Last 10 pounds/5% bodyfat Frustration



  • melodyis4reals
    melodyis4reals Posts: 186 Member
    edited July 2015
    OMG, I gained a pound. Now I have 11 pounds to lose! I have my first meeting with a personal trainer tomorrow. I also start a running challenge, biggest loser challenge, and game of thrones challenge. Hoping that with all this motivation, the scale will once again be in my favor.
  • samra338
    samra338 Posts: 2,622 Member
    Since I commented on this thread, I have lost 2 lbs! In 40 days! 8 more to go....
    Following some advice, I have increased my calorie intake by 300 cals this week and am now eating at my TDEE. Hope I don't put any weight back! Will let you know after my weigh in at the end of this week.

  • samra338
    samra338 Posts: 2,622 Member
    Increasing my calories seems to be the best way forward. Lost 2 lbs since last post...have 6 more to lose...currently eating around 1500 to 1600 cals per day and exercising 5-6 days a week, 3 days of running and 3 days of dumbbell training. I seem to have lost around 1 % body fat this month.
    Hope everyone else is having success.
  • erimethia_fekre
    erimethia_fekre Posts: 317 Member
    edited August 2015
    At 1500 calories I consume a higher protein and fat ratio compared to carbs. It's 35/35/30.

    Diet is everything. If you don't change those weekend binge habits you won't be where you want to be. You have to stick with a diet that will work for what you're going for and have enough willpower to say no.

    I'm not saying you have to say no to everything; I'll still have an ice cream sandwich here or a cupcake there. But, for example, I have 400 calories remaining after eating what I know will sustain me for the rest of the evening with 17g of protein remaining while I have only 4g of carbs available and have used all but 2g of those in sugar, I'm not eating the ice cream sandwich.. I'll drink a protein shake instead. Still gets the craving cut for sweets and fills my macro needs for the day.

    Again, it's about being conscious about what you put in your mouth. I'll usually log my food and weigh things out before I even think about consuming it because I don't want to be out of my goal.

    Feel free to add me and check out my dairy. My page is public and so is my journal. I log EVERYTHING that passes through my lips, even if it's just a sample from my work or a taste of my sons yogurt.
  • lps1dragonfly
    lps1dragonfly Posts: 111 Member
    Taleatia wrote: »
    Hi all! I'm new to this group and am really frustrated right now.

    I'm 5'4", 134 lbs. and about 24.5% body fat wanting to get down to 124 lbs. or around 20% body fat...which ever happens first or feels good really.

    I've been around my current weight for 2 to 3 years and have tried to shed the last bit of weight to reach my goal physique probably a dozen times now. Since I don't look terrible, it's been really hard to stay motivated. I exercise 4 to 6 days per week year round and have gotten consistently stronger and more fit, but it doesn't seem to change my physique that much.

    I know my problem is diet but I just can't sustain a good calorie deficit for long enough to reach my goal. Since it's no longer a matter of health, I tend to overeat on weekends, at special events and during times of stress. The rest of the time my diet is very healthy and calorie-controlled.

    For those of you in similar situations, what are you doing to stay motivated and keep on track?
    I'd also love some buddies who would like to trade updates/messages once or twice a week if anyone is interested!

    Sounds like you're my twin! I am trying to lose about 10# and I want to tone up. I usually eat healthy at work but with my family and on weekends I eat whatever I want (just keeping portions in check and avoid those rolls and desserts). I am having trouble getting back into the yoga routine I had last year (it was so great! even helped with my anxiety) and I am a big slacker here. I am hoping more friends will help me stay accountable and also help with some healthy recipes and tips on exercise!
  • lps1dragonfly
    lps1dragonfly Posts: 111 Member
    mommy2626 wrote: »
    yes!! this is me, and at this point I have been working out great but my food intake is out of control. I dont eat horribly but eat whatever i want and drink wine and such as well. I still feel like i look alright so not really motivated to do more. Now I would really like to get down and get motivated to lose the last bits. my tummy area especially:)

    Sounds like we have similar "concerns" and goals! Sending a friend request
  • CrystalConsults
    CrystalConsults Posts: 67 Member
    For what it's worth, here's what has worked for me. Just turned 54 last week. For last 17 years, I've weighed 133 which crept up to 141 in last 5 years. Belly fat I just couldn't shake. I was vegan 90% of the time. Which totally worked for me from ages 18 to 35! Weighed 123 -128. Then a few months ago I was diagnosed pre-diabetic. WHAT?! You don't have to have a weight problem for your body to stop metabolizing carbs well, owning to insulin issues. Anyway, I figured what the heck? Clearly what I've been doing has not been working! Let's shake it up!

