Let's share our goals



  • Jen2133
    Jen2133 Posts: 95 Member
    I'm Jennifer,

    48 years old
    Currently 133lbs
    Goal is approximately 124lbs

    I carry a good amount of muscle and am approximately 27% body fat right now. I run 3 times per week, and do Crossfit 3 or 4 times per week. I'd like to be lean enough to have my ab muscles show like they did when I was younger!
  • loribrianne1991
    loribrianne1991 Posts: 57 Member
    currently 146lbs
    goal 130lbs
  • whmscll
    whmscll Posts: 2,254 Member
    edited August 2015
    Just wanted to add:

    Here is a GREAT example of how the numbers on the scale are not the end all and be all. LOTS of people want to be less than 135 lbs. I am here to tell you, if I can look like the gal in this video who is 134.4 I would be THRILLED!!


    Trying to embed the video...

    Wow, your body measurements are exactly the same as mine! I can relate to the video. I got a trainer 2 weeks ago and he measured me at 33 percent body fat! Yikes!! I knew I had some floppy bits but that was eye opening. So in addition to losing weight my goal is to lose fat. I've started a lifting program but I have back issues so it is going slowly so far. I never knew how to lift before...I think I'm gonna like it.
  • an_uh_see
    an_uh_see Posts: 1 Member
    edited August 2015
    Hello all, I'm Ana! I'm a little late to the party but here are my stats :smile:
    I'm 23
    HW: 175lbs
    CW: 153lbs
    GW: 135lbs
    Approximately 26% body fat

    I'm currently working out at least three times a week for 1/2 hour, mainly lifting weights (I only have Dumbbells at home). I try to walk at least 15 minutes on days that I don't workout (doesn't always happen). I've been consistently working out for a little over a month but haven't seen results, but I've officially tracked for 20 days in a row and am trying to be patient about seeing results. I'd love to meet other individuals who are on the same boat as I! Let's be each other's support :smiley:

  • kelsuha89
    kelsuha89 Posts: 15 Member
    Hello everyone!

    I'm 26
    starting weight 163
    current weight 155
    goal weight 130 *ultimately*
    but 145 by thanksgiving :)

    I struggle most with finding time to exercise and I have a terrible relationship with food...specifically over eating/eating out of boredom.

    feel free to friend me if you'd like to help coach each other along our journeys! the support is much appreciated :smile:
  • joemac59
    joemac59 Posts: 13 Member
    Hello all!
    I'm 47 yrs. young
    SW 230
    CW 143
    GW not sure

    I have just started strength training and need to build lean muscle as I appear quite thin and scrawny in person, not sure if it is due to my age. I have shedded the lbs. over the past year and a half. I need advice on maintaining my weight and learning how to increase my caloric intake without living in fear of gaining weight. Happy to find this group. Please friend me if you would like to support and mentor a new friend.
  • katrinalyons
    katrinalyons Posts: 3 Member
    Hi all! :)

    I'm 24
    SW 154.0
    CW 137.6
    GW 128.0

    On Christmas day 2014 I made the decision to start losing weight. From the New Year to mid-March I lost 15lbs, but due to hip problems I stopped working out. I was able to maintain my weight loss. After some PT and learning what my hip can handle I'm now back to working out. I'm currently following an August Challenge program and workout Monday through Saturday. Sweets are my biggest downfall. Feel free to friend me!
  • erimethia_fekre
    erimethia_fekre Posts: 317 Member
    Beginning weight - 183lb (7/5/15)
    Current weight - 164lb (8/7/15)
    Goal weight at the start of my program - 153lb (no date)
    Once I hit that i might try for 145, maybe 140lb. I just want to lose extra weight I gained from having a baby
  • siannehd
    siannehd Posts: 2 Member
    Hey everyone!

    I am 5'6" 1/4
    Current weight - 160 (my highest ever!)
    Goal Weight - 145

    I'd like to hit my goal by October if that is realistic. Does anyone have any good challenge groups they belong to?
  • Laura3BB
    Laura3BB Posts: 250 Member

    I'm 1m69 (5'6'')
    Current weight 156
    Goal weight 147

    I was there a year ago but have gained a little bit back slowly...
  • CrystalConsults
    CrystalConsults Posts: 67 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    I'm 5' 5.5"
    Had my fat tested at the YMCA and it's 24.1%
    My first goal is 20%, then I'll see how I feel and look and see if that's a good holding pattern.
    Many of us are noting that the number of pounds can be misleading and even demoralizing, especially if you have heavier bones -- no joke, that's a thing, ya know :) -- and more muscle mass.
  • missprecocious
    missprecocious Posts: 9 Member
    edited August 2015
    Highest Weight: 172 (2006)
    Lowest Weight: 120 (2008)
    Current Weight: 140
    Body Fat: 18.6%

    Goal Weight: 130
    Goal Body Fat: 18.0%

    I am trying to get rid of this stubborn belly pooch and fit comfortably into a size 4 or 6. I eat a mostly plant-based diet (fish once a week).

