Need help, support, MOTIVATION

Hi there, been on this site on and off but never last longer than a couple of days. Always think there is a better and faster way to lose weight but then can't last longer than a day or week before I mess up and binge. Have 2 kids, 3 and 2 (13 months apart). All it takes is a bad night, or day and it sends me off on a sugar binge. Also the fact that I am not as busy anymore (well busy in a different way) I don't have the distraction method to keep me occupied. My weight just keeps on creeping up and up and I am 1 kg away from hitting 100kgs!! which i didn't even get to when i was pregnant!!! ahhhhh!!! Feel like i am drowning and don't know how to swim. Everyday I just keep on eating more and more. Where do i go from here?


  • reneemichael
    reneemichael Posts: 80 Member
    There is a group of about 20-30 who are doing a 13 week challenge. This might be something you would like to join. Search for "Fall Weight Loss Challenge 2015" - we are 6 days in to this 13 week challenge so it definitely isn't too late to join in! It's free and and on Sept 1 we introduced ourselves and our starting weight and 13 week goal. We'd love for you to join too! It has been great motivation for me so far!