
Eles697 Posts: 113 Member
I made this board. I have a 4 year old, 2 year old and 8 week old (I'm currently blaming the 4 year old and 8 week old for my extra 50 pounds). I live in eastern US and work full time (though currently on maternity leave for a few more weeks. Welcome to the board! Tell me (us? Someday?) about you!


  • SCJ10
    SCJ10 Posts: 10 Member
    Hey (: I am a Stay at home mom of a beautiful seven month old little girl. She is my only child. I am struggling with being a sahm because of being extremely independent my entire life, however it's all that will work with our current situation. While pregnant I did amazing with my weight and was back to pre-pregnancy numbers by the time she was two months old. Then I don't know what happened. Thirty pounds later I'm almost at full pregnancy weight without the baby to show for it. I just need motivation, support, anything really to help get out of the slump. I'm hoping to maybe make some friends & have people to talk to along the way. This is the first active moms group I've come across so here I am. (:
  • WildePillar
    WildePillar Posts: 120 Member
    SCJ10 wrote: »
    Hey (: I am a Stay at home mom of a beautiful seven month old little girl. She is my only child. I am struggling with being a sahm because of being extremely independent my entire life, however it's all that will work with our current situation. While pregnant I did amazing with my weight and was back to pre-pregnancy numbers by the time she was two months old. Then I don't know what happened. Thirty pounds later I'm almost at full pregnancy weight without the baby to show for it. I just need motivation, support, anything really to help get out of the slump. I'm hoping to maybe make some friends & have people to talk to along the way. This is the first active moms group I've come across so here I am. (:

    I'm the mother of a seven-month little girl as well :) I recently went back to work after a six-month-long maternity leave.
  • Eles697
    Eles697 Posts: 113 Member
    Hi both of you people. You seem nice and normal! I'm a bit jealous of the 7 month old part. I like it better when the baby can sit and play than when he stares and wants food and occasionally if you work hard enough will smile.
  • haepifeet
    haepifeet Posts: 20 Member
    Hi :) I'm a new first time mom, almost 3 weeks postpartum. I gained about 37lbs during pregnancy and due to breastfeeding am down about 15lbs. But I am in the 200s and am only 5'1! Hoping to ease back into moving my body little by little each week. Looking forward to connecting with other moms along the way.
  • Eles697
    Eles697 Posts: 113 Member
    haepifeet wrote: »
    Hi :) I'm a new first time mom, almost 3 weeks postpartum. I gained about 37lbs during pregnancy and due to breastfeeding am down about 15lbs. But I am in the 200s and am only 5'1! Hoping to ease back into moving my body little by little each week. Looking forward to connecting with other moms along the way.

    Nice to see you! It's hard to do too much at 3 weeks without feeling like your uterus is falling out your vagina (in my opinion), but it gets feeling normal pretty quickly. At 8 weeks I feel back to normal in most ways. Just too heavy!
  • PandaBWA
    PandaBWA Posts: 58 Member
    Hi! I have 2 children, my 3.5-year-old boy and my 20 month old daughter. My weight is what it was before the first pregnancy but I'm bigger (so much muscle is gone!). Trying to get to a point where I can run around with my kid outside without feeling like I ran a marathon. :)
  • SCJ10
    SCJ10 Posts: 10 Member

    I'm the mother of a seven-month little girl as well :) I recently went back to work after a six-month-long maternity leave.

    How Awesome! I went back to work for a couple of months but then things happened and I ended up without a sitter. Thank goodness my fiance can support us. I feel like i should really be looking good by now with how everyone says i have all this "free time" ha! They dont know my girl too well lol.
  • Eles697
    Eles697 Posts: 113 Member
    PandaBWA wrote: »
    Hi! I have 2 children, my 3.5-year-old boy and my 20 month old daughter. My weight is what it was before the first pregnancy but I'm bigger (so much muscle is gone!). Trying to get to a point where I can run around with my kid outside without feeling like I ran a marathon. :)

    Welcome! I agree with the increased fat:muscle ratio after these babies. I feel like jello everywhere especially since I wasn't terribly active during my pregnancies.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Hi mummies (or mommies as you're probably all in the US?). I'm Dawn, I'm a 37 year old secondary school French teacher from England. I've got 3 children - Jack is 6, Maya is 4 and Zoë is 15 months. I've been into exercise for years now, and I exercised through my first and third pregnancies, but I still gained weight. I've still got about 15lbs to lose to get to pre-pregnancy weight.

    I've been back at the gym since Zoë was 6 weeks old and I try to go at least 5 times a week. I've really improved my fitness and I like to push myself so I do a lot of circuits type classes, and try to do 2 PT sessions a week. I've just had the last 6 weeks off (benefits to being a teacher) and I had a year for maternity leave (this is what you're entitled to in England) so I've had a lot of time to work on my fitness.

    I've got a Fitbit so I aim to get 10,000 steps a day too, which is pretty easy with active kids :)
  • phoenixghost1
    phoenixghost1 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm a first time mom with a beautiful 7 month old little girl. I am back to work (part time) and juggling a busy grad school schedule and being a new mom. I still have a little bit of baby weight but needed to lose some weight before getting pregnant too. I finally decided that I wasn't going to wait for life to slow down (realized it probably never was going to anyways) and wanted to incorporate healthier living into my current crazy life.