    Sarah Connor is my spirit animal.

    I suffered a back injury at work that only allows for low-impact exercise like Spinning, yoga, incline walking, and weights (and had to change careers). I am in the best shape of my life since I started focusing on alternative workouts (besides running).

    I love the way I look and am proud of my new fitness lifestyle. First time in my life people come to me for workout advice and refer to me as, "that sporty girl". Feels good.
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    Hey Girls!

    I'm a shade under 5'4"
    Current weight - 120.5
    Goal weight - 120, and that's where I want to keep it. I put on some weight after breaking my leg, and I didn't want to diet too strictly while it was healing. I could tell I'd gained weight, and not just fluctuated within a normal range, because....my butt.
  • Jennitalia14
    Jennitalia14 Posts: 7 Member
    edited August 2015
    31 female

    Current weight : 150
    Jeans: 27/28
    Considerable more muscle mass from running + weight that has creeped on

    Lowest weight : 128
    Jeans: 25/26
    Skinny fat, too slender

    Goal weight: 135
    I'm actually not so much concerned about the weight per say, just feeling smaller, toned, strong, and more comfortable in my clothes again.

    I just reduced my daily calories as I think I was eating back more exercise calories. And I gotta moderate the alcohol - talk about empty calories!

    Any insight or success stories are warmly welcomed!
  • Jennitalia14
    Jennitalia14 Posts: 7 Member
    Highest Weight: 172 (2006)
    Lowest Weight: 120 (2008)
    Current Weight: 140
    Body Fat: 18.6%

    Goal Weight: 130
    Goal Body Fat: 18.0%

    I am trying to get rid of this stubborn belly pooch and fit comfortably into a size 4 or 6. I eat a mostly plant-based diet (fish once a week).

    Sarah Connor is my spirit animal.

    I suffered a back injury at work that only allows for low-impact exercise like Spinning, yoga, incline walking, and weights (and had to change careers). I am in the best shape of my life since I started focusing on alternative workouts (besides running).

    I love the way I look and am proud of my new fitness lifestyle. First time in my life people come to me for workout advice and refer to me as, "that sporty girl". Feels good.

    Sounds like you've committed to a lifestyle change that is serving you well :)
  • redrunnergirl
    redrunnergirl Posts: 1 Member
    edited August 2015
    MrsSchimmy wrote: »
    I feel heavy over here compared to some of your "dream weights."

    I'm 5'10
    Current weight: 165
    Goal weight: I don't really have one... I think 155 would be good.
    I've got down to an all time low of 142 and was skin and bones. I picked up some weights, grew a booty and good toned arms and I'm never willingly going back that low.

    My main goal is a body recomp. Same weight, less fat, more muscle. Yep. That's my dream! And abs!

    I am with you there! I am 5'11 and fluctuate between 165-170 and am currently around 170. I would like 150, but I think 155 would be good, especially with less fat and more muscle. I got down to 143 at my lowest and it was NOT a good look for me. Some of these dream weights concern me a little!
  • hannahalison6
    hannahalison6 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I'm Hannah, 5'9, 170 at the moment (which is totally killing me but I'm using a scale in my hotel that seems VERY sketchy), and my goal weight is 150.
  • me2ynot
    me2ynot Posts: 6 Member
    whmscll wrote: »
    5'5" and my goal weight is 130. I'm currently at 137. I wonder if my 29" waist will shrink any.

  • lc355
    lc355 Posts: 91 Member
    Height: 5'6
    Start weight: 146
    Current: 136
    Goal: 120

    I don't work out or exercise (other than short brisk walks) but am planning to join a gym in October for some toning.
  • baileyl234
    baileyl234 Posts: 1 Member
    Recently gained over 30 pounds due to medication I was taking
    Current weight 146 pounds
    Goal Weight 125 pounds
    I'd like to reach my goal by my birthday, in January.