hungrier at TOM. But I'm kind of crazy anyway, but the more moodiness tends to come from the increased estrogen in the body due to burning fat... So any normal PMS remedies (evening primrose oil, etc.) should help mitigate this.
  • Thurley160
    Thurley160 Posts: 21 Member
    Thanks!! Yeah I definitely eat more LOL.
  • JodehFoster
    JodehFoster Posts: 419 Member
    edited August 2015
    I haven't noticed mine better or worse, over the past 6 years of this lifestyle. That being said, I lock myself up for everyone's safety.
  • AngInCanada
    AngInCanada Posts: 947 Member
    Google "keto shark week". Lol. I did that when my first PMS was horrible. You aren't alone
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    Yes! My pms was horrible. I felt so cranky and tired. Blah. I hope it gets better too.
  • ambergem1969
    ambergem1969 Posts: 224 Member
    Total hell last month but I can't tell if its keto, my new job, an antidepressant that's making me more anxious than happy, or being pre-menopausal. All I know is that I was a mess.
  • mcpostelle
    mcpostelle Posts: 418 Member
    Google "keto shark week". Lol. I did that when my first PMS was horrible. You aren't alone

    Googled this. Thanks for sharing!!!
  • m_puppy
    m_puppy Posts: 246 Member
    I haven't been any worse or better. I was really hoping for better. My cycle shortened to 15-21 days though. That's enough to make me want to punch something.
  • auntneen
    auntneen Posts: 31 Member
    This is very interesting. I have had the opposite experience. Well, kind of. My bodily symptoms (cramping, bloating, decreased energy) completely go away when I strictly limit carbs and sugar. So much so that I've been surprised a number or times by starting unexpectedly. When not doing keto I will know exactly a week in advance that Aunt Flo is on her way to me. I don't dare ask my husband if my bitchiness is better or worse. I probably won't like the answer.
  • prairieprana
    prairieprana Posts: 71 Member
    I had this experience- first couple of monthlys and I was insane with PMS. My strategy was to up the fats, up the broth and nibble on 1 small piece of extra dark chocolate each day. Even though the dark chocolate isn't great, it wasn't the worst thing I had my sights set on (stealing candy from children seemed like a good idea at the time... Not like they could catch me. I'm a grown-up who can drive!), having that one small indulgence didn't knock me out of the Keto-park and calmed my inner fury. Cramps were terrible though- thanks goodness for heating pads and ibuprofen!
  • professor700
    professor700 Posts: 78 Member
    If you're anywhere close to perimenopause... Then your hormones could be a bit lower which means that your adrenals then are responsible for producing things like cortisol. This can make your blood sugar drop which could make you crave sugar and actually B in a bit of a rage just because your blood sugar is low and you want to kick everyone's #%=#!
    Try some licorice on the suspected pms days it will help stabilize your cortisol levels which will keep your blood sugar stable which will make you not want to kick everyone's #%÷=$$!
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    I'm in surgically induced menopause and take estrogen daily. I did experience an extra moodiness in the beginning, but has improved greatly since then! The endometriosis pain seems better too!