    In my first phase of this journey I set a goal to lose 40 lbs by Christmas. I'm down 5 lbs since starting so here's to another 35 lbs!

    Feel free to add me. I can't promise I will always have inspiring diary post but I'm going to do whatever I can to stick with it and login every day.
  • mdrichardsons
    mdrichardsons Posts: 83 Member
    Hello all! SAHM of 3 kids. 11, 7, and 18 months. When I started in July I needed to lose 50lbs now just 34 lbs to go. I don't think I really ever lost the baby weight from my 11 year old (lol) not all of it at least. My stomach looks like a road map! Don't think I can do much for that but I'm learning to count calories, which I have never done before, and it's very empowering to feel in control. Glad to make some mommy friends.
  • Eles697
    Eles697 Posts: 113 Member
    Hi and welcome everyone! Hope we can lose together! I agree with you, phoenixghost, if you wait for the time when it will be easy you will die obese and waiting.
    Back in grad school I used to tell my boyfriend at the time that I couldn't keep my apartment clean because I was studying and working and just couldn't. He said that was bs; he said I just didn't feel it was a priority and asked when would I not be too busy? Never! He was right. Same with weight loss, I guess.
  • amarie210
    amarie210 Posts: 47 Member
    edited August 2015
    Hi! I have a 14 year old and a 4 month old. I am a stay at home mom now but going back to working overnights next month. I had about 20 lbs to lose when I got pregnant and proceeded to gain 45+lbs while pregnant! Time to do something about it!
  • caiti12
    caiti12 Posts: 47 Member
    Hi! I'm a working mom to a 4 year old and 1 year old. I actually gained weight when I returned to work in addition to weight gain during both pregnancies. I'm lucky to be working part time right now so despite the hit to our budget, I have time to focus a bit on me. I need to lose 100 pounds. I can blame my daughter (4 year old) for 60 of those but the pure amazement and privilege of carrying my babies is well worth the fact I still look pregnant and get asked about when I am due at least monthly. The thing I struggle with the most is making time for me and not putting my husband or children first. I know my health must be prioritized but I'm so use to making myself the last priority so putting myself first is a challenge but if I don't I'll never lose the weight and be the active mom in my heart I want to be.
  • teeboogie
    teeboogie Posts: 8 Member
    Hey moms! I'm excited to be a part of this group. I've been blaming the baby for a My first is 10 years old and my second is seven months old. With my first I gained 60 lbs and it stayed with me into this pregnancy. With this baby I gained 30 lbs and I lost over 30 lbs in the first 2 months after delivery. Started at 247 lbs and dropped to 213 lbs. Unfortunately I gained when I returned to work. The scale now reads 230 lbs. Now I can't fit the uniforms I just bought! My stomach is turning into something that there is no word for...stopped binding too soon I guess. This year I turned 40 and feel like I'm falling apart.
  • Eles697
    Eles697 Posts: 113 Member
    Welcome amarie, caiti and teeboogie! My sister lost 80 pounds a few years back and while weighing in the 130s and very fit she was still asked frequently if she was pregnant! She ended up getting surgery for rectus diastasis and all is right now!
  • anotherschroeder
    anotherschroeder Posts: 8 Member
    edited August 2015
    Hi, everyone!

    I'm jumping the gun a bit, but I'm 29 years old and due in about a week with my first. I'm trying to be proactive in getting rid of the baby weight, which is why I'm here!

    I'm carrying small (physically I look about 7 months pregnant, although I'm due next week; and baby is measuring a tad small, too), but still gained about 30 pounds (though I swear half of it is in my bra!) on my 5'6" frame. Before pregnancy, I was a kinda-sorta runner (5k, 10k, 15k, half marathon, sprint triathlon... but I'm not fast whatsoever!) but my sciatica flared up around week 20 so I turned into a bum!

    I plan on doing a combination of breastfeeding and pumping for at least 6 months (hopefully) but do plan on returning to work when my baby is ~3.5 months old, providing pumped milk to daycare.

    Anyway, I'm really glad to have started this new account here so I can get back to being active and be a fit mama!
  • Eles697
    Eles697 Posts: 113 Member
    Hi, everyone!

    I'm jumping the gun a bit, but I'm 29 years old and due in about a week with my first. I'm trying to be proactive in getting rid of the baby weight, which is why I'm here!

    I'm carrying small (physically I look about 7 months pregnant, although I'm due next week; and baby is measuring a tad small, too), but still gained about 30 pounds (though I swear half of it is in my bra!) on my 5'6" frame. Before pregnancy, I was a kinda-sorta runner (5k, 10k, 15k, half marathon, sprint triathlon... but I'm not fast whatsoever!) but my sciatica flared up around week 20 so I turned into a bum!

    I plan on doing a combination of breastfeeding and pumping for at least 6 months (hopefully) but do plan on returning to work when my baby is ~3.5 months old, providing pumped milk to daycare.

    Anyway, I'm really glad to have started this new account here so I can get back to being active and be a fit mama!

    Welcome! Congrats on your first! Let us know when he/she comes!
  • afLMC1990
    afLMC1990 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! I'm Lindsay, I have a 2 year old daughter and a 12 week old son. Exclusively breastfeeding/pumping. I am active duty military. I am currently 137lbs and want to get back to 110 (I was 117 before getting pregnant). :)
  • Eles697
    Eles697 Posts: 113 Member