Long-term effects of a ketogenic diet in obese patients



  • pennell12
    pennell12 Posts: 190 Member
    I struggle with studies and all that

    I have two years of six month blood tests and wot with my internal medicine specialist

    I know how Low Carb with even fat and protein works on me.

    It may seem uncaring, but I really do not care about convincing someone else to try it

    They would have to have been diabetic and then exercise at a level most people just won't do.

    It does work. It seems low carb and exercise fixed blood pressure, cholesterol, resting heart rate, excess fat, adding muscle, circulatory health, VO2 Max

    In the words of my doctor. You get 5 years younger at every annual physical.

    Low Carb does work. I think if you are like me and doing body recomposition you need to up the protein. But the core of low carb is the key for metabolic changes

    Maybe it is just too simple?

    I think we are all in agreement with what you say.

    My issue is my doctor's nurse sent me a letter that wanting me to retest because:

    - Increase in Total Cholesterol

    - Increase in LDL cholesterol (‘bad’ cholesterol)

    - Increase in HDL cholesterol (‘good’ cholesterol)

    - Decrease in triglycerides

    She states these results are unusual and the doctor wants you to retest and you may have to cut the fats in your diet and does want you to cut your fats before the retest.

    My guess the decrease in triglycerides and increase in HDL was not expected by them with the increase in total cholesterol. There are pockets in the VA that knows LCHF and I will try to reach them before my 11th Sep retest. I did not see the mail until late last night and did a lot of researching.

    I am working to learn how to teach. :)

    Isn't it the ratios that are most important and not the overall cholesterol. Also, when HDL Good Choselerol goes UP then trigs go DOWN. That's a good thing!

  • pennell12
    pennell12 Posts: 190 Member
    Gale..good luck with the VA…I just talked with a nephrologist who wants me to one back to the VA and retest my kidney function… the last two medical staff wanted me to add carbs, and this and that… I have resisted completely <I am Borg>

    I even told her I am NOT going to eat more carbs and all the RD's do is PUSH 60% carbs..so what is the point? She assured me we will "tweak my diet"….I am high in potassium, without eating any foods that are high…so I will do what I can to support a failing kidney,

    She talked about my " recovering from a very poor function"…well that DID NOT happen by itself… I switched to a plant based LCHF which reduced oxidative stress of meat waste…dropped meds, and focused on keeping carbs very low.kq8diczg6sc5.jpg

    Thanks for sharing. Did you recover from poor kidney function via LCHF?

  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    It can be determined to be against medical advice any insurance (all types) usually refuse to pay. Thereby in a sense making the Peron, who is making detrimental decisions, at least accept the medical recommendations to ensure insurance payments For the uninsured it's a whole different story. But, when someone is making those detrimental decisions regarding their health, or the health of others, they can be held for 72 hours, with forced medical care (at least in Mississippi), then a judge decides the future of your care on a case by case basis. There are instances of forced medical care, they just aren't frequent and dont get talked about much. Plus, most of us wouldn't choose things that would be detrimental to our health anyway! :smile:
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    edited August 2015

    This seems to be a fairly new LCHF conference speech. I know saturated fats are associated with increased in cardiovascular disease.

    Eating a ton of saturated fat this has been a HUGE nagging concern of mine.

    This session covers that it is the saturated fat that is in our blood and tissues that increases heart disease.

    The source of this saturated fat is not from saturated fat that we eat but is from "carbs" that we over eat and the body converts to saturated fat. Being insulin resistant means we convert even more extra carbs to saturated fats.

    After a year and about 500 hours of reading research that I have found on diet subjects I think the story is starting to come clear as to the source of saturated fat in our blood and tissues is from excess carbs that we eat.
    KETOGENICGURL Posts: 687 Member
    edited August 2015
    Pennell asked: Did you recover from poor kidney function via LCHF?

    ?? I specifically said: "I switched to a plant based LCHF which reduced oxidative stress of meat waste…dropped meds, and focused on keeping carbs very low."

    Losing weight also slows renal problems.

    Multiple Pubmed studies describe the difference of "veggie based" vs "meat based" LC as to how the kidneys are burdened in removing wastes. And because FATS are the the critical aspect of any LCHF diet..then the type of protein you eat outside of fat should be based on personal nutrition needs.

    Healthy people can chow down on as much meat as they like……but I do not see those people here.

    This is why knowing your kidney function when you begin is valuable to your long term health.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    I think meat can be harder on the kidneys. Typically 6 pieces of bacon is it for me daily. Being 64 means mine have filtered many gallons/liters of blood more than a young person.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    edited August 2015
    My last blood test showed elevated cholesterol. My doctor wanted to put me on medication, but I asked her to leave it for now and retest in 6 months. I don't know how to explain to her that it's normal for LCHF and not an issue.

    Your cholesterol goes up (or into chaos) while you are actively losing weight. There are whole threads on that within this group. There are some ratios that are better indicators of risks etc. But until your weight has been stable 6 months, to me those results don't mean a hill of beans, really. Other than the improvements in HDL and trigs. LDL goes up as part of the process...

    So long confusing comment later, remind them you are still actively losing weight, and that you'd prefer not to worry about it until your weight has been stable a while. Most medical professionals at least know that much.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member


    The formatting is a bit strange but I have never seen so much detailed medical views/info in one place. Dr. Richard Head M.D. is listed at the author and I am assuming it is the one below.

    The below is from chapter 27

    "Another appetite stimulator is the ingestion of trilycerides (a form of fat). Normally the brain uses glucose for its energy source. With obesity, the blood is filled with high amounts of triglycerides which act on the brains reward areas causing overconsumption of sugary and fatty foods. It also causes a decrease in locomotive activity yet the desire for food remains. This action is similar to drug addiction and acts on the same area of the brain"
  • DittoDan
    DittoDan Posts: 1,850 Member
    @wabmester I want to see the breakdown anyway. I was told the VA does not do the particle size/count so I will see. Hopefully I will find the hospital that has done some LCHF research. Ken Sikari's presentation got me off to a good start to be able to talk doctor to doctor hopefully.

    Hi Gale,

    While I was on the plane for many hours going to and from China, I read most of a book called, Cholesterol Clarity. What an eye opener that was! I highly recommend everyone to chill out about Lipid panels. Especially if they start a Keto diet and are in the process of losing weight. The book points out that most doctors don't know what their talking about and that your lipids get all wacky during the pendency of losing weight on a Keto diet. And the medical establishment is using very old data/studies/research. There's just too much in the book to list here.

    Get the book on Kindle or whatever. And its easy to read. Parts of it get a little technical, but I think it is a great read.

    Keep calm and Keto on!

    I hope this helps,
    Dan the Man from Michigan
    Keto / IF / E.A.S.Y. Exercise Program
    103 pounds down, 21 to go.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    Thanks Dan. I will read it and his keto book this week
  • KittensMaster
    KittensMaster Posts: 748 Member
    Main long term effect of long term low carb diet on obese me ?

    No longer obese

    I like the September KISS challenge

    If it works and feels good...

    I'm going to say it world for me and ride it.