need motivation

ive always been athletic and within the past year ive lost my mojo to get back working out.. needing alittle movitivation plz!


  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    Take one day at a time. You can do it. Believe in yourself. Take baby steps. The finish line will always be there. You got this!
  • FitFoodzilla
    FitFoodzilla Posts: 7 Member
    I can relate as my mojo comes and goes too. I agree taking one day at a time is key. Good luck!
  • bmayes2014
    bmayes2014 Posts: 232 Member
    Maybe try something new? Like lifting, zumba, training for a race, swimming? I would say try anything new that you find fun will get you excited to go! Sometimes for me, all I need is a new playlist to get excited. good luck