My First Egg fast..messed up already

KETOGENICGURL Posts: 687 Member
I am finally ready to accept try something different. I hit a long time weight, right after a terrible flu, this past May and haven't lost at all in 2+ months.. nothing in June or July, or Aug so far.

ok..I can accept that.

Love to hear some success stories of egg fasts!!

What I noticed is I was MORE hungry all the time, and I was never hungry before… had 1800-1900 calories vs the 1400-1500 that had helped me lose 26 in 4 months .[still sticking to LC, no binges, or cheats, staying under 50 carbs max, usually 30ish]

After the flu I was at an old long time weight..and figured my body wanted to stay THERE.
( am divorcing my body from my "rational brain"- as there is no blame here.)

Something is going on,and instead of frustration I just adapted to having 1800 or so calories a day vs the 1400-1500 that worked since Feb 1. this kept me in maintenance.

Now it's time to kick into gear again.

I read a brief bit on egg fasts and began this morning.

min. of 6 eggs a day, with 1 tbl fat with each egg, and up to 1 oz. low/no carb cheese. OK.

Then I went and had 2 cups of butter coffee with my heavy cream.. NO heavy cream allowed. too late.

Anyone done an egg fast? and had cream too?

I plan to stick with it for 4-5 days..I love eggs which is a good thing.

and will try BPC coffee tomorrow…but will miss the cream (whine).

If I can kick start the 2nd of 6 months of Keto I will be happy.


    KETOGENICGURL Posts: 687 Member it <one ounce VLC cheese for EVERY egg? or my choice? any calorie limit at all?

    …I see some have 13 eggs, + 13 tbl fats seems like a lot.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    Depends on which egg fast you do. I think the one at I Breathe, I'm Hungry gets the best reviews usually, and I know it uses more cheese than that, because one of the days is alfredo....making the sauce and stuff. And 1 TBSP PER EGG? I used a generous TBSP of grassfed butter today FOR 4 EGGS. No way I'd make it through 4 TBSP. What a waste!!!

    So I think it depends. If you're avoiding dairy, then the HWC thing isn't great. But if you're just doing an egg type of fat fast, I wouldn't worry as much, because HWC is still FAT!
    KETOGENICGURL Posts: 687 Member
    I re-read Jimmy Moore's Egg Fast-- and also saw why the oddity of drinking diet sodas is OK on was HIS addiction to 12 diet sodas a this diet goes forward with the 3 can limit, but not necessary at all.
    I barely drink one Zevia a week !

    DAY 4 big woosh!! hooray down 4.1 pounds after a 10 week stall...

    officially this is lost water I have been holding..and will continue to FOLLOW the Moore diet exactly… with just 49 grams of protein in 7 eggs..and enough fats, with no carbs I am seeing this as a true elimination diet.

    Also 6 eggs on day 3 was plenty..and I did eat 1 oz cheese per egg for variety. no need to eat 1-1.

    also I am really LIKING the butter+coconut oil coffee..I just use more butter ( which counts to the daily amount) and less coconut oil..and the taste when blended is just fine!

    I AM PROLLY ONE OF THOSE PEOPEL WHO CAN'T CONSUME 30-40 CARBS A DAY AND STILL LOSE. So will stick with VLC during this egg diet and see how it goes.
  • little_robot
    little_robot Posts: 6 Member
    How is the egg fast going now @KETOGENICGURL ??? how long are you planning on doing it?
  • kirkor
    kirkor Posts: 2,530 Member
    eh, I think tricks like this don't bode well for long term adherence to a given plan.
    KETOGENICGURL Posts: 687 Member
    well everyone is welcome to their opinion I guess.. but I never would comment on what works for someone, why bother with unwelcome negativity?

    Adhere in your own way..this is a support group, and considering Jimmy Moore and other experienced LCers have excellent success with a restricted change of pace

    I am down 5 pounds by day 6- all done now-- breaking a 10 week actual stall, losing mostly water is what I needed. I drifted too far off with berryfruit I think, so this worked as an elimination diet.

    Looking forward to my spicy asian chicken for dinner.
  • kirkor
    kirkor Posts: 2,530 Member
    How is my comment unwelcome negativity? In the title of your very own thread you say you messed up already. Clearly there is no magic to the egg fast.

    A support group does not mean a group of "yes men" who only tell people what they want to hear.
    A gaggle of sycophants is not supportive.
  • little_robot
    little_robot Posts: 6 Member
    @KETOGENICGURL congrats on breaking the stall! you must be psyched. I might try this out in the next few days...
    KETOGENICGURL Posts: 687 Member
    Little robot-- thanks… while there is an egg diet it incudes veggies, meats etc. this is a true fast but loaded with fats.

    the egg fast is pure in its sticking to just 3 foods. period. and works well as an elimination diet..after a few days doing this you can see how much of whatever foods you were consuming..and take a better look at that..and as most of us start sliding into MORE sweeteners, more 'LC' desserts, too many carbs here and there, etc you see you are fooling yourself by drifting too far from a stricter LCHF program.

