end of challenge



  • nannersp61
    nannersp61 Posts: 2,315 Member
    I hope September goes better than August.
    Starting weight 200. Goal weight by September 30
  • Nnsando
    Nnsando Posts: 65 Member
    I'm in for September, hopefully it will be better, down 4 pounds, didn't reach my goal
  • Yoshirio
    Yoshirio Posts: 242 Member
    I reached my August goal of 191. I am going to go for an 8 pound loss in September.So by the 30th-183.
  • NyeMye
    NyeMye Posts: 138 Member
    Yay! I reached my goal! :) Congratulations to the rest of you. Even if you didn't reach your goal, you stuck with the challenge, and that's something! For September, my goal is to lose 4 more pounds, but I would love to lose about 7 pounds. I find that if I set my goals too high, I get discouraged when I don't reach them, but if I surpass them, then that's just an added bonus. Four pounds is definitely attainable.
  • aamundsoncpa
    aamundsoncpa Posts: 77 Member
    I'm back to where I started. I guess not tracking well the 2nd half of August sabotaged my efforts. Here's to a better September!!
  • ATHLegal
    ATHLegal Posts: 352 Member
    I wanna see how well we can do by the end of September.
  • ATHLegal
    ATHLegal Posts: 352 Member
    I'm down 13.5 pounds
  • simquilts2
    simquilts2 Posts: 34 Member
    Down 4 lbs, my goal was 8 lbs. I'm all in for September and my goal for the month will be 5 lbs (but trying for more). Hope this new goal is more realistic and I will be able to meet it. Glad to see so many of you did so well!
  • nashelsky
    nashelsky Posts: 28 Member
    Wow, I didn't lose much for a couple weeks then this week the scale more than budged! I ended up weighing in a half pound lighter than my goal, but I'm just going to track it as my goal weight since I usually don't track my lowest the first day it appears (too many fluctuations, gets disappointing if I don't stay at that weight until a week from now). Great job everyone! Even if you didn't reach your goal - something is better than nothing. Keep putting in the work and it will pay off!
  • mommyknits
    mommyknits Posts: 166 Member
    I was down 8.7 (my goal was 5) and it represented a 3% of total bodyweight. I'm happy. Going for 5 lbs again in September. It will be harder because I will start having less time to work out.
  • bringon30
    bringon30 Posts: 75 Member
    I didn't reach my goal. Looking back, I realize that it was unrealistic anyway. I can't lose as quickly now that I'm nearing my goal weight, and. I forgot that when I set my goal. So, my new goal....

    I started in August at 135.2
    Last weigh in for August 134.4 (I could have done a little better)
    Goal for end of September is 131

    Good luck to everyone for next month!
  • SpicyBaconCake
    SpicyBaconCake Posts: 96 Member
    edited August 2015
    Start weight was 200.3
    Ok, so Saturday weigh in, was 192.4 and end of August today was 190.6.
    Goal was 192... So, I win! Gonna be aiming for 182 for September :smile:
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,868 Member
    I didn't reach my goal. Was on a plateau for two weeks and cut out alcohol and lost 1.5 pounds this week. Hope to carry the momentum into September. Thanks again for setting this up!
  • kldickison
    kldickison Posts: 9 Member
    Been a bad month for me. Gained 2 lbs. Starting today going to try harder and set my goal for sept. To lose 5 lbs.
  • Rach_B_81
    Rach_B_81 Posts: 38 Member
    I did better then I thought I would.
    August sw:160
    Cw: 153
    September goal: 145
  • caranais
    caranais Posts: 101 Member
    Didn't do as well as I had hoped in August, I'm in for a better September I hope
  • WicklowWanderer
    WicklowWanderer Posts: 247 Member
    I made it to 167.5, going to try for a loss of 5 lbs again this month. There is a 5 night holiday to Portugal in a couple weeks but I don't foresee major damage!
  • mystgrl1604
    mystgrl1604 Posts: 117 Member
    Im down 4.6lbs. goal was 8lbs so was a bit disappointing but hey ho.
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,723 Member
    Sept 1 -- 142.2
    Sept 30 - 135.0
  • Crua7
    Crua7 Posts: 28 Member
    Current Weight 238 (-11 for August)
    Sept Goal 233
    "I'm not overweight, I'm just nine inches too short." Shelley Winters