Kinda quiet in here



  • carimiller7391
    carimiller7391 Posts: 1,091 Member
    Wendy... Wow 6 inches off your hips and 3 off your waist. Amazing!!! You go girlfriend. Will continue to keep you in prayer that everything stays benign.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    Just curious if any of you folks with cancer risks or survivors of cancer have considered adding kombucha to your daily consumption? I know it is not a cure-all or any wacky thing like that, but it does have very proven gut restorative properties (which is where most of our immune system comes from), and all that... I've recently been exploring this avenue for other reasons, and just wanted to offer this info... For the most part, it is very unlikely to "not help," excepting special conditions. Admittedly, it is an acquired taste, but it didn't take long for me to acquire it (less than a week and I'm hooked!)...
  • kaihunter45
    kaihunter45 Posts: 192 Member
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »
    Just curious if any of you folks with cancer risks or survivors of cancer have considered adding kombucha to your daily consumption? I know it is not a cure-all or any wacky thing like that, but it does have very proven gut restorative properties (which is where most of our immune system comes from), and all that... I've recently been exploring this avenue for other reasons, and just wanted to offer this info... For the most part, it is very unlikely to "not help," excepting special conditions. Admittedly, it is an acquired taste, but it didn't take long for me to acquire it (less than a week and I'm hooked!)...

    I've actually never heard of it until now. ~k. :)
  • JayCeeNow
    JayCeeNow Posts: 3 Member
    Hello all.

    I just joined this group today... I have a lot of weight to lose and I'm determined to get it done. I've done it before... Went from 334 to 205... Got married, and pregnant (miracle baby they said I couldn't have).... Think I used pregnancy as an excuse to eat and indulge. Had my daughter 15 months ago and have been steadily gaining ever since. I am 310 pounds as of last Monday, and I desperately need to fix this. So, I am on my "re-diet" (losing weight I've already lost, darn it!

    I live out here in Phoenix Arizona, and it's just oh-so-hot<--I could melt! The weight does NOT make that any easier to tolerate either. It's just me and my daughter. My motivation this time isn't JUST myself--it's also her. I want to be healthy to live a long life with her. I want to have the energy to take her places and do things, to get on the floor and play with her more than I currently do. I try, but it's oh-so-hard.

    I'm looking for new friends, people to share encouraging words. I don't generally go into these chats and say much, but I will interact on profiles as I see updates pop up. Either way, my newsfeed/home page is empty and lonely and I definitely need to find some weight-loss-journey friends!

    Thanks, and hope you will send me a friend request :)
  • carimiller7391
    carimiller7391 Posts: 1,091 Member
    Welcome to the group!!!! Don't be shy. NO Need, we're all in the same boat. Lost, regained and or gained more like I did. Some are very lucky to hit their personal goal in one shot. Life normally steps in and throws a curve ball.
  • kaihunter45
    kaihunter45 Posts: 192 Member
    Like most of us, I could write a book on the curve balls!