    I didnt try this or want to until 7 months in, after successful los, then serious stall….kind of like a boot camp for LC diets.<grin>
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    Little robot-- thanks… while there is an egg diet it incudes veggies, meats etc. this is a true fast but loaded with fats.

    the egg fast is pure in its sticking to just 3 foods. period. and works well as an elimination diet..after a few days doing this you can see how much of whatever foods you were consuming..and take a better look at that..and as most of us start sliding into MORE sweeteners, more 'LC' desserts, too many carbs here and there, etc you see you are fooling yourself by drifting too far from a stricter LCHF program.

    I didnt try this or want to until 7 months in, after successful los, then serious stall….kind of like a boot camp for LC diets.<grin>

    Yes, I keep things like this in my back pocket for a jump start, should I need it along the way. Since it's always for a finite time, I don't see an issue with doing something like this to get me back fully on the path I deserve.... :)

    Congrats for finally "shaking things up." I hope you don't have too much re-gain from getting back on your normal plan.
    KETOGENICGURL Posts: 687 Member
    HORRAY..dropped 2.2 more today… I am allowing 1700 calories ( vs 1400 that world the first 5 months) and am sticking to a modified egg diet..adding veggies, HWC, fruit slowly.

    the funny thing was I was already doing --sort of--( I am mostly plant based on a kidney protective diet) an egg diet HB egg at noon, 2-3 oz cheese in a day, maybe a 2 egg omelet for dinner….. but I was having far too much fruit (berries) , cream cheese, and because I was truly hungry…I just ate a higher calorie diet but stayed LC. so the stall was partly eating more than I can to lose.

    Love that it helped me be honest with myself..and see I had to get back to a stricter LCHF
  • m_puppy
    m_puppy Posts: 246 Member
    I relate a lot to how you're describing your stall. The creeping up of calories, the gradual increase in carbs, etc. I tried an egg fast earlier this year and enjoyed getting the opportunity to try making different foods with eggs. I love the buffalo egg recipe on I Breathe I'm Hungry. Maybe now is a good time to implement it again. I'm so torn. I want to step it up soon, I'm just unsure what experiment is worth trying.
  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    when is a good time to try the egg fast? I've only been trying the whole LCHF thing since I discovered this group last week but I don't think I'm doing it right as nothing is happening scale wise. Would the egg fast be a good way to give my body a jolt and force it to start losing? I hear the egg fast mostly helps with fluid loss but to me, weight is weight and we all have to start somewhere, right?
    KETOGENICGURL Posts: 687 Member have to be fat adapted..which means going thru the Keto flu, as your body adjusts to no sugar and carbs.. ( the first 2-4 weeks this occurs)

    having eggs in a diet that is low carb is fine..try it. a real stall is after 6-10 weeks of no loss.

    remember you body can hold a couple GALLONS of extra water or ANY reason at all..salt, meds, a bad day will raise Cortisol..and your body is TRULY a creature of its own..not understanding what your mind is doing…so fat will be held for no reason at all.

    The metal attitude of "hurry up" loss is the problem I see in all newbies.. please just TRUST that LCHD can work beautifully … this is not a starvation quickie 2 week diet.. ask yourself if you really are committed to eating fats?..NOT having a favorite food as a 'cheat'?

    …just committing and sticking to LCHF at least a month or so to see how you do.

    this is not a "spanking" <grin>..just asking for a mind reset as this is to like most 'diets'

  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    Thanks for the input KETOGENICGURL. I don't have any "cheat" favourite foods that I'm stuck to. It's just a bit of an adjustment for me to get my mind around letting go of fresh fruit for fat instead.

    The other thing is that I don't actually know how to properly add fat to my diet in a natural way without feeling like I need to gulp down spoonfuls of butter and coconut oil.

    Right now, I'm mostly just eating meat, avocado, eggs and salad. I think I need help with Keto friendly meals and snack options.
  • CynPatGeeKha
    CynPatGeeKha Posts: 2 Member
    I'm on Day 2 of my very first egg fast ever and so far it isn't too bad
  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    How long were you doing the Keto diet before you started the egg fast?
    KETOGENICGURL Posts: 687 Member
    Good Luck Cynthia…it can be a good motivator is you get stalled..and really does help with examining what you WERE eating that maybe sent you off track