Weekly Weigh-In August 30-September 5

SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member
Here's to another week Losers!! Let's make it count!!!!


  • edellaratta
    edellaratta Posts: 565 Member
    Good luck everyone!!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Sorry I won't be checking this week. We are doing our last sailing cruise for the season and leaving on Wednesday. I guess
    I could give a weight on Tuesday instead. We just got back from a wedding at a winery which was lovely.

    Okay maybe I will check in on Tuesday instead of Thursday. Good luck everyone!
  • Angelfire365
    Angelfire365 Posts: 803 Member
    SW: 280
    GSW: 218.4
    CW: 208

    Up 4.4 lbs this week. Blew it this weekend; binged like no tomorrow. No worries; it'll be gone by next week!
  • SeeAhtter787
    SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member
    That's ok angelfire. New week. New you.
  • Eninad
    Eninad Posts: 204 Member
    Starting weight 250
    Challenge starting weight 201.8
    Goal for challenge 180
    7/7/15 weight 201.8
    7/14/15 weight 201.6
    7/21/15 weight 200.4
    7/27/15 weight 201.6
    8/4/15 weight 198.8
    8/11/15 weight 196.6
    8/18/15 weight 196
    8/25/15 weight 195.6
    9/1/15 weight 195.8

    To be expected. My calories are up, my exercise is zero, but I feel I've done well anyway. My friend in the coma, only 53, did pass away and so this Sunday I made her homemade biscuit recipe and added some toasts in farewell. August has been hard, full of cortisol and worry, but it hasn't been a full off wagon tumble and for that I am grateful. I'm still continuing, I'm still under 200. Progress not Perfection.... and as my departed friend would say, "Beloved, you've so got this!"

    I do, KG, I do.
  • slw19
    slw19 Posts: 513 Member

    @Eninad so sorry about your friend:( I think you and I are about the same age, just starting to hear more and more bad things happening. it is so great that you didn't fall off the wagon. you should feel really great about you right now.

    @Angelfire365 we all hit the wall sometimes, just keep going!!

    so I am going to own my gain as well! I have been waiting to post until I can report a loss but that is just not happening:( maybe if I own the gain I can move forward.

    7/7 149.6
    7/14 148.2
    7/21 148.8
    7/28 149.2
    8/4 146.2
    8/11 146.8
    8/18 147.0
    8/25 148.4
    9/1 148.6

    I know it is just about 2lbs, but need to keep moving in the right direction!!!! lets go ladies!!!

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I will be going away again tomorrow for 6 days sailing with our sailing club members. So I will pass on weighing in this week
    since I will not be here and have a scale. I did get on the scale this morning and was down a pound. Many more pounds to
    go. I will be getting serious the week of September 7th.

    Good luck everyone this week. I hope to be here more and motivate you all.

  • Angelfire365
    Angelfire365 Posts: 803 Member
    Shirley, a sailing club? That sounds like all kinds of fun!! Do you all have sailing boats, or do you get together on the same one every time? I don't live anywhere near a coastline. Need to find me a hiking club. . .
  • cathrynw
    cathrynw Posts: 24 Member
    @Eninad I am so very sorry for your loss, I'm keeping you in my prayers.

    @slw19 sometimes I feel exactly the same way... That's why it took me to Thursday to officially weigh in.

    This week was tough, I was away all last weekend into Monday for a wedding. I tried to prepare and being exercise clothes and my swimsuit to even go swimming for extra exercise but somehow I never made time. Anyway, after my weigh in last Monday I started seeing numbers as low as 212.5! So I know I'll be there soon... I'll accept my lose and hope for 5 times that next week!

    Starting weight MFP: 219
    Challenge start weight: 212.4
    Goal for this challenge: 193.4
    This week's weigh in: 214.8

    Lost .4 this week, a lose is a lose though right!
    My goal this week is to exercise 3 times, any kind of exercise!

  • Eninad
    Eninad Posts: 204 Member
    Cat, you can do it! Staying the course means eventually, inevitably you'll be lower on that scale.
    You are trying to get Onderland this challenge, right?

    ::::pushes Cat closer to the looking glass:::
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    ANGELFIRE- We we all have our own boats. On the cruises we have a reciprocal where we exchange boats with
    another club. Yes it is a lot of fun and alot of food and drinks which causes weight gain. :(

    See you next week and back to normal.

  • edellaratta
    edellaratta Posts: 565 Member
    No loss this week. Not happy with that! Happy labor day weekend!
  • vicky1947mfp
    vicky1947mfp Posts: 1,527 Member
    Just checking in.

    Still 5 lbs below maintenance goal. You guys are a great inspiration to me to stick with this since I reached maintenance on May 31.

    Hope things are going well for each one of you and we have some more maintainers soon.

    I am still logging every day and still walking over 10,000 steps daily plus the occasional class at the Y. CICO!!!

    Happy Labor Day to all.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,991 Member
    Just checking in....I am nursing an injury and haven't been able to walk the dogs or dance for days. I've struggled to keep my calories down with no exercise to offset it. Fortunately I have no big life stresses to compound the challenge

    @Eninad I am so sorry about your friend. It looks like you know the ways to keep her in your heart <3