    So, I researched like crazy and decided for me (and each person is soooo unique!) that I'd try high healthy fat and low carb. I remember thinking, "Yeah, right, me give up bread? popcorn? Never!" However, I cut waaay down on carbs and on Saturday, I do let myself have whatever carbs I want. For the first time in 17 years, ab fat is gone. Lost from 140.5 on June 29 to 132 as of Aug 10. I realize it's not an epic change, but it's sustainable, and I eat 1500 cals each day, except Saturday, when I eat whatever I want. By the way this is not a binge until I'm unconscious day! Just a day I know I'll get any treats I want. Keeps me on track, and weight loss slow, steady and sustainable.

    And, NO MORE cravings, and I'm not even hungry between meals. Nirvana, ladies. Absolute, dietary Nirvana. :smiley:
  • frankiesgirlie
    frankiesgirlie Posts: 669 Member
    The last 10 lbs, holy crud is it hard, But I will never give up!! Never ,never!
    I'm 5" 9" and 152 lbs. I consider my ideal weight to be 140 lbs, but haven't seen that on the scale for over 10 years.
    I'm new to MFP, but thought it may help me stay accountable with my calorie intake.
    I'm doing the Betty Rocker program,and just finished her 30 day challenge. I just started her 90 day challenge 3 days ago. You're not supposed to weigh yourself,and take photos throughout the challenge. I couldn't believe the
    changes in my body in 30 days when looking at the photos,but I'm having trouble staying away from the bathroom scale,and it shows me at the SAME weight I was when I started the 30 day challenge. I should throw my scales away!
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    edited August 2015
    Taleatia wrote: »

    I'm 5'4", 134 lbs. and about 24.5% body fat wanting to get down to 124 lbs. or around 20% body fat...which ever happens first or feels good really.

    That was me in my early 30s! What finally motivated me was working on a project in which I was rehearsing dances 12 hours a day, barely having time for 3 meals a day, and seeing how I looked when I suddenly turned up about ten pounds lighter. I think I never really believed it was physically possible for me to weight less than 130 pounds and be perfectly healthy before that. I decided to continue eating less, and being more active. I love it that no one ever says I'm big boned anymore.

    The best thing for me is to make a list of things that need done and stay busy. I clean house on the weekend, and build stuff because that sort of thing keeps me moving around. I've converted most of my work surfaces to standing up, like my desk and my painting easel. Getting out of the house entirely is good too. I don't snack much when I'm out, even if I'm not exercising, but I'm also usually walking around if I go shopping, or to a gallery.

  • hookerboots
    hookerboots Posts: 1 Member
    The struggle is real. I'm 5ft at 119lbs and trying to get to 110. Haven't logged for ages, and since I'm stuck I have to get back to it. For me, it's diet. I workout at least 5 days a week(3day split + whole body + HITT), walk to school/work/grocery (yay convenient location!). I try and do different classes whenever I get a Groupon or see a free one. I don't count them as "workouts", nor do I count walking around.

    I have a bunch of muscle, but still...the fat is killing me. The hardest part for me is keeping my calories low, but not so low I can't workout. I always assume the "calories burned estimate" is off by 10%. So if something says I burned 100, I change it to 90 to give wiggle room.

    Cut out candy, and chilling out with my diet soda intake. No booze.
  • soybruja
    soybruja Posts: 3 Member
    I'm 5'6" and 142 presently, struggling to take off last 10 pounds. Last month, before vacation I got online macro coach who set me up on carb cycling. It was really effective, lose 6 pounds in 4 weeks. I'm training at gym 3-4 x per week, bit of cardio. I think what really helped me was accountability of reporting progress every week.