I hate it when .....

fludderbye Posts: 457 Member
I have such a good day- stayed on track eating- hit my % for my macros

then i stay up to late and end up eating, i say "crap" just because it was a tired eating, but almonds and the rest of my pork rinds from dinner & some fat bombs

all keto and great just want to pull my hair out- i hate it when i do stuff like that- i need to learn to just GO TO BED when i am tired....

sorry rant over today is a new day- new start

what are you frustrated about...go ahead and vent


  • auntneen
    auntneen Posts: 31 Member
    I hate that I've re-started this in the summer when the tomatoes and ALL THE FRUIT is in season. I just want to dive mouth first into the watermelon from my local CSA!
    A tip for late nights (have had lots bc of grad school) invest in every kind of herbal tea. I really like Egyptian licorice from Yogi teas. It tastes very sweet without any sweetener and doesn't have a licorice taste either.
  • fludderbye
    fludderbye Posts: 457 Member
    ^^^ it is delish i agree