That Sugar Film

FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
I don't know if anyone else here has seen this, yet. It's pretty good. It is nothing that most people here don't already know. The production quality is good and the film is entertaining and educational without getting slow. I think most people here would enjoy it. You can find it streaming through Amazon instant streaming right now. The rental is like $6.99, so it's not a horrible price. At least, it's not horrible if you're a freak like me.

Over the course of the 60 days the guy gains 8.5 kg (that's almost 19 pounds for you non-metric folks). That's 0.99 kg/week or almost 2.2 pounds a week in weight gain. So, did his calories go up 1,100 calories a day to account for this change in weight? Nope, his calories actually stayed about the same. Hmm, maybe calories aren't the be-all and end-all of weight management as they are made out to be in other forums on this site.


Naturally, his health markers went to crap also.

Anyway, check it out. It's pretty good.
